-my cfl grow-

haha i feel that way sometimes also. she comes home from work and just blabs about work for a hour. i dont wanna hear that haha. its pretty good but i found out its gonna rain today and i like to be outside during the days... so gotta get a little skate session in before haha
made some QWISO last night scrapped it off the pryex today and got a little over .3 grams. which i think is pretty good since i used stems that i just save. took a small bit and put it ontop of some bud and that shit hit the spot :grin: but i also have to write a paper for english today...
haha i get lazy when i get high and i feel like not doing it.

the person who lives above me is always building things i hear drills and shit. maybe making some grow cabs or something who knows
haha i get lazy when i get high and i feel like not doing it.

the person who lives above me is always building things i hear drills and shit. maybe making some grow cabs or something who knows

LoL now a days i fucking think everyone and there moms grow weed, espeically seeing im in a med state.
got a big problem now... found some mold i think its white and fuzzy on the outside of some buds. should i harvest those now and water cure?
i dont think id wait any longer if you have mold, t can spread, but i also havent cam across this problem yet. i wouldnt want further contamination to any more buds
the buds that do have mold, would trim what i could off and make hash with it
yeah i did harvest the ones with mold.... i only have three small nugs left on the plant. ill have pics up later maybe. but i hung the parts that arnt moldy and am gonna make some iso hash with the moldy stuff i also put some moldy stuff in water to water cure and see if that does anything but its cause i didnt have a fan blowing on them. i only had exaust fans
haha why dont you like it? i dont have another way. and i would feel like if i would do ice when you pull out the bag the mold water would be on the screen. and i would do butane might do half and half. i would need to get butane and a butane tube.
A metal turkey beastie a can of vector a coffe filter electrical tape a Pyrex dish and a razor blade
I still have all the trimmings and such and just wish i could combine them with somebuddy local and let them mess with it. I'm actually pleased that when smoke is good you smoke less. Mold.... just smoke it. Every bale of brown weed imported is about25% mold. 25% mixed bugs and so on. Maybe 25% human exgrement. (Sp). NOT that i don't buy it.
nice ill deff have to get some butane and maybe a turkey bastor or glass oil tube depending on the price. i wasnt thinking last night so i already made the qwiso... now thinking about it alot of chlorophy probably got in it since it wasnt dried. didnt think of that till after it was done and i used all of it instead of half... i know i know not smart haha but for the butane ill be using the trim with that
I still have all the trimmings and such and just wish i could combine them with somebuddy local and let them mess with it. I'm actually pleased that when smoke is good you smoke less. Mold.... just smoke it. Every bale of brown weed imported is about25% mold. 25% mixed bugs and so on. Maybe 25% human exgrement. (Sp). NOT that i don't buy it.

ive heard that b4, soo good point.
nice ill deff have to get some butane and maybe a turkey bastor or glass oil tube depending on the price. i wasnt thinking last night so i already made the qwiso... now thinking about it alot of chlorophy probably got in it since it wasnt dried. didnt think of that till after it was done and i used all of it instead of half... i know i know not smart haha but for the butane ill be using the trim with that

the longer you leave it in the iso, the more chlorphyl will get leeched out into it, this is why in vids of how to make qwiso they say shake for 10-20 seconds no more no less. apparently it doesnt take much to leech all the trics of its thc. if u want to extract resins as well, do it more then 20 seconds, but more resins = more chlorphyl
yeah that is all good info. thanks i did it for maybe around that long it was hard to filter it cause a coffee filter doesnt seem to let the alcohol through so it get to sit in it a little longer. ill be scraping it tonight probably after it dries a little more