My Attempts at SnowRyder


grown under three 100w CLF's till she way two weeks then i moved it to a 1000w hps where she has entered into her final weeks of harvest the buds are full of trichromes but the buds them selves r not very big hoping to find out of there is ne thing i can do in the last few weeks to get the buds to grow bigger


Well-Known Member
you need to give some background... what were you growing in? closet, cabinet, patio... ect. what kind of soil were you using? what kind of nutrients were you using? what kind of lighting were you using? what was the temp of the area where it was growing? more information from you equals more information from everyone here.


i grow it in miracle potting soil after a germination under 3 100w daylight CLF's after a good two weeks of 18/6 i moved then in to a 44oz John Cena cup cause thats what i figured would be good for it seeing on how its a short plant. been on 12/12 for bout tens weeks now and i am starting to change down to 14/ 10 cause i feel it should be further than where its at. but the buds r still very small as u can see on the pic it was kept in a hidden second room about 3x4x6 under a 100ow hps with two fans circulating air around room usually stay 80 degrees while on and down to 74 at night and also have a fan on the light started on 1 tsp fert of 3-12-6 but plant didnt take well so removed fert and has been doing great since but i just feel the bud could be bigger. the ph is a consistant 6.3


Well-Known Member
I think it looks like it should for being under 100w... I mean you could get twice that with a 400w... but the plant looks healthy so the only thing working against you is the light... and what people will say... SOIL... but I will be the judge of that... I am growing a test... check out my thread. :) so more light = more bud...
Yeah autos you run at 20/4 the full time that was the issue. Bummer bro,youre auto looks like it had potential to be a real good yielder. Its all good tho


Damn it I messed up but thanks for all the help I will use all of this with my next grow, in all I got an ounce from her and it was pretty good but I think it could of been better, I post some of my blackberry here in a little thanks u guys