my disaster drawer

...yesterday i cant edit some things on the previous post... inet off... not my fault..sorry..

...well... PCF8575 (its for PWM) ...i confunded with MAX31855... too stoned... ...when i said ...maybe more than one... i refer to MAX31855 (its for thermocouples)...

...more info here...;)...

...maybe some other editions on links... but are not important...

...ok... sensuino way...

...sensuino use nokia lcd too...and modular control boxs too...;)



Alphanumeric display LCD with HD44780 controller


Graphic display LCD with PCD8544 controller ...For example LCDs in nokia 3310 and 5110...


...only for examples or ideas...

...on RTC i prefer DS3231 RTC Module...

...more info on design resources menu...;) pov...basically sensuino its an arduino + lcd module + rtc module + others modules ... on a shield... modular sistem allows us to update modules for other news... yeah i know maybe lot of wires...

...but an all in one shield its atractive for me too...;) ...or more...

...about basic hardware of sensuino... arduino + lcd + rtc.... i talked before...

...for the rest of parts.... i go on pause mode... by the moment... posible crazy mix....
...semi-arduino typhon way on arduino megas (modules or shields) way....
...semi-arduino typhon way on arduino nano (modules or shields) way....
...semi-ferduino way + semi-sensuino way on a mix arduinos mega and nanos (modules or shields) way...
...or... the all in one shield ...and mix all with your election... making your diy all in one shield with lot of other modules or future modules...

....time to infusion...

Last edited: basic hardware for typhon or others controllers...




...mmm... and posible ferduino way?...

1 x Arduino Mega 2560

ArduinoMega2560_R3_Fronte.jpg mega 2560r3&LH_BIN=1&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR5.TRC2.A0.H0.Xarduino mega 2560 r3&_nkw=arduino mega 2560 r3&_sacat=0

1 x TFT Touch Screen with Resolution 400 x 240 ...maybe with others Big TFT Touch Screen...


1 x TFT Shield with RTC ....(maybe tunned with RTC DS 3231 AT24C32 IIC Module)...


3 x Temperature Sensor DS18B20 ...maybe with others Temp Sensors too...


1 x Relay Board ...maybe with SSR... ...lot of possibilities...




1 x Prototype Shield or Screw Shield ...or an mix...








1 x Ethernet Shield W5100 or Module




6 x Float Switch

image.php sw&_nkw=float switch aquarium&_sacat=0&_from=R40

6 x Dosing Pump

7711962498_8b684c255f_c.jpg pump&LH_BIN=1&_osacat=20754&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR1.TRC0.A0.H0.Xdosing pump 12v&_nkw=dosing pump 12v&_sacat=20754

1 x Circuits pH, ORP and EC


1 x Multi Circuit UART Carrier Board


1 x PCF8575



....ok its only for ideas and watching prices... ...

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...control climate without arduino... ...only for examples or ideas...

...200-240V Digital Temperature Controller Thermocouple -40ºC to 120ºC with Sensor...


...220V Digital Air Humidity Control Controller WH8040 Range 1% ~ 99% RH HM-40 Type...


...Min Max Thermometer Hygrometer...


...and the digital timer... ...or mechanical or analog timer (classic)...





...yeah wilson... i know... MrFlux missing...Guod missing... SDS oversaturated... changed to my pov... ...loose some special magic...
...time to go to the cavern... ...maybe blog time...

...thanks EF... ...i will miss you too much... love you too bro...:hug:


....if the house is correctly wired... ...sometimes the constructor or someones dont respect the color for neutral or load or ground.... ...check or test your electric home installation... at least the electric installation for your grow room to the main power box...

....the important thing its not color ...the important thing its you sure the ac neutral its ac neutral in your room (use your prefered color or the ac load its ac load from main power box)...

...sorry my english its too bad for better and large explicatons... i hope you understand...

...always the security first... better check or test your electric installation with an friend electrician... he knows all litle things about electricity... dont take too much time for check or test this things ... and her can see things you dont see... first... side its serious things... be safe please...

...for the solder way... ...nice and great vids...

thanks wilson...

...and thanks again wilson... ...fritzing...


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...O2surplus iAqua Shield ver 1.1... ...only for examples or ideas...








Due to popular demand - I'm posting the build files for my iAqua Shield.

