My Cfl/MH 400 Watt Grow


Ive read tons of Grow Journals and absolutely love watching the life cycles of the plants so i decided to start my own. Im almost 3 weeks in and here some of the initial pics...242274_1832397334519_1377978687_31755544_5266836_o.jpgAnd then i made a homemade grow light using socket plugs and splitters and i used 60 watt natural white cfl's and i used the dull side of aluminum foil for reflectors with no burns 242476_1832389494323_1377978687_31755543_6971200_o.jpgI kept there for about 10 days and then built a grow roomGrow room 2.jpgand another pic267130_1847731517864_1377978687_31772024_2267101_o.jpgand finally i moved them in to there final home of three gallon grow bags and im using doctor earth organic potting soil.265790_1847723837672_1377978687_31772023_6946759_o.jpgok so thats current till today and i will keep it updated let me know what you think...p.s. i dont know what strain these are the seeds are a mix from a pro-breeder.


Ok here is my update...they're on day 21 from seed ive been transplanting them in to there final home of 3 gallon grow bags and am starting use nutes from the technaflora line i have the one plant thats a few weeks ahead of the others so it has gotten some already and it is a bushy freak! i pray its a fem cuz i dont think i could bare to kill it.266746_1854245560711_1377978687_31780363_3232370_o.jpg256806_1854287441758_1377978687_31780384_4656242_o.jpg257508_1849608164779_1377978687_31774447_6251893_o.jpg265466_1854281041598_1377978687_31780380_1473444_o.jpg259366_1854239440558_1377978687_31780358_6216452_o.jpg265329_1849631605365_1377978687_31774452_1248775_o.jpg259270_1854234240428_1377978687_31780356_2190900_o.jpg271490_1854285001697_1377978687_31780383_8384776_o.jpg271460_1854259041048_1377978687_31780372_3526170_o.jpg272458_1854277121500_1377978687_31780377_3170894_o.jpg266746_1854245560711_1377978687_31780363_3232370_o.jpg259426_1854237000497_1377978687_31780357_2316138_o.jpgi decided to lst some, top some, lst and top some and just let some go au natural. plz let me know what you think i like reading input


Well today i was stretching my big one down a lil bit further so i could start to circle it around the pot when i got a very strong smell of a mix of pot and chlorophyll...upon further investigation i found that i put about a 1\2 inch tear in the stem. i put some tape around it and im hoping it will fix itself so i untied all my plants and decided to give up on lst'ing for this grow. Ive got several plants with multiple colas so im hoping to get them to about 18 inches and then im gonna flip the switch!! but im a good 2 - 3 weeks out from that. And i gave most of the plants a shot of Root 66 and Sugar Daddy which i got in my technaflora sampler kit.


Over the last 2 days almost all of my plants got there first round of the technaflora veg formula! IMG00422-20110624-0031.jpgIMG00431-20110625-2034.jpgIMG00432-20110625-2034.jpgIMG00430-20110625-2033.jpg


There getting bigger and bigger everyday! Still no one has left a single comment on here good or bad.....? Come on i know some one has something to say LOL! this is my first grow. PLZ!! i need feedback! Any way here are the pics to day i added 2 new fans for ventilation. and here they areIMG00515-20110628-2347.jpgIMG00513-20110628-2347.jpgIMG00516-20110628-2348.jpgIMG00511-20110628-2346.jpgIMG00514-20110628-2347.jpgIMG00510-20110628-2346.jpgIMG00512-20110628-2346.jpg
Onnce again thnx for stopping bye and plz leave feedback


Active Member
they look good joco looks like you have done some research. nice lookin plants! how is the plant that was injured before? i injured a plant and twisty tied it back up and it ended up growing back tgether pretty well. good luck!


The tape wasnt holding it very good so i zip tied it and all seems well! Ty for taking the time to comment! +rep!


Active Member
Looks good joco. I am curious how much light you have in the grow area. I see that tall plant in the middle of your pics seems really droopy, I am wondering if it needs more lumens. Also, looks nice and clean in there, which I felt like was hard to do when I grew soil. Can't wait to see these lil bubs raise the roof, haha.


