My baby is burned!!!!


Well-Known Member
I came home from work and I noticed that one of my plants was touching the light (60watt CFL). Obviously I raised my light up, but I noticed that there was just a few MINOR burn marks on two leaves. My plants are 12 days old and are looking GREAT!! Will these minor burns affect the growth of my plant? By the way, I'm growing white Russian.


New Member
it'll live and continue to grow. If the leaf isn't dead leave it on there for now. If it gets to looking like the leaf is more dead than alive then go ahead and remove that one.

Happy Stranger

Active Member
Others are more knowledgeable than I am, but I'd imagine that it may well slow down early vegetative growth by a couple of days, but that it will not ultimately effect your yield. Just watch it closely and give it the resources necessary to recover.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I burnt half a cola once, I just took off the crispy parts. The rest was fine. ;-)