My big buddha cheese grow


Well-Known Member
hello well grow, did you top all of your plants? Just a bit curious as to the comparison of a topped plant and a naturally grown plant....

well grow

Active Member
Hey Westie thanks man, Their 5 weeks in now and their looking good but im not shore how well their growing what did your bbc look like at 5 weeks westie ive been looking on your thread but its soo big i just cant find it lol. If you find a pic bump it on here mate. Also ive been having some problems with my 600wtt ballast so ive got to take it back but i changed it back to the 400wtt and they have been under it for 2 days now and i must say that the heads are getting fatter confusing i know but they have grown better with my 400 rather than my 600 it must have been the ballast not giving the 600wtt enuff power i think but im going to poast some pics tomorrow if i get the time because im allowed out now lol im germ free and ive got to get a new ph tester and some little bits. Another thing after some thought and concideration for my next grow im going to get either PPP or Big Buddha Blue Cheese or maybe both lol i thing ive grown too much this time i was a bit overlly enthusiastic in germinating every seed i had lol i didnt think all would germ but they did are well you live and learn. Keep watching cos ill have some new pics up for you guys very soon :peace: out
And thanks for watching

well grow

Active Member
hello well grow, did you top all of your plants? Just a bit curious as to the comparison of a topped plant and a naturally grown plant....
Hi Flaboy sorry mate but i did top all of my girls, but im not going to top ten of my clones just so i can see the outcome of yeild but i will put a comparisant up when both harvests are done because i wanted to do half and half but i got carried away lol but i used all of the tops that i cut off as clones so i figured that im getting 2 for the price of 1 and i am a bargain hunter lol.
Thanks for watching mate :peace: out

well grow

Active Member
5 weeks already look forward to the pics m8 been trimming cheese allday
sissor hash lovely
Mmmmm sounds nice mate i will put some new pics up tomorrow their smelling too good now i realy want to smoke them but good things come to those who wait init have you got a jurnal up Dank i bet your sissors are all sticky lol
Thanks for watching mate :peace: out


New Member
no i i wanna do 1 on my bubble cheese and cheesus m8 if ur thinking of
getting any seeds try them the cheesus looks lovly m8

well grow

Active Member
Hi guys here is some new pics of my girls their 5 weeks and 4 days into flower and their starting to bulk out all over i have got some nute burn on some of them but nothing that a little flushing wont sort out i havent taken any pics of my clones today but i will get some up soon their all in flower now and are looking good when i went into my room today i was hit with a lemon sort of smell so i smelt one of the heads and they smell like earl grey lemmon tea mad i know but i like it all the same so here are my girls. enjoy

As always their is a lot more on my profile. Thanks for watching and :peace: out.


New Member
lovely m8 ill post sum pics up m8 bubble and cheesus only been in flower 4 few days
my m8 jus had a monsta of a yield ov the cheesus


Active Member
Your plants look great...I have bb blue cheese 3 weeks into flower and man they seem like they are so slow....Your journal gives me hope

well grow

Active Member
i wana post sum pics up took sum with my phone they jus look shit ill sort sumet out bruv they do look well fit m8
no poblem mate ill look foward to your pics.

Your plants look great...I have bb blue cheese 3 weeks into flower and man they seem like they are so slow....Your journal gives me hope
Hey Smoke i thought that aswell mate they do grow rather slow but their stating to fill out now but im thinking that they are going to take 9 to 10 weeks in floweing. From seed to weed feels like ive been growing for years lol but its all expiriance and im enjoying it so im in no rush.

Thanks for watching, :peace: out.


Active Member
no poblem mate ill look foward to your pics.

Hey Smoke i thought that aswell mate they do grow rather slow but their stating to fill out now but im thinking that they are going to take 9 to 10 weeks in floweing. From seed to weed feels like ive been growing for years lol but its all expiriance and im enjoying it so im in no rush.

Thanks for watching, :peace: out.
Yeah man when I saw how yours are filling out it made me smile....9-10 weeks is exactly what i'm figuring as well...>Trust me I know how you feel :joint:

I'll have a journal up by the end of this weekend....Just gotta find some time to upload all the pics up to this point