Well-Known Member
Subb'ed joco. Your injured plant will be fine. These things can take a beating (speaking from recent experience LOL) and keep going. I actually snapped a branch clean in half. I took a piece of paper towel, wrapped it around the break tightly and tied two pieces of string to hold it together. Today I took the 'bandage' off and it grew a little knuckle and fixed itself.

Best of luck with your grow :) Hope you have some good strains!


Yeah i removed the ziptie and tape today and it looks amazing! i appreciate u stopping by as well dubbz. Alot of my gear is dyi or kind of ghetto so i thought id throw up some pics of it IMG00520-20110629-0911.jpgSo here i got my ionic breeze for smell and envirocare hepa filter to make sure my plants get good clean air...both bought from second hand shops for under 10bucks each. IMG00522-20110629-0912.jpg2 small fans 8 bucks eachIMG00525-20110629-0913.jpg and my light fixture IMG00524-20110629-0913.jpg


Looks good joco. I am curious how much light you have in the grow area. I see that tall plant in the middle of your pics seems really droopy, I am wondering if it needs more lumens. Also, looks nice and clean in there, which I felt like was hard to do when I grew soil. Can't wait to see these lil bubs raise the roof, haha.
thanx Lantern! Im running a 400 watt metal halide bulb it was set to about 16 inches above the top of the plants. ive recently raised them to 20 inches to encourage a lil stretch the reason the one is a lil droopy is i LST'd a couple of the plants and that one got a bit more damage but is recovering nicely!!! Yeah keeping the room clean sucks LOL but i just pull them all out every couple days and wipe down the floor with just some clean water. There in 3 gallon bags though so, them bitches a lil heavy.


Active Member
thanx Lantern! Im running a 400 watt metal halide bulb it was set to about 16 inches above the top of the plants. ive recently raised them to 20 inches to encourage a lil stretch the reason the one is a lil droopy is i LST'd a couple of the plants and that one got a bit more damage but is recovering nicely!!! Yeah keeping the room clean sucks LOL but i just pull them all out every couple days and wipe down the floor with just some clean water. There in 3 gallon bags though so, them bitches a lil heavy.
The soil being heavy and cumbersome, is why, I want a little hydro in my life.

You may want to drop that light down a little though. Stretching is good, but it may also cause the plants to not be able to carry as much weight on the colas. Or you will definitely have to get some support. Lower your light down as far as you can to the top of the canopy without burning the girls. Raise the light as your plants stretch up on their own and you will have nice tightly packed nodes. The extra lumens the canopy will be getting is definitely a plus to the plant. Use the back of your hand or the skin on the sensitive part of your wrist and forearm as a heat indicator. If it is uncomfortable for you to leave it there a couple minutes then you can raise it, if not you are in a good area for the babies. Steezz has a 400w light, which he recently lowered down to a few inches from the top. Remember the more light they get safely the better yield you will have in the end.

If it is possible for you, look around the internet for a digital copy of either Jorge Cervantes' Medical Marijuana Bible, or Ed Rosenthal's Marijuana Grower's Handbook. You can also find them online or @ a local bookstore. It is an invaluable tool to have which gives you charts and diagrams for easy accesss to answers. Having these charts will give you more information than you may think.

Here is a link to a small article on light and distance.


Well-Known Member
Also, looks nice and clean in there, which I felt like was hard to do when I grew soil.
serious shit, i'm actually about to go dustpan my shit up O.O
everythings lookin good man, but yea i'd drop the light more, i've realized aslong as you can keep the temperature cool around the plants the light wont effect them no matter how close it is.. sometimes i'll check up on my plants and have them touching the glass lens for my light and they never have signs of burns or anything.

and i'm sure if you read my thread you will learn a lot about this shit.
I already asked all the dumb questions you can think of lol.


Active Member
Nice joco... I've wondered what a MH would do in flower. Seen lots on people veg with a HPS so lookin forward to seeing what you come up with...



Thanks everybody when they come out of there dark cycle the i"ll go out there snd drop it down some i do have a light meter but im concerned that if i go to low the out lying plants wont get enough light....but im definitely gonna read all those links thanx guys i appreciate all the advice i can get!!! I do have several books so im trying to sort through all the info as well lol


ok so i dropped it dow to 12 inches from 20 and i measured the light and im not sure how to read the meter exactly but i went from 600 to 850 so i'll keep an eye and we'll see how it goes