My dwc grow

Just wanna know what you pros think of my setup. Its a 14 gallon tub with 2 12 inch airstones and a 40 gallon airpump. I have 4 plants, the one in the middle was a gift, 1 seed 2 plants. I'm feeding it dnf grow a+ b for the veg. Its under 6 cfls til they're about 12 - 14" then they go in my flowering cabinet which has a 400 watt hps, Still trying to add fans to keep it a little cooler. i also wanna know what else to use besides the nutrients for the water to keep algae from growing. Basically to keep everything running smooth. I change water and nutrients every 7 - 10 days(well only once so far). Any help would be great as this is my first grow and it seems really good so far and i dont wanna fail.


Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Looking very good so far. Why is the one on the right so small? Your roots are developing very nicely. To prevent the growth of algae and other things that you don't want, like root rot, add like a little bit of hydrogen peroxide each time you change the res. This will also help to keep the water full of dissolved oxygen. I just started my first grow as well, come swing by if you get the chance. Good luck!


Active Member
If you notice algae forming it might be because your lid is letting a little light into the reservoir. Roots for one, do not like light. It just looks like light goes throgh your lid when looking a that one pict you took. I am running a DWC grow now, my container is light tight and I do not have algae problems. Just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
What are some good ways to keep rez temp down?
If you can elevate your res a few inches, you can tuck a bag of ice underneath it and it will chill the res for about 2 days or more. It's the poor man's solution.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Yeah that works well. For now I put a frozen water bottle in there every once in a while only because the roots aren't in the res yet. If ice touches the roots, you'll shock them and stunk their growth.


Well-Known Member
Roseman gave me a good one. move your air pump away from your light. I moved mine to the window seal. Now rez temps are staying cooler. I allso had a pump in the bottom rez and that was making the water heat up.