My Cat's First Indoor Grow : 3'x2' 300W Plasma


Well-Known Member
I came back to reality today after a long blasphemous Thanksgiving only to find my cat setting up her own 3x2.

She said everyone is going to always think I'm a noob if I keep showing my beloved pixie stick Sativa plants...
Apparently she scored some super dank beans from her homie a couple cities away.
So here she is... Trying to show u guys what's up. Tried to tell her it's not worth it.

Meet Cleeko H. Savage. The H is for Henny.

Don't want to bro-science u 2 death. Those give off an extra RF field. Not 4 curing in the jars I guess I said that wrong. If u've heard of people switching from HPS to MH last few weeks of flower same difference but greater as it has red innit + Urs is probably 20% stronger than mine.. Full spectrum white light + RF
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Tell me more. In the day it was like a super veg light.

straylight abandoned in 2014

Same tech
Don't want to bro-science u 2 death. Those bulbs weren't for horticulture so they give off an extra RF field. Not 4 curing in the jars I guess I said that wrong. If u've heard of people switching from HPS to MH last few weeks of flower same difference but greater as it has red innit + Urs is probably 20% stronger than mine.. Full spectrum white light + RF
I’ve never read a credible report that RF drops yields or plant health. Or improves them. So for now I’m gonna plan to veg my next grow with it.