My DIY Aero Cloner...51 Site...

so here's some pics, you can see the root for sure........



........................................... bongsmilie


......uh ummmmm....we believe you and everything, just cant see is all. haha:bigjoint:

Hey you said 'fuk all nutes' you have nothing in there? That's how I usually go--nothing. But have been seeing improvemnt with the PowerCloner solution...... I am all for NOTHING though.....:lol:
Ahh... here ya be,,, 68 hours after cut......


dooh..... only 1 pic will upload, but ther ya be, and that rootz over 1" long.........

yeah those are kick-a$$ results!! you got this licked!! down to a perfect science. i dont see any room for improvement, or the need for any!! Great Work Epix.

I got mine done a nd is looking good but listen to this,.....i filled it up too test it out and the damn thing had a hairline crack in the bottom of it. now i need to buy a new one and dont see taking the other back having to explain why there are 45 holes in the damn lid. oh well just the rez!!! :)
yeah those are kick-a$$ results!! you got this licked!! down to a perfect science. i dont see any room for improvement, or the need for any!! Great Work Epix.

I got mine done a nd is looking good but listen to this,.....i filled it up too test it out and the damn thing had a hairline crack in the bottom of it. now i need to buy a new one and dont see taking the other back having to explain why there are 45 holes in the damn lid. oh well just the rez!!! :)

Thank ya kindly sir, and i shall only keep improving things to work the best for me, then i'll let the setup do the work......

That sucks on the Jug, lol, first rez i ever bot, big 120 gal.... frigin filled it and didn't look at it again till i notice the opposite rooms carpet waz drenched..........same thing, just a little split in the bottom seem....

Hopefuly you can find the same jug, then you just gotta switch out lids...

..................... bongsmilie
Hay all, good day there, sorry for they days missing, been croppin and doin fund raisers... for freinds.... croppin for me....

So, here be Day 6..... Lottza Rootsz........ boya........



............................ :joint:
Hey epix....... Can I bring my cuts over to your place??
Very impressive results, to say the least!!
Hey, how deep is your res?? Looks half full, about 4" down from that ledge/lip. .
Hey epix....... Can I bring my cuts over to your place??
Very impressive results, to say the least!!
Hey, how deep is your res?? Looks half full, about 4" down from that ledge/lip. .

Thankz man, and passin clones on is how i'm gonna keep changing my strains....

the container itself is like 14" deep, but ware the roots are is 12", the water level is 6" but there's a 1/2" worth in the tubes when it's running....

........................... :joint:
I'm mostly a lurker, but I've seen several aero cloner DIY's before. Your's is great not only because the design is simple and efficient, but also your whole presentation has cut through the bull and made it clear and easy to understand.
ive posted this question on another thread but i forgot to notice that it was to old so no one reply. so i was at a friends house yesterday and his clones has these jelly or gel thingy on the bottom of his clones and was wondering what the heck was that and what causes it and how can i get rid of it. cause mines rooted and he said his did too, lol. not roots at all.
ive posted this question on another thread but i forgot to notice that it was to old so no one reply. so i was at a friends house yesterday and his clones has these jelly or gel thingy on the bottom of his clones and was wondering what the heck was that and what causes it and how can i get rid of it. cause mines rooted and he said his did too, lol. not roots at all.

Hay there, sorry for the delayed answere.... been stupid busy....Sounds like to much nutz or stem rot, if it's like white pimples but bigger, then he over fert fed them and the roots don't need to spread for food, if they All like that then it's a garenty thats what he done, and if they All kinda brown/rottin, then fertz is the cause too, roots goota grow out to eat, if they have to many fertz in the mix then they don't seek food and wind up die'n.......

So hay all, how do today, here's the last pics of this clone batch, 24 into 12/h already and the rest are in the Aero Veg system i built under the 400w MH.....



So till my Next DIY, cya later.................. :leaf:

................................... :weed:
*and epixbud fades off.............

LOL, never too far tho.....

got 2 DIY's to write up, just waiting for some results so there's visual proof of how they work......

i just took the step up to Aero systems and already learned a leason that cost me my hole batch.....

He He He............

thank God i didn't downsize my cloner yet, replaced that batch and got another batch to go into 12h in a week or so....

if i get the nack of the Aero then i'll use the 51 site cloner once more and make a new smaller one for them, with a DIY for it too, i'll keep using the 51 site till i trust the Aero enough...

I'k also getting ready to do Sound Proofing with some really nice material i found, probly throw the info and small DIY for it to....
