My best friend came back, then stole my girlfriend


Active Member
That's some crazy shit I had an ex cheat on me with one of my homies so i did the dumping and i after that I went and smoked a bowl and called up my hot lesbian friend then we got really faded and picked up some her other hot lesbian friend man good times good times


Well-Known Member
fuck him and fuck her.

Given the past with the friend, I personally would tell him to fuck off to his face.


Active Member
fuck him and fuck her.

Given the past with the friend, I personally would tell him to fuck off to his face.

i agree with that yo good thing my friend from the 4th grade didnt do that to me or i wouldve just mind fucked him and convince him to kill himself lol


Well-Known Member
i agree with that yo good thing my friend from the 4th grade didnt do that to me or i wouldve just mind fucked him and convince him to kill himself lol
shit personally i would be so heated i would confront him and if he didn't have some real convincing words to say he would 99% most likely be gettin knocked out... fuck em no real friend does shit like that


Well-Known Member
Really?I know more women who cheat then stay faithful.This world is crazy now.Faithful is for people over 40.If you are still young you still can get some.
And this is why our country is going to hell. If faithfulness is only for those over 40, then everyone else is cheating? Your advice on growing dope is usually spot on, but your relationship advice is pathetic... lol Heaven forbid that gays earn the right to wed in all 50 states, I know how devastating that will be to the institute of marriage.... snicker...


Well-Known Member
shit personally i would be so heated i would confront him and if he didn't have some real convincing words to say he would 99% most likely be gettin knocked out... fuck em no real friend does shit like that
Really? Seems most men think with their fucking penis. Who is to say that she didn't approach the friend? That's the problem with hot chicks, everybody else wants to bed them. They know they're hot and if you aren't worshipping at their feet, they are off to some other swinging dick.

cut the buddy some slack. He served our country for 4 years and was probably in dire need of the twang. I'm sure he feels terrible. lol

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Should have fucked her better. A bitch won't jump on a dudes dick if you fuck her so good she can't feel her legs. It's science. I wouldn't trade my ferarri for a lamborghini...what would be the point?

Your friends a piece of shit. He was in the service. He needs to show some of that respect her learned. Mind fuck his ass.

The girl? Cunt. Tell everyone she gave you clamida.


Well-Known Member
He's obviously fucking her right now, I honestly hope he gets her pregnant :-). That would be the perfect karma for their little rendezvous. Seeing her get all fat in that little body...ahhh....She's superficial so that would just eat her up, literally. Then my friend could figure out how to support her with his broken ass van and no college or real job skills. Then they could wallow in their own misery and reflect upon the circumstances that lead them to that spot.

Oh believe me, I've thought up some fucked up revenge plans. This girl used to go to a rough high school where kids would get jumped and shit. For protection she hung around with a tough crowd and did illegal errands for them, in return she was safe at school. She's left that part of her life behind her, and she's doing hair styling. I know those areas she used to frequent, and I'm sure the people in that area would sure remember her. Now just maybe, a whole neighborhood full of flyers with her picture, address, and phone number might just show up in said bad area ;-). As for my friend, if those bad guys show up at her front door to have a word with her, hopefully he'll be there. He'll try to be the "tough" boyfriend and probably try to fight them. No matter what the outcome is at this point, it would be an interesting outcome :-). I want to actually do something cool with my life, I'm not going to do anything myself to risk that.

Other revenge idea, this one is a little more subtle and long term. The device is called "the insanity bringer ringer" and its perfect, I did find it online. Being an engineer I will create a device disguised as a cigarette lighter. This device will have a battery and high frequency tone emitter. Basically when the lights go off, the device turns on and produces a very high pitch whine. When you turn on the light to find the source of the noise, the device turns itself off. Turns on in the darkness, turns off in the light. This will drive the person absolutely crazy, perfect for this kind of thing ;-).

I would be justified punching him in the face, many would agree. Long term planned actions are not the same as doing nothing. Revenge would accomplish nothing and might only escalate things. I would rather save my karma and use it when I need it. My friend has no skills except for the shit they drilled into his head in boot camp. Now he has to play ball in the real world where he has to get a real job. He says he wants to go to college, but he is clueless as to what he wants to study. I am about a semester away from becoming an engineer and its something that I really love. I'm just telling myself that once I have a real job, and my own life, getting attractive women will be no problem. The best revenge would be to see them a year from now, still together, pregnant as fuck, and barely making it. I'll be an engineer and I can have the last laugh.


Well-Known Member
She was kinda my first real girlfriend. She used to tell me how I was the best boyfriend she ever had, blah blah blah. She made every indication she was head over heels for me, and I was starting to feel that way too.


Well-Known Member
ahh i see..i kinda figured after reading your post about revenge plans..

to be honest, i dont have anything to say...neither will anyone else here. time heals and we've all been through that first real major break up..i feel for you but no pain no gain

soon you'll be bustin nuts on tittays and eyes all day errday playa


Active Member
ahh i see..i kinda figured after reading your post about revenge plans..

to be honest, i dont have anything to say...neither will anyone else here. time heals and we've all been through that first real major break up..i feel for you but no pain no gain

soon you'll be bustin nuts on tittays and eyes all day errday playa
Words spoken of a true on playa


Active Member
Really? Seems most men think with their fucking penis. Who is to say that she didn't approach the friend? That's the problem with hot chicks, everybody else wants to bed them. They know they're hot and if you aren't worshipping at their feet, they are off to some other swinging dick.

cut the buddy some slack. He served our country for 4 years and was probably in dire need of the twang. I'm sure he feels terrible. lol
your writing is idiot-esque


Well-Known Member
Yea, I know he knows how to fight and would kick my ass. Now I want to see him fight off unemployment like the rest of us real people. The only job he could get would be a fucking rent-a-cop if he's lucky. He can turn into a raging alcoholic for all I care really. Yea I'm still fucking pissed but there's nothing I can do except move on with my life.