My EasyRyders will be in the dark for 24 to 48 hours...Need advise !!!


Active Member
Hello All,

Due to plumbing repairs, Where they will look All over house for crazy water leak, I had to put 3 half done AF's in a small non lighted closet.

When construction is over what should I do to negate any stress?

They were under HPS...I also have a MH bulb if needed.

I really need some advise as to continue my grow w/o killing girls...other than the dark closet issue they are in good health.

For certain reasons I cant put any type of light in this closet.

Please guide me as I am only familiar with pre-harvesting darkness...This is my first AF grow.

Thank You !!!


Well-Known Member
By halfway done, do you mean halfway through flower, or halfway through veg, or done with veg and ready to start flowering? In any of these cases, prolonged dark will have little effect on them, but more so if they're flowering. In flowering you want to avoid prolonged light more than dark. In any case, as long as it's only 48 hours or so, they should be fine. If they are still vegging, you may notice a slight pause in growth from lack of light. If they are in flower and you have to keep them in the dark for that long BE SURE it is complete darkness, no leaks untill you're ready to introduce them back to a normal 12/12 schedule.


Active Member
By some miracle, several plumbers and electrician came this morning and all is finished !

Put them back in grow cage under HPS and got fan and everything back as normal.

The plants look as good as before I put in closet...I will monitor girls closely the next few days... just in case.

Me and the EasyRyders thank you !