My boyfriend smokes


Well-Known Member
QUOTE] Recently it has also been shown that bud smoke on its own is worse than tobacco smoke.[/quote]

Now it has not been shown it has merly been said and repeated. do not fall for this bullshit. DO a search on Dr.Tashkin. He was hired to do the research to prove that Marijuan Smoking causes cancer by one of the alpabet drug warriors' may have been ondcp because he agreed that with the statements about the carcenogenics in marijuana. Check it out,his 2004 study published in 2005 showed that not only was marijuan not a cancer causing agent as he had thought, in fact it had a negative effect because it kills the rouge cells.
It's all about moderation people! Peace out.:hump::hump::blsmoke::peace::mrgreen::joint:[/quote]
It's also about making sure you have 'facts' before you make statements like that. If there was any evidence that marijuana causes cancer it would be front page news. Now in case you would like to know about liqour and breast cancer. drinking has been proven to raise a womans risk of breast cancer by a factor of 10x. I have two articles about it I cut out of the newspaper, both quoting International Organizations that state it. Guess you didn't hear much about that one. VV:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Funny, I have been having the opposite problem lately. I think I must be going through a change or something. Maybe its just all the hottie's .. whoops, diva's on rollitup. VV


Active Member
Thanks guys,

not think I was trying to change him, but you are right, it sounds like I am, pot is not for me.... so maybe he not right for me either. It is not fullfilling. hahaha far out.... two years of therapy didnt give me this much help.... cheers!!!!:hump:


Active Member
I have tried to tell him, talk to him, everything!! he just gets defensive and as for different strains??? I wouldnt even know where to start.... I not know how to get, where to get it or anything..... he smokes the really strong stuff and one breath and I am toasted....... it sucks!!!!! i drink red wine, he says it is the same for him when I drink, but he drinks aswell!!!!!!! aaaaargh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:twisted:


Active Member
haha, you guys are crack ups!!!! he doesnt know the meaning of the word HORNY!!!!!! he only knows the following:

hooner, puff, blow,stoner, blower,blah blah blah. I am glad you found a solution, but I am afraid this is the end of the road. I said me or the dope and he chose the dope. :cry:


Well-Known Member
hahahah, i have tried smoking but it puts me to sleep and i get super dizzy!!!!! argh!!!! i cannot win, and he is like a wilted flower when he buzzed up..... soft and squishy, useless..... i know it relaxes him, but when he smokes we have no conversation at all....
How many times have you tried? There are different strains of marijuana out there that yield completely different side effects. If you were willing to try again, invest in a good sativa strain that will make you happy and mellow. Sleepyness is from an indica dominant strain (usually).


Well-Known Member
QUOTE] Recently it has also been shown that bud smoke on its own is worse than tobacco smoke.
Now it has not been shown it has merly been said and repeated. do not fall for this bullshit. DO a search on Dr.Tashkin. He was hired to do the research to prove that Marijuan Smoking causes cancer by one of the alpabet drug warriors' may have been ondcp because he agreed that with the statements about the carcenogenics in marijuana. Check it out,his 2004 study published in 2005 showed that not only was marijuan not a cancer causing agent as he had thought, in fact it had a negative effect because it kills the rouge cells.
It's all about moderation people! Peace out.:hump::hump::blsmoke::peace::mrgreen::joint:[/quote]
It's also about making sure you have 'facts' before you make statements like that. If there was any evidence that marijuana causes cancer it would be front page news. Now in case you would like to know about liqour and breast cancer. drinking has been proven to raise a womans risk of breast cancer by a factor of 10x. I have two articles about it I cut out of the newspaper, both quoting International Organizations that state it. Guess you didn't hear much about that one. VV:blsmoke:[/quote]

Actualy I was talking about recent experiments not people who have just 'said and repeated'. Smoking anything can give you a higher chance of contracting cancer, when things burn :joint: they breakdown into carcegenic compounds, that's cannabis, tobbacco whatever. Also, I am fully aware of the health implications of alchohol and how much worse it is than cannabis. There's no need to get so defensive about are precious weed, I love it as much as the next man but I like cars and they kill ppl, I like chocolate but that makes some ppl obese. Don't make it out to be 100% harmless because it's not.:peace:

He's the link btw if your still doubting. PEACE.:blsmoke::mrgreen::hump:


