My Blog About Cannabis - Need Picture Of The Week Submissions.

Just wanted to give anyone who has been reading this a update.

Just made a new post. Nothing special, just has one of green house seeds strain hunting expedition video. I also wanted to let you guys know I will be doing contests and giveaways in a month or two but in order to participate and receive the free giveaways you will need to have joined the site (Not sure if that's the same thing as subscribing. If anyone has experience with blogger and knows let me know) and/or liked Cannabis Country on Facebook.

Speaking of Facebook I am having a terrible time using it. It is so user unfriendly its not even funny. If there is anyone who could offer me any help with it, that would be much appreciated. For example I can't figure out how to add a picture to my admin. Its just the silhouette there. I do have a profile pic but when I make posts to other peoples Facebook its the admin silhouette that shows up. And I want a picture so people will remember it. That's just one issue I am having with Facebook.

You can see my latest post here:
So nobody can help me out with facebook? I am trying to show my likes, but the option to do it is greyed out. I am also trying to put a picture on my admin. Not my profile picture I figured that out. But my admin still has that silhouette.

Anyways I got the new buds of the week picture up. Its a picture of someones girl some of you might know. He is a member the forums.

Check it out
Hey Kratose. I checked out your facebook page. the images seem to be fine. did u fix it?

I actually created a "User Name" but still was unable to find where to ad a picture to the admin. Its still the silhouette. Also the show featured like buttons is greyed out so I have no way of showing what Cannabis Country likes.
The blog going good though. I already got 2 big names to give me the OK to use there video's. I also got listed on another big blog and I am working on more.

Soon I will start advertising my blog. Paid advertisement. I also will be having contests and giveaways. But in order to be eligible you have to join my site or like my blog on Facebook, I plan on doing my first giveaway next month and Its either going to be a T-Shirt with my logo which is a marijuana leaf with the medical sign through it. And on the back it will have my website. The other gift will be a very nice watch that will have my logo for a face. So everytime you look at your watch you will see the marijuana medical leaf. Its the picture I use on my Facebook.

So for those of you who want a possibility at getting some Freebee's come over to the blog and join the site and like it on Facebook. Who know's I might even do something for my first 20 subscribers or something like that. We shall see. But there will Def be giveaways and contests in a month or so.

Visit: http://Cannabis-Country.Blogspot.Com
Forgot to let you all know that Interview with Advanced Nutrients has been posted. I think its like 2 posts from the top.

Here is a link to the post with the Interview.

Still have not found out how to ad a picture to my admin picture. Only picture I have is profile pic but when I comment on other peoples wall it shows shows up as a blank silhouette. I want people to know who it is commenting.
Remember everyone, When you join my site and/or like me on Facebook you will be elegible for my contests and giveaways.

I am also accepting submissions again for next weeks buds of the week picture. So if you have a picture send it in. You can find where on my blog Just go to the buds of the week page and read. It will give the address to where you need to send them.
Hope to see you all there. Peace N Pot
Just added a list of dispensaries to my blog. The list is short because its a work in progress.

Also started doing Cooking With Cannabis. Soon I will have recipes but for now I just have the info on making cannabutter. Actually that post might not be up yet. I prewrite all my stuff so I have constant content.
Right now I am 3 posts ahead. Just made a new post today about spice in our military.

You can check my blog out here

Hope to see you all there!
Thanks Kona!

Just to let everyone know I still need more submissions. I got a few today but I still am taking more submssions.

Don't be shy. If you got a beautiful girl show her off. Also feel free to let me know what you think about the blog. Do I have good choices on my poll for stuff to gave for my giveaway/contest prize? Anyone not on the poll that you would like to see?

Let me know!

Not Spam! Did you notice this is in the toke N talk section? And did you see I have over 1K posts most of them regular posts. And that I been a member of the forums for going on 4 years. You would think the cannabis community would be supportive of someone doing something positive. Instead of laying a big fat picture of SPAM on the post.

If this thread was in any other section it would be SPAM.
Not Spam! Did you notice this is in the toke N talk section? And did you see I have over 1K posts most of them regular posts. And that I been a member of the forums for going on 4 years. You would think the cannabis community would be supportive of someone doing something positive. Instead of laying a big fat picture of SPAM on the post.

If this thread was in any other section it would be SPAM.

Maybe he was referring to his own post? Because that certainly was spam.

Just ignore him. No matter what you do there'll always be people who want to drop a steaming pile on it. Some people just aren't happy unless they're being rude.

Anyway I wanted to let you know that I've been reading your blog and I like it. I thought your article on the AN ballasts and bulbs was nicely done and very fair.