my cloning times got screwed up to only 8 hours or so. some are showing sex.


Active Member
i have some clones in a float and grow from sunleave. i am using olivia solution to clone with. the problem is i got a timer for the flourescents i am using because i thought it might be nice for the clones to get a rest a bit instead of being on 24 hours a day. anyway a few have rooted now and its been 14 days. the time has been off for 7 days however. i show maybe 5-8 plants showing sex. oh yeah and they are all females already i have sexed the plants they came from . anyway i need to know if i put them on 24 / 7 again will they go back to veg and since not all have rooted but some will they get roots now. or have i doomed myself. i am at risk here of loosing like 55 cloned females. help please help


Well-Known Member
you should be good, when you switch back to 24/7 it might take a few weeks to see progress because of the shock, but everything should work out. think of it this way, if they die you wouldn't have had a lot of yield anyway.


Active Member
yeah i guess. do you think its ok to leave the clones in the float and grow or as soon as i see roots should i replant. ( i am using grow cubes)


Active Member
ok so do you think my float and grow can keep my clones nice for another 3 weeks if need be. or shall i replant them as soon as the roots come in.


The russ0r
clones comming from a sexually mature mother plant will show sex from the time they are rooted or even before so, like when you cut them.... so are you saying the timer has been off for 7 days and theyve been in the dark 24/7?

don't worry about them showing sex, that does not exactly mean they are flowering.


Active Member
i will start over today now that i am not so stoned and maybe i can get a better picture of the situation to everyone. i have recently taken clones from my healthiest plants. i took maybe 55 clones and used olivia's to clone with. not the get just the solution. also i put them in a float and grow system under 2 700 lumen flourescents. i had them under the lights 24/7 for 1 week and they looked great. i bought a timer for the cloning process because i thought if i give the plants a 6 hour break or so of light they will be happier. welll i set the timer wrong or something and they were getting less than that. now keep in mind i took the clones from the mother plants while they were in vegetative state. i just found out they are female and they are producing buds now. i put the mothers in bloom the day after i took clones from them. now for the past week the clones have been on a lot less light than desirable and enough to make them flower. i also have a propagation mat to keep the temp up and they are in a real nice mondi dome wth vent ports at the top so as to keep humidity just right. I want to know first , can i put them back on 24/7 and they will go veg properly . and not all have strong rots systems yet. how long can i keep them in the float and grow. my thinking was that i should still keep them in their for at least another 2 or three weeks . at 24/7 lighting. and then plant. they all do have some roots however, just to give a little better perspective of their health.


The russ0r
regardless you need to go ahead and plant them when the roots are hitting hte edges of whatever cubes they are in, you should have put 24/7 light back on immediatly when you found out it was fucked up - they still could pop back faster, we've all messed up a little bit. i say put them under whatever 24/7 or 18/6 you want and get them in better containers, if your only running a 400w hps you might as well flower from first root, you'd be amazed at how much pot space they can fill and how much they will grow in the first 2 weeks of flower given the proper treatment.


Active Member
I have a even greater question,

I planted clones in a rain forest aeroponics system and they veged perfectly 24 hrs for about 5 weeks.

After that I put them into flowering mode with the 400 watt HPS light for 12 hrs. on and 12 hrs. off. The flowered perfectly and later I started to notice these flower things fall. Well, I didn't realize it but they had pollenated and now they have seeds.

What did I do wrong? They were all clones from a female, I did not put any males in there. How could they have produced clones.

8 weeks of wasted, wasted time. Well, not a total waste, but you know how I feel.


Active Member
I have a even greater question,

I planted clones in a rain forest aeroponics system and they veged perfectly 24 hrs for about 5 weeks.

After that I put them into flowering mode with the 400 watt HPS light for 12 hrs. on and 12 hrs. off. The flowered perfectly and later I started to notice these flower things fall. Well, I didn't realize it but they had pollenated and now they have seeds.

What did I do wrong? They were all clones from a female, I did not put any males in there. How could they have produced clones.

8 weeks of wasted, wasted time. Well, not a total waste, but you know how I feel.


Active Member
I got nice buds and then i noticed male flowers and some seeds. i cannot believe it. so much time wasted. well like you said not wasted but almost. I heard that if you flower your plants too early you might shock them a bit. and if the plant is too young in flower you might get a hermaphrodite because the plants thinks it lost its chance to reproduce and will pollinate itself. which greatly decreases the potency and the yield. i found out to wait at least 4 -5 weeks before flowering 14 -24 inches tall and then lower light to 12 hours but do it 1 hour less light a day and you should not shock the plant so much and you can almost be sure no hermies. anyway good luck .