my amtrak ride


Active Member
I'm at day two of a ten day trip we had all types of issues. The first train hit a huge tree and busted 13 windows including our own. So after a 3.5 hr delay were back on time enroute and I can't complain. I'm loving it. Got a big o sack in my pocket even had k9's sniffing me , no problem meet a bunch of people who its been fun, if your single of all ages there's plenty of that for ya. The dinner car foods good , as always prices are .gonna be a bit higher for booze ect. But if your sneaky and know how to be on the d.l. its a awesome way to travel. All I know is I wish I brought the tincture no joke smoking is a challenge unless u are peeped and hop off at each stop mad quick but u have to.walk by a conducter that could smell it on u at each stop since u only have.3-5 mins to smoke. Maybe have a drive and joint going same time or a pinch hitter. Tamo
The air vents in the toilet in the bathroom often sucks air straight out, I usually smoke in there, or a few rips between cars. 10 day trip, taking the trans siberian?
Sounds like ur having fun. You should have grabbed my iolite before you left!!!! So where to?
He better have fun! I would have killed to take that tripped in my hay day.

That sounds like an adventure already Tamo, hopefully you guys can shake that out. There has got to be a spot on the train you can sneak off to, although I've never been on a "real" train before. Just the one up to bean town. Maybe find the friendliest looking conductor/ticket checker. ;)

Have fun my brother.
I'm at day two of a ten day trip we had all types of issues. The first train hit a huge tree and busted 13 windows including our own. So after a 3.5 hr delay were back on time enroute and I can't complain. I'm loving it. Got a big o sack in my pocket even had k9's sniffing me , no problem meet a bunch of people who its been fun, if your single of all ages there's plenty of that for ya. The dinner car foods good , as always prices are .gonna be a bit higher for booze ect. But if your sneaky and know how to be on the d.l. its a awesome way to travel. All I know is I wish I brought the tincture no joke smoking is a challenge unless u are peeped and hop off at each stop mad quick but u have to.walk by a conducter that could smell it on u at each stop since u only have.3-5 mins to smoke. Maybe have a drive and joint going same time or a pinch hitter. Tamo
i was riding the south shore to the chi last summer and we hit a little escort driving around the crossing arm's.killed a baby and two adult's.idiot's in too big of a kid's were on the train and after roughly a two wait we rode right past the car that was still on the track'sand my 7 yr old son seen the blood soaked seat's with baby toy's all over the track' wife and i told our four boy's to keep their head's down but he looked up anyway's as we rode past.8^(
That's crazy, I've heard a few horror stories from frequent passengers myself. But that one tops em all. Anywho were under a hour from Chicago and I'm sweating , grungy and ready to stretch my legs a bit. We met a few older couples that refused to let us pay for food and booze definetly the best part of the Boston to Chicago trip. I think were almost near the great lakes so hopefully I get a shot. More info to come. Tamo
I'll have to let you try my magic flight launch box when you get back. LBH is right on with the iOlite, but I've found the MFLB to be great for the vape on the go. Get some higher capacity rechargeable batteries, no smoke, no fire. No one even knows what you're doing, unless they are in the know. :-D

See ya soon, buddy.

Keep your head low T, next time take some tainted cookies or something. Try to enjoy the journey.
Im all about the iolite , I own one but I thought the security was gonna be up my ass but it turns out that if u have a quality ticket no ones gonna mess with u. I also forgot to mention that my buds are on a vacumn sealed bag. Dude I'm jounsen bad but i can drown it out with the booze which it seems they can careless about how trashed u are.
you know the rules-

have fun and don't get hurt.

Long story short, smoked a bone on the platform in st. Louise and before me and the three others I was with. The staff rushes us all phyco like and throws us off the train, the Amtrak police goes thru everyone's shit and steals my booze which I am allowed to have since we had a sleeper. A male cop frisked my girl and quite literally was trying to provoke me to knock his ass out with treats such as I taser u everytime I asked a common sense question. Like how can u throw us off a train with zero evidence. 4 people were takin off a train because someone elegidly was smoking pot. When I get home I'm going all out. I had to book a hotel and buy 2 one way tickets to Austin by bus. Total spent cause the trains staff are scumbags 600 dollars. I don't see how anyone gets the right to remove u without evidence or any crimes being commited, when I called Amtrak they had no record of the event. I'm just not gonna mess with them till we are home. But agian Fuck Amtrak.
sorry to hear about this Tamorin . I travel with cookies all the time , never once a problem .Let me know if you change yr mind about my friends in Chicago ... be weLL