My Current set up: journal?


Well-Known Member
He works for the hydro shop I visit. He helps school set up systems for having an aquarium and a hydro grow running together. This was like maybe my third trip in to the store. He had my head buzzin. And the next day I saw him on our local news explaining what he is setting up with one of the school system's in Jackson. They are going to set up hydro grows of the friuts and vegetables for the schools to use in their lunch program instead of buying them. Imagine actual ripe tomatoes in Mighigan in winter, and the students will know how to setup and amintain a hydro operation. They wouldn't beleive me when I told them I didn't graduate and just needed that class for my diploma. VV


Active Member
Many, many thanks from Saskatchewan. I'm about to invest in t5's - invaluable information for another old fart with a bad back.


Well-Known Member
I was gonna ask where the damn updates were but I forgot VV mentioned he was going on a vacation.... hopefully the guy he has taking care of them hasn't fucked it up. haha.


Well-Known Member
Ohhh ok... well some people on this forum are idiots. It's pretty obvious your set up is working well by the looks of your plants, don't take it personally.


Well-Known Member
Yeah seriously VV, your grow and setup is awesome; mucho kudos!!!! I have seen so many buds on here grown with floro's that are very impressive; more so than alot of HID buds I have seen. If it works for you dont fix it!!! Good job and happy smokin!!


Sector 5 Moderator
I'm glad you're still around; assholes abound here too, sad to say. I have MH, HPS, MS CFL's and I'll be buying some T5's before summer. There is a reason and purpose for each of these bulbs. I may not be the perfect grower and my plants may not be quite as big as some at the finish line but at least I'm not killing them anymore, LOL.


Well-Known Member
do you think that it will be able to pay for itself?
i mean if you chose to let it of course


Well-Known Member
I think I will have recooped the investment in a few months. I intend to capitalize the return by reinvesting in led's, a co2 system and additional carbon filtering, plus a few other changes that I have been considering. VV


Active Member
could u help me a little on lights seems to me u know your shit looks beautiful i have a tiny space maybe 2.5 x 2.5 an 3.5 ht. any thing u could recommand for lighting that does not get very hot


Well-Known Member
You might be able to get 3 or 4 plants in there with cfl's. There are a lot of journals in this forum that utilize a space similar to your, I would look at a few of them and then decide. You will need ventilation taking the stale co2 depleted air out and replacing it with 'fresh' air as well as a small oscillating fan.VV


Well-Known Member
Soo... I have decided to make some changes, imagine that. I am going to change the strains I am growing, blueberry varieties seem popular. All of the existing plants are in flowering, I did not take clones, I may experiment with revegging a couple after harvest.
This first table of plants is the one that was vegged for part of the time under the t-5 lights and is our 'test table' for harvest comparisons to hid lighting. They are about 9 weeks flowering now. Remember, we also dropped from 20 plants under hid's to 12 under the t-5's, and we are still hoping to get the same yield.
This second table is a mixed bag, some at 9 weeks, some less, a lot of ice, and the yield from them should be better than it has been. Several 'nice buds'. Still not close to some of the pictures I have seen, probably operator error's.
These last two tables are at 6 weeks and two weeks. They were vegged under t-12's and then flowering under the t-5's, again 12 plants per table. Turn the page. VV



Well-Known Member
.....Soo approximately three weeks to harvest of the 'test table', and I am a little nervous about the outcome. Can I get the same kind of harvest from 12 plants as I got from 20 under the t-5's. Well..... here is a picture of a typical plant from that table and a view of the top. I am still concerned about the multiple 'large bud' sites taking away from the main cola and I think I probably should have cut more of the bottom branches off early. I do have some 'large bud' sites that are at the level of the main cola from as low as the fourth node so I'm not sure how this will turn out. Some of the leaves have been shed, not that many, so maybe it will turn out alright. Colas from the other tables have been included, and I only lost two plants this year while I was on vacation. Had some 'friends' drop by while I was gone so I wasn't broke when I got back, thats a first, all in all a good year. VV:blsmoke:

