my disaster drawer 2


Well-Known Member
...for not "hijack" other threads with my "offtopic" things... or my "crazy" povs... ...other "crazy" drawer to my collection...

...old modular lamp with "bulbs"...i know its not prefered way on this days... but i dont care about general preferences...

...the old and dissapear "Snake" modular lamp...


...i like a lot the idea ...bulbs lamps without driver inside the bulbs...and with other selecction of led colors on bulbs....

...i know osram-silvania have a grow bulb with oslons colored leds...


...maybe but too expensive for my pov...

..for my pov...maybe for diyers... better go on...


LT-2499-1425487761.jpg note... i prefer other elecction on color of leds... but hey... its just my preferences... ...and i prefer separate by colors...i know more work on adapt the mcpcb...lot of more wires... more drivers... off course more expensive way...but for my no problemo... and i like it the idea...

...and maybe biggers bulb lamps too... ...the the par 36 bulb lamp.... or the par 52 bulb lamp too...

...other curious things... they use passive way on heatsink...

NanoLED 7050 Mechatronix Cooler ...7,90€

...or... heat pads...

Heat Conductive Pad for Sun21 Module ...1,99€

...on driver...

Meanwell Power Supply 700 mA (9 - 48 V) IP 67...19,90€
...but as always seems to me... ...its only others crazy ideas mine... :fire:

...or with cobs... and use similar way to... but with good cobs ..osram... philips... ledengin...veros or crees... :roll: :twisted:

...diferent models and kits for diy... for bulb modular lamps...

...and you can customize it...with other mcpcbs too...other brand for leds... i saw it on other sites...not on toolboom...

.....maybe a cheap way... ...maybe too creepe with 3w chinesse leds... ...but i like the idea of small or medium size for modular led grow lamps...

...i know there are others on maybe "crappy" modular way too...

...there are other vids on this way i posted... maybe i repost here...

...the vids... are only for examples or ideas...

...from my pov other models or prototypes ...good for some "tunning"... my frankenstein old know that... :P..


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...on other things...

...on heatsinks for diy... there are some brands ...with models ready for our cobs models..

...i like mechatronic radial heatsinks her info...

...on similar way... seems to me fischer-elektronik have similar models...with adapter plate for diferents crazy idea... maybe a diy cooper adapter plate for our cob models go ok with diferents heatsinks.. brands.. and diferent models too...:fire:...;)...

...note for robincnn... they have models with pin fins too... and pin fins with fans too.. ;)

...maybe other curious brand... for "tunning" some of her small models... virus attach again... i think comes with vero or similars..

...on Heatsinks they have some curious models too... i put only one...

2015SS120.jpg note... the fins are well oriented from my pov for a rectangular heatsink... lol... i told you Wilson...:mrgreen: ;-)

...Glass Cover Accessory... ...too curious for my pov...and inspirative too...


...the pdfs i upload here are edited by me with more info for diferents models of cobs (separate by models of cobs) thanks to her web tool...enjoy the info... serves to me to look on perimeters or volumen or weight...(looking to the big heatsink recommended for go ok on passive way with cxa/b 3590)... maybe for compare with others radial and similar heatsinks... vids are only for examples or ideas...

pd...thanks for your likes...mc130p...:hug:




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...actually a diyer really need a par meter?... maybe its a big help for grower...i know we grow plants...par meter its a cool tool for a diyer grower...

....but...if you want check your cob bin....(are you sure you have a cree cob top bin?... only checking...volts amps and got peace...just my pov)... ...with a normal luxometer or lumeter... you can check the lumens against the datasheet of this model.... they not show us ...PPF values ....they show Lumens value...then with a simple or cheap tool you can verificate your cobs bins numbers value....

....of course par meters are cool tools... but with other cheap tools we can test our expensive cobs too...just my pov...

...i know Wilson... maybe oftopic... then moved to my thread...


...slow sensor?... slow readings on temps?... ...just a curious vid...

....lot of models on willhi web...

...vid are only for examples or ideas...

...i try to search thermocouples meters or similar with similar technology... for faster readings...etc... but i cant see nothing similar... because my actual inet connection its too bad... and actually i havent much time to search on inet.... if someone look something similar please share her link...or info...

...on other things... ...just for my curiosity...

...some pics from frozencpu web...





...from coolerguys web...

These Power Supplies are natively 4 Pin Molex, if you need to Adapt them to 3 Pin the following items are available:

Single 3 Pin Fan to 4 Pin Molex Adapter
Dual 3 Pin Fan to 4 Pin Molex Adapter
Six Port 3 Pin Fan to 4 Pin Molex Adapter.