Well-Known Member
sativa?? how can I be sure that I will get what i ask for?
No doubt it's a tricky 1, your best bet is ask some1 who grows it, or ask your man to try and get you some. The thing with Sativas is they are a more cerebral high, ie. Trippy, energetic brain buzzzzz:mrgreen:. Where as Indica ( there are 2 families Indica and Sativa, and some mixed) is more of a body stoned, more of a couch bound stone:blsmoke:, sounds like what you had last time, it can knock you sideways:spew:. If all of this is confusing FUCK IT!:twisted: don't bother, if what you smoked last time realy didn't go down well it's not for you. Best of luck:hump::hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
What you need to do is is go buy a 1/4 ounce of mid grade weed that isnt half as strong as what your b/f prolly smokes. He sounds like a trooper with smoking, so his shit will ofcourse make you sleepy. It happens to most with virgin lungs. Once you have lost your virgin lungs from smoking every few days your high will feel different, not as strong. And that is when you start smoking your b/f's kinda weed. You have to build up a small tolerance. Once you have done this you will enjoy smoking much more, and you will say "ALL THESE WASTED YEARS!!!" And i do recomend tryin getting a dugout and a bat if your b/f dont have one. They dont give huge hits and they will get you high with very little weed. They are very conservative.

And yes i do recomend smoking just a little at first and drinkin a Vault energy drink or RedBull or somethin. But if you take my advice and put it into play then you will be more than satisfied. What do you say? This way you can see why your b/f does what he does.


just some guy
okay, interesting answers so far to her problem.

so it seems like the overwhelming consensus is for her to get high like he is.


The dude doesnt remember their conversations, so why fucking have any conversations at all? If he smokes morning noon and night and cant remember important shit (things she says, as she is someone who cares for him) then he's probably an addict.

Like everyone else in the world, she needs someone who she can connect with, if she HAS to get high to connect with him, it's not worth it.

What ever you do, stay with him and get high or leave.... I hope it works out for you and you are happy.:peace:

p.s. no need to lecture me that pot isnt addictive, I live in the real world, and anyone can become addicted to anything.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Horch,, The next time he goes to bong out,, You drop your panties and get it on with his Bong.. If he is still interested in the bong more then you, you need to walk away.


Sector 5 Moderator
Actually I didn't say THC cured cancer. Marijuana, like chocolate, is composed of hundreds or thousands of compounds. Since it is "the devils weed", according to our govt, we may never know the full potential of what it could be used for. The facts are clear on one thing: Dow Chemical had a friend in govt. They had a new fiber and had spent millions developing it. It wasn't as good as hemp. They needed to get rid of the competition. It's always about the money.


Active Member
I'm not even going to start mentioning the medicinal uses of marijuana and its effects on health.

As for your problem horch, your boyfriend smokes way too much, especially if he's forgetting conversations. I myself am a heavy smoker, and I tend to forget some stuff that's been mentioned in the past. But we're talking like a year back or so, and stuff I could care less about. With that said, if he's not remembering the conversation you had with him a day ago, he's got to cut back a bit. I have deep conversations when I'm high; it just sucks that not everyone I'm around shares the same 'hobby' as me. It truely does suck... I have friends that do smoke, but majority do not, including my girlfriend. It's hard to convey to others why you smoke, especially when they won't do it or every try.

I'm not going to suggest you go out and find a dealer - that's like ignoring the fact that your boyfriend doesn't have an addiction. It's your choice whether or not you want to smoke. I think what's more important for you is trying to find whether or not this is the person you want to be with. Everyone acts differently when high; so just because you take up smoking doesn't mean you're going to necessarily 'connect' with him better. In the end, it comes to this, either you accept it or you don't. Don't be one of those people that only accept it under certain circumstances; it just makes everything more complicated.

Watch Half Baked... :) It's hard to believe anyone would choose MJ over a woman.

Mad Hatter

Well-Known Member
Yes get yourself some weak, cheap dirt weed.. try smoking that.. And as for fucking the bong... YES YES YES YES.


New Member
haha, you guys are crack ups!!!! he doesnt know the meaning of the word HORNY!!!!!! he only knows the following:

hooner, puff, blow,stoner, blower,blah blah blah. I am glad you found a solution, but I am afraid this is the end of the road. I said me or the dope and he chose the dope. :cry:

Are you sure hes a guy....second if u already thought about breaking up with him( because of that ) then its prolly not the only problem you have with him, if u can do better then dump his ass n move on