my clone - yellow bottom leaf


Active Member
<first grow>
Had my Lavender clone for like... 4 days now.

Bottom leaf is pretty fucked up.
I didnt realize the person i got it from used a medium with enough nutrients in it for 2 weeks, so im pretty sure i was over fertilizing, and probably over watering too.

I also recently threw another 25 watt flourecent tube in the box for more light, i think maybe the bottom leaf wasnt getting enough light?

idk, what do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
its common for clones to lose their bottom leafs, its basically using up the stored nutrients in the lower leaves because the root system is not yet established enough to support the cutting by them selfs. the faster you get them to root the less nutrients they use stored in the leaves.

i dont think over fertalizing would matter to much unless they have roots then id flush the dirt, but if they dont have roots you must keep the soil soaking wet so air dont get in the end of the cutting, i usually water the cutting once a week just to keep the dirt wet till roots form. you can actually loosen the dirt up n pull the cutting out ever so gently(like super gentle,dont pull on it if there is any tension at all try n squeez the cup to loosen the dirt more) and put in a new cup of dirt without so many nutrients make sure there are no air pockets in the dirt and its completly wet.


Active Member
Okay thanks. I payed 25 for this bitch rooted. It came in like a peats pellet type thing I think, and the guy put it in a cup with happy frog soil. When I first got it I was using Mircale Grow 30-15-30 nutrients. (It's what was laying around in my garage) So that was probably too much for it to handle. Isn't flushing bad since it cuts off oxygen to the roots? How do I go about flushing it, that's just overwatering right?


Well-Known Member
yeah pretty much, but it wont hurt it just wait till the next time the dirt is completly dry and pour in ph balanced water like 6.3 or 6.4. pour in like a quart n make sure almost all of it runs out the bottom of the cup by shaking downwards to force the water out. then dont water till its dry. overwatering effects it after being watered continuousely for 1 or more weeks

i wouldnt recommend using miracle grow because its all pretty much continueuse release or timed release. when i didnt have the money for good nutes i used shultz liquid alpurpose 10-15-10 nutrients for veg and shultz bloom plus 10-54-15 for flowering you can pick them both up for around 5 bucks at a hardware store or lowes or home depot but im not sure if they carry it. i got mine from a local hardware store.

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Yer most likely over watering her, first off! Secondly, it is entirely possible that ya did over nute, I dont know y n-e 1 wud say other wise. Theres no good reason that leaf shud have turned yellow so early, and it is NOT normal fer that to happen to clones so fast.

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Okay thanks. I payed 25 for this bitch rooted. It came in like a peats pellet type thing I think, and the guy put it in a cup with happy frog soil. When I first got it I was using Mircale Grow 30-15-30 nutrients. (It's what was laying around in my garage) So that was probably too much for it to handle. Isn't flushing bad since it cuts off oxygen to the roots? How do I go about flushing it, that's just overwatering right?
Those nutes yer using are perfect fer veg. Drop yer N significantly fer flower, however!

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
its common for clones to lose their bottom leafs, its basically using up the stored nutrients in the lower leaves because the root system is not yet established enough to support the cutting by them selfs. the faster you get them to root the less nutrients they use stored in the leaves.

i dont think over fertalizing would matter to much unless they have roots then id flush the dirt, but if they dont have roots you must keep the soil soaking wet so air dont get in the end of the cutting, i usually water the cutting once a week just to keep the dirt wet till roots form. you can actually loosen the dirt up n pull the cutting out ever so gently(like super gentle,dont pull on it if there is any tension at all try n squeez the cup to loosen the dirt more) and put in a new cup of dirt without so many nutrients make sure there are no air pockets in the dirt and its completly wet.
This is TERRIBLE advice!


Well-Known Member
im not telling him to keep the roots soaked, i was saying if they were not rooted and your cloning in soil you have to keep the soil completly soaked. get your shit straight ass head.

every clone i ever cut has rooted succesfully, in my few years of growing, so im not disapointed.


Well-Known Member
yellowing leaves is common on clones, generally speaking they will start to take nutes out of the fan leaves to help with rooting, but once they have rooted they will not repair the older leaves, just extract the remaining nutrients and let them die off.. so as long as you do not see more yellowing, and the new growth is good and green then you are fine.


Well-Known Member
yellowing leaves is common on clones, generally speaking they will start to take nutes out of the fan leaves to help with rooting, but once they have rooted they will not repair the older leaves, just extract the remaining nutrients and let them die off.. so as long as you do not see more yellowing, and the new growth is good and green then you are fine.

^ exactly what i was trying to explain.....


Active Member
Yer most likely over watering her, first off! Secondly, it is entirely possible that ya did over nute, I dont know y n-e 1 wud say other wise. Theres no good reason that leaf shud have turned yellow so early, and it is NOT normal fer that to happen to clones so fast.
so water less? will it ever go back to green or is this bitch gonna be ugly for the rest of her life.

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
yellowing leaves is common on clones, generally speaking they will start to take nutes out of the fan leaves to help with rooting, but once they have rooted they will not repair the older leaves, just extract the remaining nutrients and let them die off.. so as long as you do not see more yellowing, and the new growth is good and green then you are fine.
Not after 4 days! Y'all need to read wat he wrote b4 givin yer bad advice!


