My DWC Set-up...

wow been off a lil while and those things got big on me!!! lookin real nice! those clones are lookin more den healthy! good job
:leaf:My boy said a couple more weeks to fatten them buds up. Sounds good to me!!!:leaf:
I just sat for like 5 hours reading every post on here wow looking good man!! Can't wait to see how much it yields!! Also from MI showing the love!!
The pH is @ 5.5 in fresh 1,100PPM nutes.
The bud looks good but the leaves got me.
It's only the top that looks bad. Looked for mites too.
It might be the nute temp, thats around 56*-58*.
How much longer do they have before harvest? I would post up in the sick plant forum & ask, all the heavy hitters browse that thread.