My backyard girl.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

Here is a picture of my plant in my backyard. She is a Greenhouse Big Bang. Started her in the house under a 23 watt c.f.l. back in the last week of April and planted her outside the last week of May. She's thriving in black top soil, composted cattle manure and lots of perlite with a thick top coat of mulch and fed once a week G.O. nutes. I've never seen fan leaves this big. The picture doesn't do her justice. She started growing very tall(about one meter now) but in the last week she's really began filling out, lots of side branches emerging. I can't stress enough the need to harden seedlings off before full sun. Anyhow has anybody grown this strain outdoors? I'll keep you all posted on her progress.




Well-Known Member
I wish she were a bit out in the open. Those large sun leaves plus lack of long side branches make her perfect for LST. LST is just bending the plants main and side stem to cover as much area as possible. Bending her toward the north to an angle of 45 degrees would nearly double her footprint. She's really a picture of beautiful vigor. I plant and train all my plants as described, even in my greenhouses.


Well-Known Member
I've got 2 Big Bangs growing outside this year. So Far I am not overly impressed with them compared to some other strains but it's sitll early. I've left one alone and the other I've topped, bent and tied down branches. I also have 2 the Church from GH and although they got off to a rough start they are bouncing back nicely.
Good Luck!!


Well-Known Member
She does look grand, but a little yellow on the leaves, suggesting its time for some Cal mag or Epsom salts at next watering will do you and her well.

I prefer to leave the plants in a pot, just so you may relocate her in your garden as the sun sweeps thru?


Well-Known Member
I'm growing a pack of Big Bangs guerrilla style at the moment. One has turned into a freaking monster it's 6 feet tall at the moment and still growing.The other one I've been LSTing just as an experiment seems like it likes it or at the very least tolerates it well.


Well-Known Member
Thanks All,

Positive input always appreciated! She gets a great deal of full sunlight, I wish she could have all mother nature offered, however nosey neighbors seem to always win. Seems to be the more quiet and reclusive you are the more these assholes try to figure out what you're all about. Anyhow, a shot of cal-mag is in the works and I will keep you updated on her progress.

Thanks again,



Well-Known Member
Hey All,

Here's an update on my Big Bang. She's really filling out. Got quite a stretch happening right now. She's about six and a half feet tall at this point. I hope she slow's down . Anyway, enjoy the pictures.

Sherman420 IMG_00000214.jpgIMG_00000218.jpg IMG_00000218.jpg IMG_00000214.jpg IMG_00000218.jpg