My entrence to the green utopia!


Active Member
Hey there Rui!

The first part of this post is a short intro to how i was introduced to growing, and how my two "dont use a finger, project" went so far. So if you only wanna see pictures and look at my upcoming system, scroll on down;)

I have been smokin, since 2000 or such, but always with friends or other "companions" , until one of my friends invested in a grow closet(very unprofessional operation), meant for commercial use.. So i slowly started to smoke pure skunk instead of the crappy ass hash, and i realized how i could use weed, instead of just gettin' fucked in the head by it..

So now i've moved away from family and friends because of my education, as an architect, and i have come to find myself getting very creative(in a good way according to my teachers) when i smoke sative green! But(!) It's so expensive. So i wanted to make an investment with my roomate(the guy who did the invester gig), and go make a grow operation.

Back in the end of May, i didn't know squad worth of marijuana growing except it was a plant that needed pretty much light, and at some point it should be harvested(i used to help with curing on my roomies operation). So i just ordered some seeds (5 feminized Power africa seeds from seedmans bank, Skunk#1, durban poison and Haze X), and I put one of them in soaked toilet paper and in a hole punched plastic bag, and one two chabam, its sprouted. I then put it in a little Ø6 cm pot, with seedling soil, and a some gravel. 3 days later it was up and saying hello to the world. Unfortunately, one of the seedleafs were screwed, so it grew very slow afterwards, which made me sprout another one.

So I was growing two plants, and i had to go home for the summer which in my case was only a month, but still pretty vital stage for my plant to leave them at. So i transplanted them in to much bigger pots, with watering wigs, placed up along the side of the pot. Stuck it in on to two container with a very small nutrient amount(4,1,3+micro) and i soaked the hell out of the pots. Then i placed the two pots on my balcony(receives sun from 9 to 15, and i live in denmark) and put some different mat white sheeting behind it to reflect, and off i went.

4 weeks later, i come home to a somewhat good surprise. I was blessed with the second plant, wich had grown 35 cm. but the first one was the most impressive. One of my sheeting materials(paper) had fallen on it, and so i lift it up to see how far it had grown before the crash, and what do i see?! It was started to grow it way under the paper, in a crazy twisty way!

So i transplanted the doomed one so it grew upwards, and i cut of the wigs from the bottom, and fed them with a low nute solution. And they are now both growing okay. The biggie is 65 cm high, and the other one is about 10-15 cm and have been using all of its power creating leafs, which it does nicely! I have now tried the fim technique on it, and the two new branches are after two days starting to come out.

I also made a couple of clones of the big guy which i try to clone in my little homemade cloning dome. I just cut them off with 45 angle, in rooting powder(the only thing i had, from my mom who's a biologist) and down in some old rockwool from the addict. Then i watered it with tapwater with a couple of drops of vinegar, and just spray em with water regular. I then pulled one out to see how it was doing after only 4 days, and the stem was looking like it was dissolving the outer surface while getting stronger on the inside.. so then i made a new cut, this time 45 degrees but with a cut down the middle, and same procedure but in soil! So now i'm waiting for that so to show results!

Now to the grow closet!
My plan was to make a stealth closet, and since i needed a wardrobe i thought, why not combine it?! Of course i thought of the stank, but my plan is to isolate the growing part from the rest with plastic and filler.

So now my closet is wxdxh 1x0,6x1,8m, but with the possibility of extending the hight 0,4m.

My plan is to buy(
Sonlight 250w MH 24000 lm
Sonlight 250w HPS 35000 lm
Sonlight 250w electronic ballast
A glos reflector with V shape above the bulb(so like a cheap ripoff, from AAW.)
5x1,3 m of mylar
2x3m of reflective plastic
Suspension rolls for the light.. and the comfort for me:)
digital hydro/thermometer
2x16L square pot(25x25x30cm)
2x11L square pot(scaled down)
100 L soil-less potting mix, along with some perlite
1L Batshit on a bottle :o)
And 14 atami cubes for a little cloning fun!

Besides that i have table fan(standard 3 speed cheap model for blowing the plants:), and im gonna buy Exhaust ventilator 98 m^3/h.

Later i plan to build a mother and cloning system, but for now i make a couple of clones, and then buy feminized seeds..

My plan is to grow 3-4 plant with different techniques since, at this time, its a hobby with minimal sales, to close friends. I wanna try the LST method, where i tie down the stem around the pot, and fim.

Well.. thats my plan, and i would very much like to get response and suggestions, but keep in mind that money is a big robe around my hands:o)

Peace out




Active Member
So! A little update..

King mambo Jr. (My big plant) is now 74 cm tall, it is really starting to grow much bushier then before. However the 1. and 3. set of fan leafs are starting to turn slight yellowy, plus a burn on of the 3. fan leafs. It doesn't seem to spread, so i just gave it a good nute watering and gave it my best wishes..
King mambo(my little survivor) Is getting waaaay to bushy, and not stretching at all!?! Since i fim'ed it, the two new leaf sets are starting to grow, but its not going anywhere.. dunno what’s up with that.. Still only 15 cm tall..
My clones, have been doing beautifully. The trashed one, has started a long thick root system, but something weird has happened. From one of the roots, it has started to sprout a set of seed leafs, just peaking above the rockwool? Ill try to check in another forum, but if any of you out there has seen this before, please do write what’s going on:)
My other clone(the one that i started in rockwool, and then re-cuttet and cloned in soil) is starting to get a yellow tip on the two fan leafs, but i heard that was normal.. i just took a sneak peek in to the soil, and it look like its just about to create a nice root system, so have my fingers crossed for that one.. Im still waiting for my closet, so that’s going nowhere atm.. soo. Enjoy the pictures, and please do comment, as its still my first grow and I guess I need all the help I can get;)



Well-Known Member
wow nice looking plant, you got some huge leaves there, hopefully you will have big buds as well. good job


Active Member
Just a little pic update.. much haven't happened since last cuz of the rainy weather.. both my clones have started thier root system, but its growing soooo slooow.. but thats probably my own darn fault:o(

well... happy growing to everyone :o)



Active Member
Hey Jack, Gs and wonderblunder!

