My Dealer got busted last week - what should I do? I got plants growing!


Well-Known Member
im in VA 5-30 years so it could be worse lol...not saying you'll get busted, but its always good to know the consequences.


Active Member
1 - calm down. If your freaking out its a nother way to draw attention to your self meening your heating your self out.
2 - if your woried about your grow try to take clones and find a realy good place to hid them in the bush or w/e and if worst comes to works and you had to destroy your crop then at least you have a chance with the clones you took and put outside.
3 - Depending on how well you know him and if you hang out or not even if he's your dealer if he doesn't rat you out or any thing then you'll have an idea how true he is to you.
4 - If you were selling here and there you should always find a place off the property and hid the bit of extra money you make out side in a safe place so if some thing happened then if your stach is still here then you'll have some thing to fall back on.
5 - If your dealer hooked you up with weed with seeds and he knew it then there's a bit of a smaller chance of him ratting you out or you ratting any one out cuz if you or someone rats a nother person out you can and proibly will be bringing cops into your life and could heat your self out.
Thanks Bro, I wasn't selling, just buying and asking for seeds. He saw sickly plants that I told him were planted outside. I would not sell, I would smoke all that dank bud for myself.. I would give to friends not sell. I am no dealer I just need the stuff to help with back pain. Two back surgeries lead to pain pill addiction that I am proud I dont' have any longer, thanks to mj... I have been laid off work for 1 1/2 year now and found that gardening helped my nerves. Besides, if I loose everything I have and had nothing - I now have the knowldege and equipment to grow my own, at the end of the day I can self medicate and not worry about not having a job to go to. I hope they don't come after me... it is scary to think about going to jail for something that cures my pain and makes me laugh when there is nothing to laugh about. My hope is if I am sent to jail for something like this then they better dope me up with something and I don't want to be on pain meds.

By the way I did see a guy walking a dog around my house yesterday, the guy kept looking around and the dog didn't seem to react to any smells around my house, I never seen this guy before and his dog looked liked a nikita. He was dress in blue jeans and checkard shirt and was eldery. I know I am so fucking paranoid!!!


Active Member

I watched this whole video, even though I have no plans to grow outdoor. Some of the suggestions are a little inconvenient, but they sound very safe. There is a section about not letting police into your house that you'll want to pay particular attention to.

He also has another video which I couldn't find whole (it's in my netflix queue, so I can't recommend specific parts at this point, but I think it has sections about avoiding getting popped in traffic stops). It's called Never Get Busted Again (it's actually his first video, this is the second one).

I think this is the whole movie in clips. I'm about to watch it now.
Thanks I will watch it, this is how I got started growing in the first place. We got a areogarden for christmas, I figured if it grows herbs then I have the best herb in mind, then I went to youtube and watched Mr. Green grow video and decided I could do that and save money in the long run. I spent more than I was suppose I figure it will pan out if I get a few grows under my belt and I will never have to deal with stupid drug dealers again!!!!


How did that happen?
um he was a friend of a friend for a long time, and he sold me roids back in the day..we were homies and he just thought that since he knew about it he could get a zip for 200. I said "get real" and he threatened to tell the cops. He ended up telling a Drug Task Force, they needed product and I said all I could show him was a bowl. 2 or 3 weeks later they had a warrant for my house; knocked, then busted the door down. Found my grow, but the real deal was on my roommate who was actually being watched for 6 months, charged him with felony cult and felony dist. Last I heard he had received lesser charges of misdemeanors. I have cooperated with the lead agent on the case and have since become legal; no charges for me.:peace:


Active Member
um he was a friend of a friend for a long time, and he sold me roids back in the day..we were homies and he just thought that since he knew about it he could get a zip for 200. I said "get real" and he threatened to tell the cops. He ended up telling a Drug Task Force, they needed product and I said all I could show him was a bowl. 2 or 3 weeks later they had a warrant for my house; knocked, then busted the door down. Found my grow, but the real deal was on my roommate who was actually being watched for 6 months, charged him with felony cult and felony dist. Last I heard he had received lesser charges of misdemeanors. I have cooperated with the lead agent on the case and have since become legal; no charges for me.:peace:
That sounds like it really worked in your favor, I wish it was legal everywhere. I feel like I live in proabition times, when steel runners were having so much trouble. How the hell did drinking become legal and weed still not legal? It is much worse to drink than to smoke up, I have a brother who is on high powered pain meds and drinks with them, he has screwed his liver and other organs up by doing that. He just became dionosed with Graves - Hormones skrewed up. I like to think I am smarter than that. I only do mj. I don't have to visit the doctor. We all were in a car accident, I have a sister who takes pain meds all day long, and is sick most days, all of us have a degenterative spine disorder and have feet going numb. Family illness. I could get on legal perscription drugs but they make me mean and lethargic. If there is ever a time and place to do something it is now, we have to stop them, peacefully. I can't stand the fact that non violent drug offenders are in federal pens. They don't deserve to be locked up with violent crimanals! If I go in non violent then I am for sure comming out a violent crimanal.