If you want to Control 12 Devices using this Power Supply the following are Compatible.

Variable Dual 3 Pin to 4 Pin Molex Controller
Variable 4 Pin Molex to 4 Pin Molex Controller
Pre-Set Thermal Controller
Programmable Thermal Controller
Infrared (IR) On / Off Switch with Remote Control






...a good pdf talking about 4 Pin pc Fans...enjoy...;)\specs\rev1_2_public.pdf

...links... pics... or vids are only for examples or ideas...


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...well... my offtopic post in my thread...:P...

...great news for renewable energy... i like a lot her system...


...but its only in one island... we need more system like that in others canary islands but the actual govern dont go on that direction... ...i like a lot El Hierro island... :hug:...great idea ....working now...:hump:

...links... pic...and vid are only for examples or ideas...


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...curious vids about "100 w cob leds"... sorry in spanish...

...on other things,,,

...vids are only for examples or ideas...

...gracias por los ...ese argentinooo... :mrgreen:


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lol... marshmellows and camping... with diy high tech... ...only for brave diyers...:eyesmoke:;)...

...the max31855 comes with the reflow oven shield too... sds knows that...;)

...other curious vids...,8218.0.html

...i know...its using other old max 6675 amplificator... but there are more curious info... pid... 3 wires fan controller way...

pd...on other things...

...links.. pic.. and vids are only for examples or ideas...

....Wilson ...i lite a candle on my window for Paris...really by all good people...

...for no more cruel bloody days......

...i know Wilson i know... i saw it ...then...

...moved to my offtopics things better here...sorry..


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For all the innocent blood spilled ,everywhere in the world

" I look like a bombed landscape.
Like a blurry verse,
at life's last desk
And like a migrant bird ...

I 'm stubborn and have a strong stomach,
like Paul with the phony golden coin
the love that I give ,I do not get back
as it is destiny's will ....

Come to stand on my feet
after so many hits
I've forgot the steps
but there's no room to say " I can't "
I have to dance ...

Inside the ruthless world I grow older
Who really gets what he deserves ?
I do not want it , but my complaint comes
because the wheel does not spin... "

And this for my brother Salm...

To be a broken ship
Beyond, deep
Like that me to be
With no masts
With no sails
To sleep

The place to be foamy
And the coast dead
With shell skewed
And with prow there
Where I will lie down

The sea to be lifeless
And the fishes dead
Like that to be
And the astonished rocks
And the distant stars
To watch

Without ticking the hours
And mournful days
Without joy
And so empty and motionless
In silent dumb nights
The moon

Me to be a ship
Broken, dead
Like that me to be
On a deceased coast
And stagnant water
To sleep
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sds on my thread ....thanks bro....

....for red mites ....trips and white flies...i saw good fight here with ...amblyseius swirskii... and ...amblyseius californicus... ...californicus better for mites 2 cents..

...old vid are only for examples or spanish ...sorry...

...I know Wilson...but thanks for the advise...then...

...actived...and moved to my thread...


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...on review lab side (blog side) on growershouse i saw things i like a lot... example...

...a vid... pics... pdf... and excel files... wow...

...a video transcrypt... :hug::clap::clap::clap:...thanks a lot... with transcrypts we can make translation to other idioms...or undrestand some parts of vids too..

...lot of times its hard for me understand some bla bla bla with bad sound or speaking fast... etc... transcrypt its a great idea for other idioms translation...just my pov...
...with one excel file (spectral data) we can play with these data with kanna spreadsheet... :fire:...:hug::clap::clap::clap:

... i like a lot the lab side zone on various webs... ....i told you Wilson...

...other curious vids ...i like some other her vids too... sorry in spanish...

...thanks Terrazocultor... ...ese andaluzzz...:clap:...;)

...on arduino way... curious basic vid using graphic programation...(S4A)...

...its just an example...again on spanish... sorry...;) test of heatsink temps?... or vids are only for examples or ideas

pd...on arduino way in spanish... lot of good info (i like a lot her arduino tutorials on pdf) :hug::hump::clap::clap::clap:...need registration...


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...other curious vids...

...not the best for tutorial but maybe helps a bit to someone...;)

...links...and vids are only for examples or ideas...

...yeah Wilson... i cant make vids too... im too poor...but i can look on other vids for show my pov or other povs too... and yeah ....take your time bros...

pd...datalogger.. arduino... and batery charguer?...maybe ok for 730 flower initiator or similar ...powered with arduino and batery/ies...who knows?...;)


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