Nice. I've have a similar setup with a Raspberry Pi and a relay board. I also have a pan/tilt webcam, 6 DS18B20 temp sensors, and a DHT22 humidity/temp sensor. It controls the fan (on/off only) and lights and logs temperature, humidity, and the light cycle, and shuts off the lights if the tent gets too hot. I'm planning on adding a fan speed control circuit. The circuit in normal fan speed controllers is a common beginner's level AC dimmer circuit, and I can easily replace a couple of parts so I can control it with the Rasperry Pi (replace the diode and pot with a zero-crossing circuit, a couple optoisolators, a triac, and an AVR). Since I'm about to convert my DWC system to a recirculating DWC system I'm going to connect the pump to the relay board and a float switch to the Raspberry Pi so it can shut off the pump before it runs dry (and send me an email). I also built a simple HTTP control panel with Bootstrap, but it doesn't look very good. It does let me see the webcam stream from anywhere I can get an internet connection, though. All I need to be fully automated is a robotic arm to keep the plants under my screen and a python/openCV script to decide when to flower the plants and detect deficiencies by looking for discolored or curled leaves. The python script actually might be possible, and a lot easier than it sounds because openCV is so powerful, but I doubt I could build a robotic arm like that.