This version is directly compatible with AH's code,
but does allow for some expansion as new features get added to the original software.

I've downsized the size of the PcB to less than 10 cm X 10 cm to reduce costs.

Here's a photo -


The PcB design, Circuit schematic, Gerber files, and a parts list are attached.

The Gerber files were generated for use at Seeedstudios.

Use the 10cm X 10Cm size option when ordering.

Due to the file size restrictions in place on this Forum,

I was forced to separate the Gerber files into 2 smaller zip folders prior to uploading them.

Please be sure to copy all 8 gerber files into 1 zip folder before sending them to SeeedStudios

The Gerber files can be uploaded directly to the Seeedstudio site,
making the ordering process very easy.

Services : Seeed Studio Bazaar, Boost ideas, extend the reach

partslist.txt (8.2 KB)
iAqua shield (34.4 KB)
iAqua shield (83.4 KB)
iAqua shield (29.8 KB)
iAqua shield (78.5 KB)


iAqua parts (10.2 KB)

...thanks a lot O2surplus...:hug::clap::clap::clap:

...O2surplus iAqua Shield ver 2.0 beta version...

iAquashieldrev2_zpse9ab8dcd.png missing a new fritzing file (for the new version of frizting ...with all for shield and the code inside too) from O2surplus with the O2surplus iAqua Shield ver 1.1. and 2.0 versions... maybe im dreaming again...:(

...great great work AnotherHobby (AH)... ...O2surplus... ...Robsworld78... ...Fernando Garcia (Ferduino)... ...and Cia... :clap::clap::clap::hump:... ...Big Thanks to ALL for Sharing...:hug::clap::clap::clap:...

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...other reef controller... ...only for examples or ideas...;)

...iAqua Lite... ...for my pov...maybe an special typhon with an arduino mega...






...maybe with large bottoms or plastic for adapt... for cases with access to bottoms...

...similar to typhon cases...



How to get the SainSmart LCD Sheild to work on the Arduino UNO.
It's simple, just change the code LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2); to LiquidCrystal lcd(8, 13, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7);

...other cheap RTC 3231 Module... ...maybe for iAqua Lite or others controllers too...;)


...DIY 5" Arduino All-In-One Aquarium Controller...


...perhaps iAqua with an arduino due...

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...other reef controller... ...only for examples or ideas...;)


  • 16x2 Character LCD Display
  • 16-channel 12-bit PWM (0-5V)
  • 4096 Dimming Levels
  • Real-Time Clock Module
  • Manual Sunrise/Sunset Time
  • Geolocated Sunrise/Sunset
  • Staggered Sunrise/Set Delays
  • Moon/Lunar Phase Simulation
  • Intuitive Wheel Interface
  • SmoothRamp Dimming
  • SmoothRamp Clouds
  • Cloud Channel Clustering
  • Lightning Storm Effects
  • Upgradeable via FTDI
  • Arduino Compatible
  • PC Fan Control
  • Auto-dimming LCD

...for my pov... an arduino + lcd shield + pca9685 shield + rtc shield... ...but heyy an great great "all in one" shield too... ...lot of respect for her (they?) works...
...about lcd shield + a five-way key - a rotary encoder...:fire:;)


(...i prefer this but for other things... ...i know on ebay i post before the Alice option too...);)

...about pca9685 i post before...

...@stardustsailor ... for sunrise - sunset... ...they use Timelord library...

...Arduino Astronomical Clock for Automatic Light Control... ,,,inside check Credits Section too..;)

pd1... only for examples or ideas ;)... ...container way...:fire:;)...

...wilson... ...and RIU bros... ...thanks for all...:hump: :hug::clap:...


pd... thanks a lot Abiqua...:hug:... easyy... ...take your time... prisa mata...
...haste kill... take it easy... ...slow mode its ok for my pov ;)... love you too..

...omg...i will miss you too much... riu bros... al...

Any way to combat this issue?

....maybe cooper core solid... ...with jacket tested to 600v or more if you go on high dc volts...

...or pre-solder wired too...;)

Green = ??
Black = ??
White = ??

Green = Ground
Black = AC Load
White = AC Neutral


...the other free metal wire ...its not an electric wire... its a semi-rigid metal wire to give it some stiffness to electric cord...

