My clone has 3 dead leafs now is this normal?

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
I would definitely not pay for a rooted clone...although does it wilt over if you leave the dome off? Or does she keep standing straight? If she stands straight then she has roots, just not enough, and if she wilts she doesn't yet...and needs the dome. It it has roots beginning then this is normal...
what do u mean u would not pay for a rooted clone?


Well-Known Member
The perlite would need to be mixed in, or at least underneath allow the water to drain out just adds air to soil, I always clone straight into my soil as well, albeit about 40% soil and 60% perlite and it works for me...but they always look like shit until the get their new leaves going...which takes awhile...the plant has to use a lot of energy to make new roots, so it saps everything it needs from the leaves and it tries to make roots...but overwatering will also look like the question is does it have any roots yet or not..try to wait 3 days and then I find that if I make myself wait 3 days from when I first want to check then I am less likely to hurt the poor thing...


you can put your rooted clone in anything u want.
You can run into walls if you want to, its a free world. As you said "rooted" clone i'm suggesting from what he said that when it was put into soil it was un-rooted. Also if the roots wasn't mature then putting it straight into certain soil would cause nute burn.


Well-Known Member
what do u mean u would not pay for a rooted clone?
that is the opposite of what I wanted to I wouldn't pay for a clone without roots...without roots you are just getting a clipping...I wouldn't pay for a not rooted clone, a cutting, a clipping whatever it is roots no money!


Well-Known Member
I say screw a little nute just a couple days it will all be alright again...just water with a little sugar binds up excess nitrogen, and if there isn't too much nitrogen it doesn't do anything...


So yee heres an update i put perlite on top mixed with soil still hasnt had any growth i a week n 2 days mmy stem still really green ive had baby leafs on there since i got it there still green lost 2 of my big leafs out of 4 and theres a third one yellowing half way leafs havnt wilted n stayed where they have been im hopin she goes id put an image but cant from my phone she still looks the same as the first pi ex ept theres perlite on the soil and that 3rd leaf abit more yellow hope shes not dying


So yee i just looked and where the leafs habe died new stems are coming out with leaves and im pretty sure she has rooted im thinkin my problem might be the air circulations my fan keeps dyin on me so would that be dryin out the leafs on me and some tips are yellowish is it in need of nutes ?


So yee i got an update not a rlly good one i dont rlly kno much on clones but yee i lifted it like i got told put her in a better pot with better drainage and ias i was changin irt i noticed she did not have any roots at all and its has been 3 weeks can she make it if shes under a humidity dome and stay unon it i meanplease help!!!!!!