My Buddy Just Offered me Some Free DMT


Well-Known Member
ANC knows what hes talkin about.

i got the same pipe ANC has and it is the best way to smoke it. mine has an alien face on it tho haha..



Well-Known Member
right, at this point i think i do have a high sensitivity.. but that's needless to say. my idea is to take it step by step, in comparison my buddies have had more intense experiences. i don't quite grasp the concept of IT just yet, but after i took the dose earlier, i knew there was something like that out there and it's fine. i've been using the same type of pipe i mentioned earlier
but yeah, contaminants are bad, good point.

i think the single digit dose to hypersapce comment is more of a testament to your DMT (if you're referring to your own extraction or one you trust), rather than the pipe.


Well-Known Member
Nope, its the pipe :)
Wasted tonnes of DMT before I was sent this baby.

That reminds me, I have a new first time patient today, I'd better go clean the pipe...


Well-Known Member
Nope, its the pipe :)
Wasted tonnes of DMT before I was sent this baby.

That reminds me, I have a new first time patient today, I'd better go clean the pipe...
alright, i guess so then. do you just hit it normally? or tilt it to the side maybe?
its so funny how you guys talk about taking DMT in mg's, we just rack up a cone and smoke it...
think with DMT its better to have to much then not enough.. you really want to make sure you do a complete breakthrough, not a half hearted one. if you dont breakthru it almost seems like a waste cos you dont get that much of an effect... if your a weed smoker, have a few first to take the edge off, DMT is one of the most strongest, intense experiences you'll ever have, and if your not ready it could be a little scary....
i don't know about the trip lasting 20min, more like 10min but it feels like a life time your away. make sure you have a spotter to take your smoking apparatus away when you take a hit, because the effects are literally instantaneous!!!!!!!!!!!
i can understand the pp about you being in a dream and its over, but DMT is one of those things that you need to do a couple of times to really understand it... no two experiences will be the same, ever!
anyhow, i hope you give it ago, don't worry about the money, its worth every cent!
good luck and safe returning


Well-Known Member
I agree, My scale only gets used when I dose newcommers to get a grip on how sensitive they are. I have seen people have long unexpected conversations with hyperspace beings even when i tried to just give them a slight idea what DMT would be like. Personaly I'm also cool in filling the pipe and just haveing as much as I can handle, and shareing a DMT pipe is very special.

Every thing Treehugger said is spot on. It took about a year before DMT opened to me, or I opened to it, probably irrelevant now. But yeah, I cant think of two times it was the same.