Just popped in to say that your diagram was 100% correcto!
Edit: Also, what to do with the little metal wire that is poking off to the side??
...nothing... ...cut it...;) ...fold back and cover it with duct tape so that no fucking or contacting or puncturing other electric wires...;)

pd3... muchos animos epicfail... sorry about your dispute with emp...
I'm just waiting for a nano v3.0 to arrive so I can finish off my 4 relay timer project box V1. It will control the lighting and flower initiators of the 2 tents and keep them in sync. V2 which I am almost done the coding for will be a later upgrade, it will have the option to set the time and alarms without needing to connected to a computer via USB. I think I might have lost my access to the laser cutter and CNC machines at work so I will be going to back to oldschool drilling and filing from now on. I got in a dispute with my employer and after 10 years I'm feeling like its time to move on, most likely that means I will have to stop spending more money on these projects for a while. One good thing is I have all the parts ordered for the V2 timer and the Arduino based E-nail projects, those should keep me busy for a while still.

Once the nano arrives I will install it and post wiring pictures, BOM, and the code in my thread for anyone to use as they wish. Im sure there are some of you out there like myself that are sick of having separate timers that don't stay in sync. This V1 is a pretty simple arduino starter project and with some minor code adjustments the relays could be used as cycle timers instead of alarm timers for fan/pump/humidifier/etc.

....learn and enjoy... ...take your time... prisa mata...
...haste kill... take it easy... ...slow mode its ok for my pov ;)... love you too bro.. i will miss you too much... best wishes for all my riu bros... great year for yours...

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I'm just waiting for a nano v3.0 to arrive so I can finish off my 4 relay timer project box V1. It will control the lighting and flower initiators of the 2 tents and keep them in sync. V2 which I am almost done the coding for will be a later upgrade, it will have the option to set the time and alarms without needing to connected to a computer via USB. I think I might have lost my access to the laser cutter and CNC machines at work so I will be going to back to oldschool drilling and filing from now on. I got in a dispute with my employer and after 10 years I'm feeling like its time to move on, most likely that means I will have to stop spending more money on these projects for a while. One good thing is I have all the parts ordered for the V2 timer and the Arduino based E-nail projects, those should keep me busy for a while still.

Once the nano arrives I will install it and post wiring pictures, BOM, and the code in my thread for anyone to use as they wish. Im sure there are some of you out there like myself that are sick of having separate timers that don't stay in sync. This V1 is a pretty simple arduino starter project and with some minor code adjustments the relays could be used as cycle timers instead of alarm timers for fan/pump/humidifier/etc.
...thanks EF... maybe you or POS would like check this post mine too;) on the ABI thread...


...or the ABI...

...POS... about F.D.P. ...

...on AC side you deal with cos φ... or f.d.p. ...i prefer this page info...

To understand the importance of power factor (or f.d.p.) will be considered two receivers with the same power, 1000W, connected to the same voltage 230V, but the first with a f.d.p. high
and the second one f.d.p. low

  • First receiver


  • Second receiver


...A f.d.p. low compared to other high rise, for the same power, increased current demand, which implies the need to use larger wire gauges...:hump:

...for work with the wires gauges... i work with VA data... because fdp its on the mix... sorry my bad and short english...:wall:álculo_de_secciones_de_líneas_eléctricas


... on other things... i like a lot the eevblog vids too ... maybe more info relative on blog... ;)

...on other things... ...for not hijack or saturate other threads...

...hey SDS... thanks a lot bro... ...same for CH and MM too... i have a lot of questions on indoors... maybe on this thread i can learn and ask... lot of things... but bit a bit... starting for vegetative zone or vegetative tent... maybe with two zone for seeds and clones and other zone for mothers...

...i think on a tent 1x1x2..(with 2 zones)... i think is lot of usual... and too close to 80x80 of AB tent... my inexpert opinion...but i like hear others opinions or ideas...

...hey guys...all help or ideas are welcome...

...thanks in advance too...

first question what veros for zone of seeds and clones...

...if i go with vero 10 (number of cobs, what driver, heatsink. fan. ???)...

...if i go with vero 13 (number of cobs, what driver, heatsink. fan. ???)...

...if i go with vero 18 (number of cobs, what driver, heatsink. fan. ???)...

...if i go with vero 29 (number of cobs, what driver, heatsink. fan. ???)...

same questions for zone of mothers...