Well-Known Member
Not after 4 days! Y'all need to read wat he wrote b4 givin yer bad advice!
well maybe you should do some research and maybe some trial and error before you say other peeps are giving out bad advice..

if a clone, gets a yellow leaf, that leaf will NEVER go back to being green again.. if it even starts to get a yellow tint, the older leaf will NEVER be repaired because the plant makes a decision to extract the nutrients from it until the leaf eventually dies off.. it will only focus on the new growth making it green and lush..

so again i say, if it started to go yellow when you first got it, the odds are that the roots were not big enough to extract the proper nutrients from the soil, so it started with the lowest, oldest leaf.. once it started to root, and the mass was great enough to feed the plant, it started using the nutes in the soil to start new growth..

again i say yellowing in the leafs happens from time to time in clones, and if the leaf went yellow, it will never go back.. watch the new growth and it will be fine..

ive been growing for 4 years, and read more books and forums than i care to count.. look through all my posts i dont give bad advice

and a moisture meter? maybe you should be the one not giving bad advice, any reputable grower will tell you that a moisture meter is a piece of crap because not only can there be pockets of moisture in the soil which will skew the readings, but also if you do not test at the same depths you will get different readings..

to know when to water your plant, simply completely saturate the medium, and then wait a few days and start picking it up every day, feel the difference in weight..
wait until you start to see the leaves droop significantly, and get familiar with that weight.. that is when you will want to water your plants... marijuana is a feast and famine plant, which means it does the best when you completely saturate the roots, and let them get near dry.. start to learn your soil and pot size, and try to get them as close to dry as possible before feeding.. weight will tell you the most accurately, dont bother with a moisture meter


Well-Known Member
that D-BAG probly hasnt even grown real bud...........still in the bagseed phase, good for you buddy...... you kno everything

even tho i cant explain things down to a tee i still kno what im doing when it comes to cloning like i said ive done it my way for a couple years and i haven't lost one cutting yet

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
that D-BAG probly hasnt even grown real bud...........still in the bagseed phase, good for you buddy...... you kno everything

even tho i cant explain things down to a tee i still kno what im doing when it comes to cloning like i said ive done it my way for a couple years and i haven't lost one cutting yet
Ya f***in idiot, I been growin fer 18 years!

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
well maybe you should do some research and maybe some trial and error before you say other peeps are giving out bad advice..

if a clone, gets a yellow leaf, that leaf will NEVER go back to being green again.. if it even starts to get a yellow tint, the older leaf will NEVER be repaired because the plant makes a decision to extract the nutrients from it until the leaf eventually dies off.. it will only focus on the new growth making it green and lush..

so again i say, if it started to go yellow when you first got it, the odds are that the roots were not big enough to extract the proper nutrients from the soil, so it started with the lowest, oldest leaf.. once it started to root, and the mass was great enough to feed the plant, it started using the nutes in the soil to start new growth..

again i say yellowing in the leafs happens from time to time in clones, and if the leaf went yellow, it will never go back.. watch the new growth and it will be fine..

ive been growing for 4 years, and read more books and forums than i care to count.. look through all my posts i dont give bad advice

and a moisture meter? maybe you should be the one not giving bad advice, any reputable grower will tell you that a moisture meter is a piece of crap because not only can there be pockets of moisture in the soil which will skew the readings, but also if you do not test at the same depths you will get different readings..

to know when to water your plant, simply completely saturate the medium, and then wait a few days and start picking it up every day, feel the difference in weight..
wait until you start to see the leaves droop significantly, and get familiar with that weight.. that is when you will want to water your plants... marijuana is a feast and famine plant, which means it does the best when you completely saturate the roots, and let them get near dry.. start to learn your soil and pot size, and try to get them as close to dry as possible before feeding.. weight will tell you the most accurately, dont bother with a moisture meter
The weight was is the most over suggested WRONG way to do somethin. Just cause YOU dont spend the $ fer a REAL moisture meter does NOT mean they dont work, ya just dont know how to use it. Mediums are different weights, as are pots. The "picking it up method" how does that work if ya dont have a pot? You gave BAD advise! Read his post. A lot of things happen often that are ISSUES! The yellowin leaf @ day 4 is a BAD thing. Does not mean his PLANT is doomed, but read wat YOU wrote! Dont give BAD advise, then try to cover it up!


Well-Known Member
The weight was is the most over suggested WRONG way to do somethin. Just cause YOU dont spend the $ fer a REAL moisture meter does NOT mean they dont work, ya just dont know how to use it. Mediums are different weights, as are pots. The "picking it up method" how does that work if ya dont have a pot? You gave BAD advise! Read his post. A lot of things happen often that are ISSUES! The yellowin leaf @ day 4 is a BAD thing. Does not mean his PLANT is doomed, but read wat YOU wrote! Dont give BAD advise, then try to cover it up!

right which is why i said get familliar with the dry and wet weight.. and the picking up method is the most effective because despite pockets of moisture and different depths of testing it will still give you an overall better picture of how much water is in the medium... believe it or not its the truth.. and obviously the guy has a pot, and is on a budget which is why it works better than wasting money on a shitty moisture meter.. and yellow on a clone leaf after he has had it for a couple days is not always a sign of doom.. its not like its rooted in a rockwool or oasis cube where he can see the root development.. for all he knows when he got em they just popped roots doofus.. his plant looks fine, the new growth is fine, and that one leaf is dying just like i said it would..

again i DONT give bad advice, if i dont know what im talking about i dont say shit at all, however you are full of it.. i have seen thousands of grows online, and over a hundred in person and not a SINGLE reputable grower relys on a moisture meter for the reasons i pointed out.. not ONE

so talk shit all you want, but if anyone with half a brain cell does the research they will see you are obviously off your rocker and dont know where the hell you are, and giving not so sound advice..

and again i challenge you to look at every post i have ever written and find one instance where i gave bad advice.. it wont happen cuz i dont do it

