My CFL Grow.


Active Member
Another update with some more pics.

1) The whole room. On the left there's a Mango up front and my SantaBerry. On the right is my indica pheno, the sativa behind it, and a sickly Mango. Both of the Mangos were free and sickly when I got them.

2) Schwag bag seed indica. Both of the schwag plants were transplanted into 1g pots last night. Into MG seed starting mix (5-1-5), which should provide them enough N for most of the rest of flower.

3) The poor heat stressed and malnourished SB. Still working out the feeding. She seems to have gotten a lot more hungry. Should be a nice harvest though, if I can keep her alive and relatively healthy.

4 and 5) The decent looking Mango. Think it looks bad now? You should've seen it when I got it. The new growth is at least looking good and she's getting pretty frosty. I wonder if she'll be done in six total weeks. Average finish time is supposed to be 43 days. I'm thinking it'll probably go at least 49 days if not closer to 56.

Unlike my WW I at least know the first day of flower for all of these plants.

Hey, feel free to leave a comment, too. :)



Well-Known Member
Heyy man. Wow.. those plants are beasts!! lol Im sure it sais it on your thread somewhere... but how long did you veg them for?? They look fucking HUGE!! Its crazy to think that they got that big just from CFL's.. They look really good tho. Yeaa. well like i said, if this White Widow seed doesnt grow.... I'm gonna try to germ a couple of those free "mystery" seeds from Nirvana. It just sucks since theyre not feminized... and I have Nooo idea what strain they are.. But I guess that could make it more fun. I'm going to take some cloned from this White Widow too. Im thinking about taking like 3-4 clones.. and (once they have a good enough root system) 12-12 them ASAP! and just see how that works. Maybe Ill keep one clone vegging so that I can take clones from that clone. Im hopin Nirvana just sends me some new seeds tho. I still havent heard back from them yet. But its only been a day or 2. Well. Im goin to take pics of my plant now. Keep up the good work man!! Theyre comin along nicely!


Active Member
Thanks, man. :)

Let's see, I got the SB in late Oct I think and flowered it on Jan. 09. It's about 24" tall and the canopy is about 18" around. My little bag seeds were vegged for about six weeks. Everything except the SB are in 1g pots. That MexIndica is only about 10" tall. Judging by the fan leaves I didn't give it enough N at the beginning of flower. I only had the two Mangos for a few days before I put the tent on 12/12.

You should totally grow those seeds out. You never know, you might get something funky with purple pistils.


Active Member
The buds went into the jar yesterday. That was the most satisfying stem snap I've ever heard. :D

I tried one of the little buds and it was already pretty smooth with a nice flavor. The buds have been in the jar for day now and they're just starting to lose the hay smell. They still smell great if you touch them and smell your fingers, though. I'm going to give them a few more days and then take them over to a friend's house to weigh. The hard part is not smoking any more.



Active Member
The ww harvest weighed out to just about 7g give or take for what we already smoked. Fairly pathetic as far as harvests go at .1g/w. BUT, it's more than I thought it would be, it's my first harvest, and it's stankity dankity after only five days of curing. Two bong hits and I'm roasted. I'm encouraged to continue and improve my yields.


Active Member
Some amateur bud porn. :D

The first two are the biggest mango, which is actually renamed green crack. This will definitely be done at 43 days.

The second two are my little Mexican indica. It's gotta be either a hybrid or maybe a BC strain that made its way down here. For size comparison the cfl right next to the bud is a 26w and the plant's almost 15" tall. When I can get this strain to grow properly I think it's going to produce a good yield. Which is good because I'm going to use it for a small SOG with this light .



Active Member
Well, I just ordered three of those lights. One of my SOG and the other two for my tent, which I'll fill it out with a third later when I have more money and plants. Light penetration is supposed to be 18" with the lower intensity (2000 lumen vs. 5000 lumen) T5HO bulbs so it should be the same or better with these. I'll just use some of my cfls for any of the plants that might need more light down low. I'm going to use one 6400k and on 3000k bulb in each fixture.

I'm having a lot of heat issues right now and I just don't think I'll be able to control the heat of a 400w hps because I'm not about to cut a hole in either my walls or ceiling. All said and done three of these lights for the tent should be about the same price, give me more flexibility, lower heat, and a higher watt and lumen per square foot output. Hopefully shipping doesn't take forever.

I also just ordered some fans from newegg. An 80cfm 120mm fan ($4) for the tent and three 31cfm 80mm fans ($1.29 each) for new grow box and a drying tub I'm going to make. I found dc adapters on ebay for $5 shipped each so that's taken care of.