...opinons or ideas please... thanks...

I use 2 5000k Vero 13s driven at 300ma and mounted on a 4" x 12" cheap passively cooled heat sink for seedlings and cuttings. It uses 21.5 watts and is just right to cover a standard size seedling tray.

Been starting my seedlings under 80w of cxa 3590 5000k. They just share space with my moms in the veg side. They do great under that lighting. Been getting quick growing and stout yet..

...i like semi-pasive way a lot...ok for the moment...22 - 80 W for vegetatives zones... a vegetative tent 102 W...

... idea to understand the indoor growing is approach it as if different areas or different tents for different phases to make a continuous cycle...

...A... zone or tent for vegetative...that can be divided ... an zone or tent for seeds or clones and an zone or tent for mothers...

...B... zone or closet to flowering... that can be divided ... an zone or tent for preflowering and an zone or tent for flowering...

...C... another zone or closet for fathers plants... that can be divided... an zone or tent for vegetative and an zone or tent for flowering...

...D... and maybe one last zone or tent to hospital or quarantine... that can be divided... an zone or tent for clones and an zone or tent for plants ...for take to care or treat diseased plants or pests... that can be divided... an zone or tent for clones and an zone or tent for plants... ...E... ...or use that same zone or tent or cabinet when the hospital its finished her work... as pollination zone or tent... ...that can be divided... an zone or tent for vegetative and an zone or tent for flowering...

...I would like to know more about these phases... going for zones and understand all a little better...

its clear to me i must begin by ...A...the first zone or tent (closet) for vegetative... ...with zone or tent for seed and clones and zone or tent for mothers plants...

...then would pass a ...B...second zone or closet for flowering and zone for preflowering and zone for flowering...

...then would happen to the ...C...third zone or cabinet for fathers plants and their zone for vegetative and their zone for flowering...

...then would happen to the ...D...fourth zone or closet for hospital or quarantine with their zone for clones and zone for plant... or ...E...fifth zone or closet for pollination and their zone for vegetative and their zone for flowering... a starting point... suposse i would use a typical indoor 1x1x2 closet... its typical???... we split them and give us ...2... ...1x1x1...

...suposse i use veros or cxas...

...any help ...or ideas...are welcome...

...but for zones or tents...please...

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...upsss... ...I must to do another tribute here for other great person... ...last saw her he live on Tenerife too...

...her name... ...Massimiliano Salami... :clap::clap::clap:...another great master :hump:... he write a book... cannabis sativa l...

...unfortunately had a website talking about biological control and the crisis had to close... of closed website... ...dr grow online... ...lot of great info lost... i backup some info there but not all... :evil::wall:

...but on YT... stay something of her info...;)

...part one...:clap::clap::clap:...


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I am slowly trying to intake all of this arduino/ controller -research.......but I went back to school and now I have even less time!
But I am about to pick up an UNO R3 to start playing around with!

Big admirer here! :peace: :joint:

I am slowly trying to intake all of this arduino/ controller -research.......but I went back to school and now I have even less time!
But I am about to pick up an UNO R3 to start playing around with!

Big admirer here! :peace: :joint:

I'm looking for a side-project to work on in my free time and have been interested in learning more about these controllers. I know a little about C++ programming and would like to put it to use.

Do you think we could work together on utilizing the UNO R3? It would help tremendously to have someone else to share the experience and knowledge with and I couldn't think of a better person to share it with ;).

I would just need to buy the R3, along with any other needed components, to get the fire burning.
...lo siento masters... queria acabar reponiendo algo de la info que recogi de la web cerrada... pero traiciones aqui me obligan a dejar de postear incluso en mi propio hilo...
...para que seguir asi?... sera mucho mas dificil aun aprender sin preguntar y sin que me respondan...
...pero creo que ya hice todas las preguntas...
...y dudo que me respondan como me gustaria...

...pero como soy un eterno aprendiz... no dejare de leer y aprender... llevo bien las traiciones...
...paso a modo solo lectura... no mas likes... no mas posts... solo lectura.... quieres algo de mi usa los privados o mi correo...
...fue un placer compartir lo poco que tengo... o se...

...quiero sentir el aire... si me hacen llorar... saciar mi sed con lagrimas de sal...


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