lol how many leds were he could have one hps jesus some people are super smart
thats just a tumble trimmer with a fan lid lol small bud are ok larger ones u are pretty much fucked try cranking a bud the size of your for arm in thatbuds after the test run
lol how many leds were he could have one hps jesus some people are super smart
The diy of toms tumbler works great...
(This is not mine but I use my own version)
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For gotta work with what you gotthanks gangjagurl, I was trying to make something like that but I have limited supplies and I'm stuck in the mountains. I am 2 to 3 hours away from civilization. gotta work with what I have. harvest is less then two weeks away.
Some nice bong buddies
Who needs a hedge trimmer, this guys bossThis is a joke right? You need this commercial sized trimmer for that crop.
welcome to my world i dont pull em all but cut the lights ill trim one-2 plants a night working 9 hours a day then another 9 of trimming leaves me with bout 3 hours sleep but its worth it last year i trimmed for 3 weeks straight everydayyou are right. i would need to snip them into budlets to get it to work. I need to make this work or ealse me and my 3 man team will be hand trimming for the next couple month or so.
i hope I can get these done within a week. I can fit 1 pound at a time with that tumbler. ill just have mytrimmers pick water leaves and cut them into budlets then into the tumbler.welcome to my world i dont pull em all but cut the lights ill trim one-2 plants a night working 9 hours a day then another 9 of trimming leaves me with bout 3 hours sleep but its worth it last year i trimmed for 3 weeks straight everyday
nope not a joke. I can't even get mail here. my car has issues and I poured everything to this operation.This is a joke right? You need this commercial sized trimmer for that crop.