My Current Grows Continues

that one has been in veg for almost 2 months, topped 3 times and had 10 clones taken from her and she keeps on trucking..she is going to be my winter grow, just her and maybe some qush from TGA and cross them and see what happens,

that one has been in veg for almost 2 months, topped 3 times and had 10 clones taken from her and she keeps on trucking..she is going to be my winter grow, just her and maybe some qush from TGA and cross them and see what happens,


Some nice property, how many acres do you have there?
its around 40ish, and not much is usable is mostly wet and soaky with a very high water table...10-20ft.

Do you drop your ladies around there? I've never grown outdoors but I would think that would be great for some low maintenance outdoor plants... Just get a nice hole with some good organic mix and let them do their thing! Not as much worry for watering which is the biggest risk when growing outdoors IMO.
this will be the first year out there, but the hunters are going to give me some problems in the fall around harvest time, but we'll see what happens. Nothing ventured nothing gained ;-)
family picture


the very left in the white bucket is the newest and is a mystery seed

the hanging basket is going to be transplanted in 2 days

the twig is a lilac bush for my wife

all the white buckets are going outside soon

and the large girl is one of mine and is the one that finally ha most of what we want, so she gave 10 clones last month and they are out to the group being grown to keep my #'s in check
the following was sent to me via email, I have never been a big fan of large groups with a dedicated person running the whole show. MMJ is free for all and we shouldnt need a organization saying they represent the entire state of Michigan patients, when they clearly do not.
In fairness, I have met Malamute, the leader of CPU, and found him to be very open in giving in person as well as in knowledge. MMMA? I dealt with a few times and always came back with a sour taste in my mouth.

First, I wanted to give you folks an update in the market. The Jackson Market is operating with the full knowledge and approval of the city of Jackson. We are compliant with all local and state law. The City understands our mission. We have educated them that we fill a vital position in the community. We are unique in that we are compassion based and non profit. The market is located at 135 West Pearl in Jackson, MI. The market opens from 12 to 4 every Sat. and Sunday. The market remain safe.

The ruling from the appeals court is troubling on many levels. A person can test positive for cannabis use for up to 30 days. This new ruling means that if you are tested, whether you are impaired or not, you can be convicted. It might have been two weeks since you medicated, but they can still convict you. Even more troubling to me, it is a Section 7 violation. Which nullifies the medical marijuana defense. Which means you could be prosecuted under the PHC or the CSA for possession. It was a terrible ruling and places all of us in danger.

We were successful in stopping the four bills and educating the public as to the danger to patients. My concern is when I hear CPU talking about fixing the Bills. Hearing them talking about having so much work in, that they don’t want the Bills to die. This is insane folks. The whole idea is to try to preserve our freedom, not to save CPU wasted efforts at over turning the act. They were responsible for the Bills to start with. They say as much themselves. They were also responsible for reaching compromises before the committee vote. Without their approval those Bills would not have made it to the vote on the 29th of March. Now, that we have delayed the vote again, they are again talking about fixing the Bills. These folks have failed miserably and are desperate. That is a recipe for disaster. They continue too insist on repeating their mistakes. That is the definition of insanity. Write your Reps today and tell them that CPU does not represent you. !
The email-omatic is still up and running. Don’t delay.

We have a protest scheduled for May 29th to protest the appeals court decision as well as the pending legislation. We urge you to go to the protest Facebbok page and join. Please use the facebook tool to invite all of your friends. We must build an army to stop these civil rights violations. The Facebook Page is located at Thanks, Blueberry
it is the same konway kartel i have been working with the last year or so but this is the good pheno that is more indica (short and bushy with training) but has an uplifting buzz with a pineapple smell. I have had 3 of these phenos before this one and always got them around 8-9 weeks, but this one has grown more bushy then anything previous and it dosent smell like any before her.

This is also my first shot in super soil, just to see if all the hype is for real or if i should keep with my mix of roots and other stuff.
it is the same konway kartel i have been working with the last year or so but this is the good pheno that is more indica (short and bushy with training) but has an uplifting buzz with a pineapple smell. I have had 3 of these phenos before this one and always got them around 8-9 weeks, but this one has grown more bushy then anything previous and it dosent smell like any before her.

This is also my first shot in super soil, just to see if all the hype is for real or if i should keep with my mix of roots and other stuff.

Good luck JoC, if you mixed it right I think you'll like it. I usually add some more lime and tend to bump with compost tea later in flower every now and then. Here's an AK cola I just chopped, ran in Super Soil!

i wish i had that right bout now ;-) Ill give SS a shot but with me, I hate anything new, i guess i am set in my way and dont like change....but we'll see what the girls look like at harvest and that will determine if i use it in the next grows, but i do like that it makes enough for my few plants and some left over for the vegetable garden and some of my wifes flowers
i wish i had that right bout now ;-) Ill give SS a shot but with me, I hate anything new, i guess i am set in my way and dont like change....but we'll see what the girls look like at harvest and that will determine if i use it in the next grows, but i do like that it makes enough for my few plants and some left over for the vegetable garden and some of my wifes flowers

You bet! It has really simplified my perpetual garden. No more mixing nutes for specific points in the cycle. Now its just water for the most part with a little kick every now and again. I hope it works well for you and your garden.

the roots have finally hit the super soil and the growth is more than I have ever seen before with Roots Organic or any FF product I have used. the growth is so much that the inner flowers are white and not the light green associated with new growth. very very impressed with SS and the guy on Ebay that i bought it from.