My big question!


Active Member
Im growing Californian dream, sativa and indica mix. the plants been growing for exactly one and a half months. they are no 60cms tall ( not including the pot) and i cant start my vegging for a whole month more. So i was thinking, the fimming and topping doesnt stop the plant growing in the long run and for me would it be best to just chop the plant almost in half and have two plants after the month has finished?

Please leave any advantages and disadvantages you can think of.



Active Member
if you cut a big plant in half its gonna be a bitch to root the clone

at 30cm its gonna need alot of water, more than capillary action will provide without roots.

if you decide to clone half your plant youll need to keep it in almost darkness, normal light levels will kill it fast even with regular misting


Well-Known Member
Well. Chopping the plant in half will give you one half plant and one half dead plant, possibly 2 dead half plants. FIMing will help to stunt the growth a bit, but the point of FIMing is to grow more nodes. With height being a concern, i would bend the plant down. This will take a couple of days perhaps. Start by gently looping a cord around the base of the stem at the bottom and secure that to the side of the planter. This is your stablizing line. Next, loop some cord around the top of the plant, about 1/3 from the tip and bend that in the opposite direction you just tied the stablizing line. Now, pull the top cord a bit so the plant start to bend a few inches. Secure this cord and come back in a few hours and do it again. Repeat the bending process until you have bent your plant to the desired arc. You have not only shortened your plant without cutting anything, but you also have made more light available to more of the plant. Little nodes will become main colas and your yeild could potentially double. LSTing so late may cause your plant to go dorment for a week as it relocates hormones to produce the new bud sites.


Active Member
Green sister do have any photos of these, ive seen this technique but not multipul bends. A photo of an extreme case would boost my confidence massively. my last plant i tried this with bent and was at a 90 % angle its about 17cm shorter but it has a bend and a 90 degrees bend in it, looks so weiirrrd


if you dont want you plant to get too tall why dont you lst it. this would stop vertical growth for the most part and would give you more bud sites that are exposed to direct light.