My envirolite grow 250w red + 250w blue


Well-Known Member
I havent personally gotten as far as you are right now in a grow, but I have read hundreds of journals and seen hundreds of post and everyone I see has the exact thing happen that you are experinecing during the flowering process....something about the plant sucking the nutrients from the leaves to help bud production,..... looks really good, so far keep it up.....


Well-Known Member
thanks, thats a relief to hear that, i seriously cannon wait till harvest day, if you need any help with your grow anything that iv encounterd that you havent yet drop me a line, more than happy to help


Well-Known Member
thanks I appreciate it, I have a grow going myself feel free to check it out, I am hoping the lites you are using are the viable alternative I need to a hid setup, no way the wife will let me go that far with


Well-Known Member
at the moment i give it 0.5 ml per litre, should i give it around 4ml per litre then? or should i phase it in per watering ie next watering give em 1ml per litre, then next one give em 2ml and work my way to 4ml?

or have i got that wrong completly?


Well-Known Member
DON'T feed them on every watering man. every third watering will be now you are giving them 1/4 strenght?are there any curling of the leafs (claw like tips)?if not than feed full strenght (read the label). if no problems - double the strenght.your fertilizer is similar to mine.there shouldn't be any problems... just DO NOT feed on every watering.


Well-Known Member
IMO the last thing you want to do with a plant that has a problem that hasnt been totally diagnosed is give it MORE nutes, I would wait until you are certain about the ph .... I have had wrong ph destroy my plants and droopiness and yellowing are bith signs of bad ph( its also a sign of 100 other things) since the ph is an unknown I would address that before going off doubling up on nutes


Well-Known Member
at the moment that last 4 watering sessions have been included with 1/4 strenght nutes, so what i will do is next watering just use water no nutes and check ph. then following watering if all is well il give it full strenght nutes every 2nd watering.

there is slight curling of leaves but only the lower branches, top branches are top notch.

i know that when giving full strenght nutes its better to only feed every 2nd watering but i thought since im using only 1/4 strengh that every watering will be ok


Well-Known Member
well a little update the drooping leaves at the bottom have sorted themselves out somehow not really drooping anymore, so im gonna wait till sunday when i can ph, then decide on the feed strenght.

could it be it was just very thirsty so it drooped a little? coz after the watering/feeding 2 days ago it has almost virtually fixed itself???


Well-Known Member
ok chaps slight issues with the grow, due to unforseen events i had to litterally chuck some water in the pots due to time issues, and i mean all i done was litterally take a 1.5 litre bottle of pre mixed water and nute and pored it into 4 plant pots equally.

now that was nowhere enuff water they need, im back 4 days later, watered them jus last night and they were droopy as feck, looked really dry, now theyv perked up again.

so now i think there fine what do i do? i fukin put more cfls on, another 125w envirolite, and leave it on for 5-6 hours into the 12 hour dark period. shit

so my question is lights going on in like 4 hours, means they really only got 6 hours dark, this is the one and only time this has happened.

my plants are 4 ladys, 3.5 weeks into flower

have i f uked them royally? will they be ok?

p.s they have good bud over them

pics to follow in 4 hours


Well-Known Member
the 250w is around 17,000 lumens iirc and the 125w is around 10,000, dont quote me on that tho

u think there doing a gd job 3 1/2 weeks into flower?