my buding females


Active Member
just showing my new girls, any questions ask

150 watt hps on the big ones, and 2 50 something watt cfls for now on the clones

my bagseeds doing good
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clones from the bagseed above
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Active Member
You know, I have seen great grows done with CFL's from veg to flowering without even changing bulbs. I grew my first 4 bagseed plants and got nearly a 1/4 pound off the 4, I was using three garage shoplights with daytime bulbs X6 actual LONG bulbs. That was my first grow. I since then have bought a 1,000watt HPS and am on my second grow with it. A great light and only runs 20-50 dollars a month on 220V 5amps. I was lucky and found on nearly new for $200.00

Just keep those cfl's VERY CLOSE until flowering.

4 plants my 6cfls = 1 ounce per plant
1 1,000watthps = 2-4ounces per plant


Active Member
looks good man, i stay with cfls's cause i cant afford amn 400$ light bills at all, very healthy plants you have keep up the excellent work!


Active Member
If you run the 1,000watt like I have on 220v the running cost is $50-75 extra a month. If your prescribed then your normal doctor can fill out a form for the electric company to save you money. Doctors can file under "Medical equipment needs" and this turned my electric bill from 600+ to the 125-175 that I see now. Thats of course running that ballist. Look into it ANYONE. Just because your prescibed pot doesnt mean its not a medical condition. In California at least


Active Member
got some new stuff yesterday :) pretty sure i new what i was doing, look alright? anything i can do or add to make my setup better?
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big ones are like a month into flowering, the little clones are about a week flowering, i only veged for a few days after roots came.what do you think i could expect to yield from the 4 clones
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is this an alright temp and humidity
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fastbud fem, about 7 weeks from seed, think it will be done in about 2 weeks? trinch almost all white with a few amber
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