My baby is sick, help! (pics)

Hello all,

I recently inherited a plant from a friend who had to leave for basic training, and I am having a couple small problems with it. It was growing outdoors when he had it, but I have switched it to indoors under 2x 27 w and 1x 40w cfl's. I would imagine this could cause some stress from the move outdoors to indoors, but I am not really sure because I have not been able to find much information on that. The plant is about two months old.

Sorry for the shitty pictures, I couldnt find my camera so I had to use my phone. The first problem is in the second picture, its hard to see but by my finger, and in several other places there is a discoloration that is a brownish orange almost like it is burnt. The second problem is that I burned several of the lower leaves as you can see in the 3rd picture, and I am wondering what I should do about that. I am buying a ph tester today as well as some nutes if anyone has any suggestions on the nutes? and I know this might not be the right spot but I was wondering if anyone could tell me if this plant is to far along to lst or if i should just do some fimming?

Thank you in advance for any advice possible.



Well-Known Member
Nothing serious with that plant.. If you're going to use a walmart nute a 10-10-10 for veg is OK, but strong, so only nute once a week, starting at a month old and starting at 1/4 strength.. better nutes = easier grow...

Thats a good plant to LST...repot and when you do tilt plant at 45 degree angle and tie... see LST "charts" in my sig... Luck.
Hey, thanks a lot, ill be leaving shortly to get some supplies. I forgot to mention that there are several of those discolorations on different leaves, not sure if that makes a difference? Also, does it look overwatered? I think the previous owner was watering it daily, but I'm not sure because I forgot to ask and don't have contact with him for a few weeks.
-thanks much


Well-Known Member
A new home.. and water every 3rd day or so , depends on mix and with right PH it should do fine... Later..:)

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Outdoors to in should not cause any problems but indoors to out can. Make sure your ph is between 6.0 and 6.8 for soil and dont over water. It looks a little wet which causes the drooping and the distorted leaves is usually from a ph problem. The biggest problems with new growers is over watering and over feeding. Too wet causes root rot and over feeding causes deficencys. Water after the soil drys and your pots feel light when you pick them up and do like Twisty said and start nutes at 1/4 strenght and only feed every other time.
Thanks a lot guys! I am leaving for the stores now to get some nutes, ph meter, new pot, and another two lights. But I have another question, I had not noticed it until just now but you can kind of see it in the second picture right by my finger, but the stems coming from each of the leaves have a purpleish color/unhealthy look to it, is this caused by something or just part of the growing process and normal?
OK, so I repotted and added another 23w cfl and gave it nutrients at 1/2 strength. but the plant seems to be doing much worse, the leaves are drooping and each of the stems is purple and shrivled up, its hard to see but the second picture shows it. Also two sets of leaves have this wierd splotching thats like a black/brown that you can see in the last picture a little. anyone have any ideas, please?!