Active Member
God DAMN IT!!! Everything's going to shit.

I've been fighting spider mites for the past almost two weeks and they've almost completely decimated my SB. I can't get rid of them and at day 46 of flower my options are limited. I've been using a 50/50 mix of 70% Iso and water and I can see babies walking around the next day. If I go two days I can see webbing, three days and all of the buds are webbed. I have no idea how long this strain is supposed to flower for but I'm hoping it'll be done at eight weeks (10 more days) or at least done enough to be worth harvesting.

ALL of my plants have screwed up leaves but the little MexIndica has gone to hell in a handbasket just today. I'm obviously doing something terribly wrong and I'm not able to learn from my mistakes here so I actually can learn to read my plants.

Here's what I've been doing with the plants. Soil is MG seed starting mixed 4:1 with perlite in 1g pots. I was watering them with 1tsp Oneness (5-9-4) and 1tsp. of Hydroplex (0-10-6) along with an occasional 1tbsp. Brer Rabbit molasses, per gallon of tap water that's left to sit for at least 48 hours. I've since stopped with the Oneness. I adjust the pH of the water for the soil plants to around 7 and 6 for the SB. I water when the pots feel light and until I have a little bit of run off still sitting in the catch pans a few hours later, when I swap them out for clean/dry pans. Temps at the canopy are mid-70s and RH is typically in the 50% range.

Speaking of soil, I found some stuff at Lowes I'm going to try. Gardner's made by Kellogg. It's about half the price of MG and is organic.

On the bright side, literally, I got my new T5 lights from HTG. These things are extremely bright and, problems aside, the plants seem to be liking them. Research shows that the 55w PL bulbs have an effective penetration of 24" in reef tanks. That should be pretty good for most of my needs. I have two right now and will get a third later when I need it.

1) The decimated SB.
2) All five plants have leaves that look like this.
3-5) The MexIndica. It was looking good just a few days ago.
6-7) The new lights.



Active Member
Thanks for the reply. :)

That seems to be debatable. I've always observed leaves dying on most any plant as it reaches the end of its life cycle but the respected growers around here keep their leaves green until harvest and pull great yields. Picture 2 is on a Mexican sativa that still has at least five weeks left. The plant in 3-5 just started that yesterday and it's worse today with at least three more affected leaves. I was also hoping to reveg that plant into a mother. I'm thinking this plant might have a deficiency caused by a lockout or maybe I did actually overwater it last time. I know my following grows will be better but it's still super frustrating and I was having a really bad day yesterday as it was.


Active Member
Man. This plant just keeps getting worse. It felt light so I gave it a watering with 16oz. of 3ml/g Hydroplex and 1tbsp/g molasses. I figure I can't really fuck it up much worse than it is right now other than straight killing it.


Active Member
I harvested the bigger Green Crack today. Going off of the WW it should yield a dry oz. I quick dried a bunch of the popcorn buds, about an eighth worth, and it's stoney as fuck. Very relaxing. The rest of the buds are hang drying so I can do a direct comparison.

Here's a quick dry method I've used a few times now that works really well, it leaves aroma and flavor intact as long as you don't over-do it. I have a 1000w microwave and I used 10 second bursts at 40% power. The buds were on a paper towel folded in half and I turned them every cycle or two until they felt as dry as I wanted. If you think "this could use one more cycle", don't do it. It'll get too dry and taste a little green.


Active Member
Well, I went ahead and harvested it today because it was looking really sad. I was concerned that rot might set in if things continued. It's definitely midgrade but still pretty stoney and a nice alternative to the GC.

I left the smallest popcorn buds on the bottom of the plant. Maybe it'll be enough to reveg. I'll see.



Well-Known Member
I have a cfl grow as well and i added a reflective wall on one side of one of my grows and didnt think that it would block the air from getting there and now the side where i put it, all the leaves are weak and drooping. i took out the wall, and shut off my hottest light. this ones on 10/14 lighting in the third week of flowering.the soil is still moist and if i water it'll be too much. how do i revive it from this point?


Active Member
Good question. I'm not sure I'm qualified to answer it but I'd just leave the plant alone and watch it for a day or two.


Well-Known Member
well, i think i fried them. the leaves havent recovered and some of them are curling and twisting and feel really dry. one of the smaller ones looks horrible and pushed half the hairs to red.


Active Member
The spider mites won. I had to toss around 80%+ of the buds on the Santa Berry because of rot. I may end up with a few grams, that I'm going to quick dry just in case. I'm so disappointed. :(