-my cfl grow-

thanks cali for backing up the fact +rep heading ur way bro. with that said, i personally had a grow room that would hit temps of 90 degrees if the closet door was left open; this was all thru a little of veg and most of flowering but i was buying the little co2 canisters for co2 bb guns and i would puncture a tiny hole and leave it in the grow room door closed every day and my plant did very well. its the plant in my avatar. no signs of heat stress and it grew like a charm. this could just be me but i know the room had a little more co2 in it when i did it, then if i didnt, and i didnt see any negative affects doing that during that grow.
nice i make some in a water bottle and put it in my temps are at 86 right now. im not seeing much heat street just the tops of my buds are becoming more loose and i feel like it could be because of heat maybe a little foxtailing or whatever
I don't know how much CO2 you would need to see any benifits but what the hell. I can buy 40 16gr CO2 cartridges for any where from $20.00 to $40.00 bucks for a box of 40.
Maybe my next indoor grow will include a hole for the barrel of my CO2 pistol. I can just shut off the fans and fire it unloaded into the box. Might be a nice lttle burst of fresh air for plants. Now if you had paint ball air canisters loaded with CO2 than you could really pour it on.:D
I doubt you would notice a difference even if there might be one:? but it would be worth the try. I have read about high heat and CO2 but as hot as my grow box got without supplemental the plants did fine. I think there is room on both ends of the "accepted" temps ranges for MJ. I think it's far more tolerant than folks give it credit for IF there are not a lot of additional stressors.
Stuck without an active grow but just about ready to fire up the stuff for outdoors. Have also scoped out my prepped sites and hopefully can get 6 or 8 plants out. We will see but it easy to grow outdoors but tough to find places to do it. If a spot looks good to you chances are it looks good to someone else. At least I get to follow your grow dank and it's looking awful sweet even with your temp swings. Looks so good I'm not sure you need to do anything different at this point. Rock on and thanks for letting me follow.:D
those are cheap! might have to get one or even a co2 pistil incase shit hits the fan i got something that will hurt. as i am not old enough to purchase a legal handgun. yeah when i started to grow i thought it was going to be hard but its pretty easy and straight foward. after all it is a weed that grows just about anywhere.
yea i hear you guys. i keep that in mind. for example my LA woman i grew that was seeing those high temps was 70indica 30 sativa. most indicas dont see extremely high temps but alot of sativas do weather its in a humid hot rainy jungle, or in place that stays dry half the year and rains the other half. anyway im not sure how much of a factor it plays, but i had a feeling that genetics of the plant helped it also thrive in our 80+ grow room. but the co2 cartridge method was very easy, and yea i may of not noticed any change, but like i said it showed no wiliting or anything. the only time the plant got heat stressed was from being surrounded 360 degrees with cfls when it was in veg. at mid veg towards the end of it weeks b4 flowering i picked up a 400w halide ballast, got a conversion bulb, and the plant took of from there to what u see in my avatar. i should of taken pics of the buds and harvest but we had to cut short cuz the apartment i was growing in got foreclosed. if we left grow room door open the temps would stay in the 80's with the 400 and cfls, so we would pop open a co2 to leak somewhat slow and not too fast and closed the door for about an half hour or so and repeat the next day. i can tell u the best time to use the co2 is an hour b4 ur lights turn back on. i never did it and alot of people dont because it may involve you waking up real early just to do that. but an hr b4 the light turns on aka the coolest part of day in your grow room, pores open up under the leaves of the plant (best time for foilar feeding also) and will quickly absorb alot of the co2 in the room, probably giving a more beneficial effect.

yea no problem. ive been accused of not knowing what i was talking about, but a good slogan i use is do the research yourself either just to find out, or double check what your being told. what i told u was fact, and my personal experience. so do some more research, you will get better insight, and might even pick up a thing or 2 that i missed. keep us posted
I don't know how much CO2 you would need to see any benifits but what the hell. I can buy 40 16gr CO2 cartridges for any where from $20.00 to $40.00 bucks for a box of 40.
Maybe my next indoor grow will include a hole for the barrel of my CO2 pistol. I can just shut off the fans and fire it unloaded into the box. Might be a nice lttle burst of fresh air for plants. Now if you had paint ball air canisters loaded with CO2 than you could really pour it on.:D
I doubt you would notice a difference even if there might be one:? but it would be worth the try. I have read about high heat and CO2 but as hot as my grow box got without supplemental the plants did fine. I think there is room on both ends of the "accepted" temps ranges for MJ. I think it's far more tolerant than folks give it credit for IF there are not a lot of additional stressors.
Stuck without an active grow but just about ready to fire up the stuff for outdoors. Have also scoped out my prepped sites and hopefully can get 6 or 8 plants out. We will see but it easy to grow outdoors but tough to find places to do it. If a spot looks good to you chances are it looks good to someone else. At least I get to follow your grow dank and it's looking awful sweet even with your temp swings. Looks so good I'm not sure you need to do anything different at this point. Rock on and thanks for letting me follow.:D
Wouldn't the co2 dissipate and get sucked out extremely quick and that was the point of the homemade co2 because it can last and goes slow over a period of time. This is my thought what does everyone think
I think your right. The co2 cartridge method would work for a quick burst of the stuff. But if you want a slow continuous supply of c02, I'd make my own contraption. Any ideas D?
yeah with compressed air the pressure would push it out pretty fast you would have to go through a couple a day i would think. i just make a bottle of yeast and sugar water every couple days or so i change it out. even though ive herd they can last weeks. i dont see anyone who has actually done like a home experiment on it.
that's ex. what I was planning on doing. I'll be able to run a little hose out of the bottle so I can move it around and keep it pretty low cuz my exhaust is high up in the ceiling so the c02 should stick around for a little while.
Just the yeast sugar and water, other than that I know you can buy the co2 dispenser but not the tank that would go with it, but I'd go for the yeast and sugar and water in like a 3 liter or 1 gallon
that's ex. what I was planning on doing. I'll be able to run a little hose out of the bottle so I can move it around and keep it pretty low cuz my exhaust is high up in the ceiling so the c02 should stick around for a little while.
i herd that co2 is heavier that air? some shit, just took a hit so im pretty high and cant remember but i herd that co2 drops cause its heavier than air or o2 or something.
Possibly yeast sugar and water in a bottle, the bi-product is alcohol and co2 so you wouldn't need to be concerned with mold.
i herd that co2 is heavier that air? some shit, just took a hit so im pretty high and cant remember but i herd that co2 drops cause its heavier than air or o2 or something.
then I'll poke a hole in my intake duct and put the tiny hose pointing out so it will blow it around a little...lol! WTH I'm flying high right now as well!!! :)
Just the yeast sugar and water, other than that I know you can buy the co2 dispenser but not the tank that would go with it, but I'd go for the yeast and sugar and water in like a 3 liter or 1 gallon

Ha i didn't even see you write that.

Has anyone actually tried it? plants need co2 for photosynthesis but how much of a difference does it make is it even measurable? Maybe if you put a clear plastic bag over a plant with a feeder line from the bottle and then poked a few miniscule holes for release.