My current grow-Unknown strain


Well-Known Member
I am using these cfls for now.
1-GE 47452, 42 Watt Soft White 2,700 Lumens, 2,700 Kelvin Color Temperature.

1-GE T3 SPIRAL FLUORESCENT BULB 20W 1150 lumens,6,500k daylight(cool)
I planted it on 3-29.I am germinating 6 right now.I am onely keeping 1 out of the 6.Onely growing 2.Updates to come.Not looking for help,just showing my grow.Yes I know I need more light.Theyre in a 8'x8' closet.:peace:



Active Member
im not sure whats wrong with your plant(first and 5th pic) but hes in a bad place man, maybe heat stress whats your temps? and they don't need more light right now that one 42 watt should be fine for 2.5 to 3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
pretty tiny for being nearly a month old i'd say. got a long way to go bro. haha goodluck


Well-Known Member
It stays at 70*.I am probly over/under watering.I am using good purified water.I am using a 12in hv fan.Has 3 speeds & I keep it on 1.At 2 it is kinda noisy & it wobbles a bit.3 is just silly.Im geting a new fan.A blade is probly bent causing it.I seen a small spot on one of the leaves.Its a dark brown color with a small hint of gold lol.I will post a update later.


Well-Known Member
I decided to take it outside for today.Its around 83* with decent wind.Im geting ready to take it back in.It was very sunny and felt nice I thought maybe it will help em.If I keep taking it outside on & off could it die?Lol.Just wondering.:joint:



Well-Known Member
I burnt the fuck outa it,the biger one in the pot.I had it way to close,now almost half of it looks :spew:.Is it worth the electricity trying to save it?Will post a pic later when I get off work.I mean this thing is burnt:cry:.I put my finger to one of the burnt leaves & it just cracked off.If I just trim out all the burnt shit could it grow back or will it put it in shock?Alot of it is burnt but not all.Any helpkiss-ass
Edit:Here are the pics.Plz someone let me know if it can heal or will slowly die.


Well-Known Member
Well I decided to put new soil in.I had tropical springtails RELLY bad.Now I got it in some decent soil fresh out the delivery truck lol.I got it were I work.It lost alot of roots though.I tried as hard as I could to keep as many roots as possible.Will this cause a shock?Still has plenty of roots but lost some very long ones.I got a drip pan also.I hope it can make it.This little guy/girl has been through alot.I decided to use my 20w 6.5k for now.That big ass 42w 3k kept burning up the leaves if I had it 3Inches or closer.Will probly put the 42 back in once it grows a lil more.I will eventualy get this.
Until then will probly get 4 42w 6-6.5k lights.
My question is if it goes into shock,when will it break out of it if I keep its sourroundings/conditions right?I know some will bash on me for geting that light on ebay.But hey its cheap.



You are giving it too much treatment. I just planted a k2 seed 3 days ago. I started by waiting for a nice warm sunny day, poked a hole in my front lawn and dropped a seed right in. By the way, it only took like a half a day for it to germinate because this Beltaine season (late April, early May) is the best for germination outside. When it sprouted into the tiny seedling the other day, I hurried up and transfered it to some fresh organic potting soil, THAT'S ALL. I had a 13W energy bulb shinning on it from about 5-6 inches. Test the light out: hold your hand under the light for 30 seconds, if it feels too hot for you, it's most likely too hot for the plant. I water it with clean filtered water. A big secret so you don't have to spend money on rip-off plant food, they love earthworms like most other plants. Just lift a rock or something up and take a few earth worms and let them crawl into the soil they will produce and reproduce. They will give the plant a great deal of nutrients the way nature intended and speed up the growth process. Check these three-day results and remember, I'm talking three days from the moment I stuck that seed into the ground. I'll attach some pics later in another message, I haven't taken pics of it yet! My only last hope is I hope my plant's a girl! :joint:


OK, I just took a couple pics here they are... As you can see it's sprawling beautifully. I've grown in the past using these same techniques and had some very fine skunk buds with a greater amount of THC, then when I tried to get technical with it previousely.



Well-Known Member
Thanx for the help AstralPlane.But I already knew about most of the advice you gave me.Im using water with a ph6.Got a damprid tub in the grow room & a small high velocity metal fan to keep air moving good.I just might have a strain that grows slowly I guess.It was from a bag of some bomb ass bud:eyesmoke:!Lime green color with a nice thick layer of crystals all around it.I know its still hard to know just from that.But it was some relly good stuff.Here is how they are now.Looks like it is drooping down.Will probly be back to normal in a few dayz hopefully.My other little ones seem to be growing a bit quicker then when my biger one first started out.I will hold off on watering for a few days.I just might throw a couple nightcrawlers in tonight when it starts raining.I always see 2-3 around my driveway that are around 6"-9" legnth.Will they eventualy crawl out?Lol dumb question,but just wondering.I will probly give the little ones another week or week & a half before I transplant them.