Well-Known Member
In and out of the system, snitches get released
They eat breakfast in jail and dinner on the streets

Chase the Bass

Active Member
A cop once told my friend that they can't search a fridge. They came into his place with a warrant for someone else, and they saw a bong on top of the fridge and told them that if they had put the bong inside the fridge that they would have never seen it because they aren't allowed to open refrigerators. The person they were looking for wasn't there and they just gave them a paraphernalia charge.

I don't know if that is just local, state, or what but this happened in Converse, TX right outside San Antonio.


Well-Known Member
A cop once told my friend that they can't search a fridge. They came into his place with a warrant for someone else, and they saw a bong on top of the fridge and told them that if they had put the bong inside the fridge that they would have never seen it because they aren't allowed to open refrigerators. The person they were looking for wasn't there and they just gave them a paraphernalia charge.

I don't know if that is just local, state, or what but this happened in Converse, TX right outside San Antonio.
I can explain this one. In addition to the place to be searched, warrants stipulate the items to be seized. Cops can only search areas that can physically contain the item(s) to be seized, so they can search your garage for a stolen motorcycle, but they can't look in your breadbox, because a motorcycle won't fit in a breadbox. Though, I suppose a person could fit in a fridge, maybe the cops didnt think so.


Well-Known Member
btw, every grower and toker should read marijuana law...i used to have a copy, but i lent it to a friend, and well, u know how that goes. but a good read, very informative.


Well-Known Member
A cop once told my friend that they can't search a fridge. They came into his place with a warrant for someone else, and they saw a bong on top of the fridge and told them that if they had put the bong inside the fridge that they would have never seen it because they aren't allowed to open refrigerators. The person they were looking for wasn't there and they just gave them a paraphernalia charge.

I don't know if that is just local, state, or what but this happened in Converse, TX right outside San Antonio.
I don't think a fridge is special, they said that because of where the bong was. I'm not a lawyer, but I believe the principle is the same anywhere in the US - if it's in plain sight, it can be used against you. He would've been just as safe if the bong was in a drawer or anywhere else out of sight.


Well-Known Member
You can watch this video if you want. BUSTED: The Citizen's Guide to Surviving Police Encounters.

It's starts out with a traffic stop, then a guy sitting on the corner and then a woman having a party. It shows the kind of stuff police say to get you to incriminate and such. Tha main thing is police are allowed to lie as long as they can come up with evidence against. It is definitely worth watching and give you idea of what to do if they knock on your door trying to fish for information or what you can do to stop them from coming in. Like I said watch it and learn.

Young Macdonald

Well-Known Member
I know a good friend who was busted a short while back in his hometown. (the cops raided his house because his roomate had a half pound shipped in the mail and the cops found it). He got busted for having only 1 seed on him! since it was a misdemeanor he was offered the flip deal. If he helped bring in 2 dealers (not 1 it had to be 2) than the charges were dropped. He told me about helping out bust a coke dealer he barely knew..(which i personally dont have a problem with). He said that the cops told him they wouldnt bust the guy for atleast 6 months. Im pretty sure as a general rule, most drug agents or cops dont bust the narc's victim until long after their arrest for obvious reasons. If you sell weed in large amounts, establish a lift up the shirt and show me your not wearing a wire rule right off the bat with customers or just keep less than a handful of major customers.


Well-Known Member
never open your door for cops, lock it and yell through a window that you dont open the door for police and they can either have a dispatcher call your phone or you can keep talking through the window. old ass stuff that saves peoples lives, dont talk to cops. period if they are allowed to be in your place they wouldnt knock, they bust it with a ram and yell search warrant.