My Dad Is A Right-Wing Asshole..

I wouldn't be entirely shocked at all if the kid was still on the tit. I have friends who steal lean on their parents a lot for financial support. They are eager to take their money but resent the advice that comes with it. If you take someone's money, your bound to at least consider their advice, because if for no other reason they have achieved a measure of success beyond that of you, who depends on them.

bignbushy, we all know you are talking about yourself.
bignbushy, we all know you are talking about yourself.
I don't depend on my parents. I have things they've given me. I use these things. I could have gotten them myself had I wanted to.

I stick to a zero base budget as taught by Dave Ramsey. It is difficult being on a commission based income and having good months and bad. That is why I have to keep significant cash reserves.

Things my parents get for me are things I usually wouldn't treat myself to. For instance they bought me a bass boat for Christmas. I wouldn't spend 7k on a toy at this point in my life.

But unlike you i pay for my own dwelling and don't depend on my wealthy in laws for my equity.
I don't depend on my parents. I have things they've given me. I use these things. I could have gotten them myself had I wanted to.

I stick to a zero base budget as taught by Dave Ramsey. It is difficult being on a commission based income and having good months and bad. That is why I have to keep significant cash reserves.

Things my parents get for me are things I usually wouldn't treat myself to. For instance they bought me a bass boat for Christmas. I wouldn't spend 7k on a toy at this point in my life.

But unlike you i pay for my own dwelling and don't depend on my wealthy in laws for my equity.

yeah, i'm sure the property with the pond you live on was afforded with your subway wages.


Hey sky..

Well my son is taking over the management of my company so I can move into my new shack in Hawaii. And he is politically more in the middle kinda like a libertarian in my opinion. But we think a lot a like on most things, but my daughter is more than likely a lot like you. She is an Obama fan and thats alright with me, I just don't talk politics when we see each other.

We are heading back to the big island in three weeks. I need to buy a truck and furnish my new house and then politics are going to take a back seat with me.

Moving to Hawaii?

Get ready brother. Racism is against Whites over there. I have been throw out, refused service, threatened, roughed up, all that.

Those big Samoan Moco-nuts had a thing about me, it seemed.

IAC, good education.. The shoe will be on the on the other foot. :)
I am an always will be a hater of the mangled power structure, and the Pubs have never mattered a bit.

Sometimes I think the Dems are just trying to toughen them into worthy political opponents.
The clay is soft and can't hold shape for the Pubs.
Moving to Hawaii?

Get ready brother. Racism is against Whites over there. I have been throw out, refused service, threatened, roughed up, all that.

Those big Samoan Moco-nuts had a thing about me, it seemed.

IAC, good education.. The shoe will be on the on the other foot. :)

Hey Doer..

I am familiar with the situation in Hawaii and I hope I can fit in. I will let you know how it goes, i will have my computer with me and I have friends that live in the area where I am going so here we go. The middle of september I will have the keys for my new shack.
Hey Doer..

I am familiar with the situation in Hawaii and I hope I can fit in. I will let you know how it goes, i will have my computer with me and I have friends that live in the area where I am going so here we go. The middle of september I will have the keys for my new shack.

Yeah man. You will be fine. I think if you make an effort open up to one firster family, it is really a voucher system. If you convince some, you are cool for a howlie, you will be fine, The word gets around. It's a favor trading, everyone helps out very gentle culture as you know.

I have a friend on Kauai. When the hurricane cue balled, what? 25 years ago, all the tin roofs were blown off in one direction and piles and piles in everyone's yard except the first house. :( woops.

So, this street got together and hauled the excess tin from the bottom of the street back up to the first house and got it roofed. Then they just went down the line as a big family taking the most close tin and put it on the closest house, until they were done.

Just don't be apart. They don't seem to get that. :)
Said by some unemployed guy while his wife was at work.

there is nothing wrong with choosing to grow as your life's work.

if he was making minimum wage, he'd be making less.

bucky is a scientist and LIVING his DREAM..more than i can say for most.