Well-Known Member
Yes!!It is pulling out & making a comeback.I know some of you can't tell probly.But the leafs are starting to come back up,not drooping over anymore!Im so happy:hump:.I put a 2nd tub of damp rid in the room.Will this cause the humidity to get to low?
Thanx to everyone for the help!My plants would probly die if I didn't have internet to read up on things.Im not for sure,but I think it said one could work up to 200 sq/ft.Not for sure,but I will check in a min.



Well-Known Member
Theyre looking good!At least I think they are.I was thinking about giving the big guy/girl some nutes soon.Soil is geting dry finally.Using miracle grow 24-8-16.I already know 1/4-1/8 stregnth first.Already have it ready & mixed.I was just going to upgrade to this & see how it will do in a grow.I know I need the 2700ks when flowering.Will get em when the time comes.Im geting a couple 6outlet adapters.Then
12-.Energymiser 20w 6400k 1280L CFLs.
Total of $74.70 for 15,360lumens at 240w.
This should work.Any input?Please!



Active Member
did u order the digital mh/hps 400 ballast that u linked to on ebay? just curious. Plants are looking good, I think you may be spoiling them a little too much so they are being lazy but.... lol :p


Well-Known Member
Nah.Just growing this one now.I added the MG nute mix just mins before taking these.Decided taking care of one will be easier to grow & maintain.Im not looking for weight to sell.Just experimenting.Im puting the other 2 outside till I get a beter light setup.I don't want this plant to get over 25"-34".When would you guys say till flowering cycle?I made sure the cfls had enough space to get ventlation I figure using all I currently have will help it grow quicker,not by much.But I always heard more light=Beter grow.



Well-Known Member
Here is todays update.Definatly growing quicker.Seemed to relly like the nutes.I must have had the mixture perfect.Its growing a new pair of leaves every other day now.Trying to get my cfls at the right distance.But I killed a spider might that was around the edge of the pot.Looked good with a magnifier,but couldnt find anymore.But anyway,hows it looking?Is it looking like a indica,sativa or mix strain?Oh yeah I have a good digi timer now.I switched to 16/8.Seems to be doing fine with it.



Well-Known Member
Alright guys its relly starting to show now!Its growing quickly.This is how it looks 2dayz later.Oder is begining to be a lil noticable now.I need some help on this.I took the best I can for you guys.I need opinons & advice plz!!!!!!!!Not about the lighting,believe me I have that downpat.I change the positions 1-2 times a day every day or 2 depending on amount of growth in that time.Is it close enough to tell the sex yet?The last 2 pics were taken with a mag glass over the camera.I have onely feed it nutes once.Will feed again as soon as 1-2" soil gets dry again.Seemed to help speed the growth.I relly want to know what the sex of it is.From the way it looks.I think it is female,but I have never grown.Need some experianced growers opinions.90% on here say you just don't know till flowering begins.But also alot are saying you can tell when its geting close to flowering or when its on the 5th-7th node.Help,advice,opinions anyone?


I've got a few suggestions...First of all I would suggest maybe another cfl, I usually only veg about 20 days with my cfl's but I like to grow little shrubs and I believe you said you wanted yours like 30 in. high? Also remember some plants can double in size during flowering . I have been able to tell before flowering stage whether or not I have a male or female before, but I also havent been able to tell until flowering before, so I think it just kind of depends on the strain. With your plant, it doesn't look like you can tell yet. Look for the 2 little hairs growing up off of some of the higher nodes. Probably won't be as hard to tell as you think.

One more thing...Your plants always seem to be drooping. Just how much are you watering?


Well-Known Member
Thanks man.I mean relly.I thought I was going to have every update with no reply up until harvest lol.I plan on adding a couple more actualy.I don't want it to get over 34"-46" overall.Not just veg state.Alright thanks alot man.Ill check em out tomorow morning.Oh & last 2 waterings were 5-8 first use of nutes & 5-13 or 14 was the last watering.Just regular purified ph6.I make sure the soil is moist all around not just here & theyre.I don't saturate it though.I have 6 holes drilled in the bottem & rocks in the bottem perfectly layedout to quickly draw out excess water with ease.
Well your plant looks good, only thing I might do is back off a tad on the watering, but it looks like you will have some good bud soon enough. Hopefully that plant will have a vagina!!!