My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!


Active Member
How much THC would the plant have in like a week from now? I am buying seeds on thursday and want to start a bigger grow with more plants but i dont want this one to be a loss so would it be enough to make some butter and make cookies with?


Active Member
not enough to get you high from the whole plant if any prolly. you cant just keep it going and throw the other ones in with it? if thats your only area and gonna turn into a veg for the new ones you could just keep it in there but keep it covered up seperate for its 12 hours of dark


Active Member
not enough to get you high from the whole plant if any prolly. you cant just keep it going and throw the other ones in with it? if thats your only area and gonna turn into a veg for the new ones you could just keep it in there but keep it covered up seperate for its 12 hours of dark
Covering it would be way to big of a pain... I guess I could start my first round from seed at 12/12... do 5X 12/12 the first time then plant the other 5 after than and veg like normal and get some clones...

But is 12/12 from seed worth it?


Well-Known Member
Covering it would be way to big of a pain... I guess I could start my first round from seed at 12/12... do 5X 12/12 the first time then plant the other 5 after than and veg like normal and get some clones...

But is 12/12 from seed worth it?
why dont you just wait a couple weeks till the plant is ready, youll be glad you did


Active Member
started germinating 5 Nirvana Northern Lights seeds tonight. I will have them on 12/12 until they are 2 weeks in then I will harvest my other plant and switch the NL to 18/6


Well-Known Member
started germinating 5 Nirvana Northern Lights seeds tonight. I will have them on 12/12 until they are 2 weeks in then I will harvest my other plant and switch the NL to 18/6
What????? No no no no no no please don't do that
Why don't you just wait two weeks and start the seeds under a regular vegging light cycle?
You are going to be wasting a lot of time doing this
You can't just flower for two weeks and switch back to veg and there not being any side effects
You will severely stunt growth, it will take longer to get things going starting them now than it would if you just waited two weeks
No offense but your plant is moronic and makes no sense. Please just wait the two weeks


Active Member
i highly doubt itll make that much of a difference between a little stun switching lights after growing for 2 weeks or just waiting 2 weeks to start them. in the short time they take to recover from the switch theyll prolly be as big or bigger then they would have been just starting them on normal light 2 weeks later. i wouldnt do it personally but he obviously dont have anywhere else to put them if hes throwing them into his flowering space. plus he already started germing no turning back now :P unless he like just started them as he posted


Active Member
i highly doubt itll make that much of a difference between a little stun switching lights after growing for 2 weeks or just waiting 2 weeks to start them. in the short time they take to recover from the switch theyll prolly be as big or bigger then they would have been just starting them on normal light 2 weeks later. i wouldnt do it personally but he obviously dont have anywhere else to put them if hes throwing them into his flowering space. plus he already started germing no turning back now :P unless he like just started them as he posted
I didn't think it was a big deal doing it this way.... as far as I know even when youy start a seed at 12/12 for flowering the plant will still veg for a few weeks until it is mature enough to start flowering and show sex... so in theory what I am doing wont matter :confused:



Well-Known Member
I didn't think it was a big deal doing it this way.... as far as I know even when youy start a seed at 12/12 for flowering the plant will still veg for a few weeks until it is mature enough to start flowering and show sex... so in theory what I am doing wont matter :confused:

The plant will have switched over to flowering by the time you switch back to veg. converting a plant from flower to veg takes a while and stunts growth. Do you really think I would make big deal out of it if it didn't matter? I would suggest looking at the growFAQ at the top of this page, there is a lot of good information there that you should already know but clearly don't


Active Member
true but your still messing with its light schedule so that will stress it some. but not that big of a deal in my opinion for starting a seed. they should be fine about a week if that after the switch to 18/6. and i cant imagine them losing to much growth compared to how big they would be at 1 week old if you waited to start them


Well-Known Member
Why don't you save one seed and start it two weeks from now when you harvest? That way you can see which one does better


Active Member
haha i was just coming back to edit my post and he already beat me to what i was gonna say :P but ya do like he said save 1 to start after harvest and report back cause id like to see the results myself :)


Active Member
The plant will have switched over to flowering by the time you switch back to veg. converting a plant from flower to veg takes a while and stunts growth. Do you really think I would make big deal out of it if it didn't matter? I would suggest looking at the growFAQ at the top of this page, there is a lot of good information there that you should already know but clearly don't
Okay I understand what you are saying, but why do you get so offended? This is my grow so I will do what I want with it, by the way, I have read all the stickies thank you very much... If it were you instead of me that forked out the cash for the seeds it would be different though...

I found a way this mroning to arrange the lights in a way that I can get another inch out of the frow space... but this is it... but the plant isn't growing taller any more I dont think... the buds are getting fat though and the crystals are piling up!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Okay I understand what you are saying, but why do you get so offended? This is my grow so I will do what I want with it, by the way, I have read all the stickies thank you very much... If it were you instead of me that forked out the cash for the seeds it would be different though...

I found a way this mroning to arrange the lights in a way that I can get another inch out of the frow space... but this is it... but the plant isn't growing taller any more I dont think... the buds are getting fat though and the crystals are piling up!:blsmoke:
Lol if you want to waste good genetics starting them under 12/12 lighting go right ahead dude. I'm unsubscribing since my advice is not acceptable in this thread. Peace out and good luck on the grow


Active Member
Here are some new pics of the grow... how close is the plant do you guys think? I think I may have just fed it for the final time???

Oh and as you can see its a bit droopy and crisp because I forgot to water it for a day... damn does it ever suck alot up!



Active Member
atleast a few more weeks atleast for it to be decent still all white hairs and the trichs havent developed much yet