Thx for the comments! Ill be updating, my grows from now on.. Think the lighting setup, will be here within the next 2 weeks, so i can get my girl into flowering, since the danish weather has kicked in..(danish weather="if you dont like the current weather, just wait 5 minuttes, cuz then it'll change)!
hope you keep watchin and givin advice if you spot somethin wrong(:

Keep your head high.. and your plants higher :D


Active Member
Soo.. about now, i have received my new closet, witch is perfect, and king mambo jr, has grown to 78 cm and haven't looked better(seriously), from the top of the pot, while the fiming with king mambo was a success, and is now 20 cm from the pot.. My two clones are slowly growing, but with veeeeeery slow growth.. but given my carelessness and the sucky weather, who can blame em?! Pics will come soon, but im so drunk atm, that i weren't able to keep the camera still.. sry

Besides that, i just payed and ordered:
250w lumatek EB
250w Gib Hps
250w Gib mh
0,5 L Bloom stuff

I couldn't afford anymore this month, but i hope ill get bye with this until the next month

Peace out :D


Active Member
Sooo its been a while cuz ive been busy with the school.. However my plants have done a little growing :o)

First off, king mambo Jr, has been infected with spider mites, so im thinkin of buying some "carnivore mites" to eat em off. Other then that it is fine and now at 95 cm from soil level, and have been transplanted to a little bigger pot. As did king mambo, because i got a good price, and they were both growing out of the old pots.. King mambo has hit the 32 cm, and it looks like my fimmin went perfect.. four branches are really going at it with almost same growrate, so hope that pans out..

my two clones are also doing fine.. slowly growing leafs but rapidly growing their root systems:) My light haven't arrived yet but i think itll be here by monday or so.. Cant really wait much longer since Mambo Jr. is preeeetty big for my closet by now, and as far as i have heard, it might grow up to double size.. and i really need to bend it around in the closet if its 2 meters tall...

Anyway Go grow you little Rascals;)



Active Member
Hey there people!

So its been a while, cuz of my education, but now im back with good news.. ive got my 250w system, just a couple of days after mambo jr. went into flower! so i set up my closet for grow and im about 2-3 weeks into flowering, and its lookin good(i think personally). Because of the spidermites ive chosen to just through all the plants in flower so i can start a fresh grow afterwards! But on the bright side ive been the lucky guy of housing carnamites which is currently eating the spidermites.. so thats good.. well heres a couple of pics.. i know that the bottom of mambo jr, isnt gettin that much light, but cant seem to do it any other way if i want mambo to get enough light.. and since mambos got 4 colas i thinks thats the one to focus on :) btw, mambos leaves are lookin a bit fuked.. some random brown spots and crazy curled leafs, in random places of the plant.. cant seem to find that symptom anywhere.. i think it might be because the temperature hit 90 f one day before i rearranged the ventilation, but cant seem to find similar leafs on mambo jr.. well please do comment!

btw, the reason i havent filled the closet with mylar, is that im waiting for next grow so i cant do it right:)

Peace out;)



Active Member
Soooo its time for a little update.. the plants are now about 2 and 3 weeks into flowering(from pistils), and looks good IMO..

I had to leave for the holidays, so they were on their own for a 6 days.. i was a little worried but they made it.. mambo jr, was totally dried out, and the leafs hang like a dead man in cowboyfilm, but i gave it a good watering, and only a few leafs died.. on the other hand it gave the soil a chance to get some air..

King mambo didnt dry out.. still I cant figure out what is wrong with it, but its growing lookin green, but the biggest fanleafs are dangling still.. i flushed two times, in case of nute burn, but i dont know how long i have to wait to see result?!

Well heres a few pic.. sorry for the bad quality, but still i cant afford a good camera :(

Mambo jr. is the one with tricomes on it and King mambos the one with no tricomes yet:)

Well.. thats all for now folks!



Active Member
Hey RIU!

Just borrowed a Nikon from this little fine thing i know, so finally i can take some decent pictures!
Big guy: 40-45 day of flowering
Fat guy: 35-40 day of flowering

and yes.. i accidently burned the fat guy with my light.. it suxx..

Well enjoy! Hit me back if you like or see a thing to correct.. except the light burn:S



Well-Known Member
Hey man, those buds look delicious already. Did you trim any fans off for better light penetration or did they just stretch for ya? Good recovery after the drought. :bigjoint:


Active Member
Thanx man! Im lookin forward to smokin:D After the drought the bigger leafs got sucked from juices and died, so i never had to trim.. but if it wasnt for that i would have trimmed it!


Active Member
Hey hey!

So its time to harvest! I just tasted it last night.. turbo dried it 12 ours on string, 30 min @ 50 C in hot air oven! Tasted a little plant like.. but smooth smoke, and god daaaaimn i got so hight.. just took down a couple more of the lower branches, and im gonna cut the rest except the top:) needs a little more time.. here are the pics from right before nipping time!

Peace out!

