My Eroding Belief in God

"a place of pure potentiality" sorry but what the fuck is that when its at home? sounds like meaningless drivel to me

"god" is little more than a thought, an idea, an admission that the people back then didnt know what the fuck was going on in the world around them and that they were too lazy to look to see so "goddit"

that thought/ idea has been spoonfed into each successive generation at a very young age and now thousands of years later us humans are wising up to the reality that we are living in


A place of pure potentiality is essence. And, your idea of religion is older than religion, it seems. It's easy to slam what you think religion is. Like a willing target you get to be 'right' or justified with. Sounds religious, by your standard.

A place of pure potentiality is essence. And, your idea of religion is older than religion, it seems. It's easy to slam what you think religion is. Like a willing target you get to be 'right' or justified with. Sounds religious, by your standard.

essence of what?? your still not actually saying anything thing there just posting flowery words that you think means something (and it just doesn't)

my view of religion didnt need any flowery words (that dont mean what you pretend they mean) to work.
ergo its all ready on a better step than yours
essence of what?? your still not actually saying anything thing there just posting flowery words that you think means something (and it just doesn't)

my view of religion didnt need any flowery words that dont mean what you pretend they mean to work.
ergo its all ready on a better step than yours

...look at your BB theory, was there nothing but potential before? Pure potentiality is exactly what it says - nothing, just potential for either bad or good (and all other dualities you can think of). That is 'religion'. A unified mind (soul in christian terms). Any unified duality is pure potential.

...look also at people that are imbalanced. What do they create? Is it good?
essence of what?? your still not actually saying anything thing there just posting flowery words that you think means something (and it just doesn't)

my view of religion didnt need any flowery words (that dont mean what you pretend they mean) to work.
ergo its all ready on a better step than yours

Bro, thought all views were welcome here, your pretty much trying to push your ideals on everyone by talking down or discrediting people. Everyone is entitled to believe what they want. Just softly disagree, or discuss it. Don't disparage people.....peace
I went thru the same thing as you left the church for over 20yrs.
When i got older i went back.

No way to answer your questions religion is by faith not fact.GODs thinking is as far above mans as the heavens are above the earth.
Our finite minds can't understand GODS infinite wisdom.

I choose to believe but we have free will so people can believe anything they choose.
...look at your BB theory, was there nothing but potential before? Pure potentiality is exactly what it says - nothing, just potential for either bad or good (and all other dualities you can think of). That is 'religion'. A unified mind (soul in christian terms). Any unified duality is pure potential.

...look also at people that are imbalanced. What do they create? Is it good?

ok so you cannot define "A place of pure potentiality is essence" then?
that statement has nothing to do with the big bang at all

it is meaningless drivel and its the sort of words used again and again by people who really dont know what they are talking about but want to sound like they do

so again what is it the "essence" of? cause dont forget you said my view on religion is older than yours yet you have had togo all the way back to beginning of the universe for you shoddy explanation to work
Bro, thought all views were welcome here, your pretty much trying to push your ideals on everyone by talking down or discrediting people. Everyone is entitled to believe what they want. Just softly disagree, or discuss it. Don't disparage people.....peace

if i see someone talking out of their arse then i'll call em on it

A place of pure potentiality is essence is pure arse dribbble
ok so you cannot define "A place of pure potentiality is essence" then?
that statement has nothing to do with the big bang at all

it is meaningless drivel and its the sort of words used again and again by people who really dont know what they are talking about but want to sound like they do

so again what is it the "essence" of? cause dont forget you said my view on religion is older than yours yet you have had togo all the way back to beginning of the universe for you shoddy explanation to work

...hmm, re-read maybe? "Pure potentiality is exactly what it says - nothing, just potential for either bad or good (and all other dualities you can think of)"

It is non-tangible when it is 'at home'. It's not material, it cannot be measured. could say being and non-being, amongst other things. God is non-being while we do the 'being' for 'Him/Her'. I guess the next question is, what are you making God do today? Free Will, remember?

and straight back to the meaningless drivel.... "being and non-being" fucking really?
...yes, fucking really :) I'm guessing that since your brand of drivel is of the textbook variety it's meaningful, yeah?

i'd prefer non contradictory within the same sentence it makes for much better communication of what your trying to say

otherwise what you say is just meaningless ~(even if you do fluff it up to make it sound like you know what your talking about)
...look at your BB theory, was there nothing but potential before? Pure potentiality is exactly what it says - nothing, just potential for either bad or good (and all other dualities you can think of). That is 'religion'. A unified mind (soul in christian terms). Any unified duality is pure potential.

...look also at people that are imbalanced. What do they create? Is it good?

Who said that before BB there was potential. You must be confused with potential energy. This is much different, potential energy does one thing... release it's energy. To dismiss this and say it is nothing is foolish bullshit. I have to go with ginjawarrior on this, you are making stuff up as you go, and you will be called out on it as you go. Do you have any references, sources where you learned you information? Unless you are a very skilled mathematician/physicist or you should be getting your info from one. These questions cannot be solve just by thinking of them.

What is unified duality? How does it create pure potential, I'm so confused.
Who said that before BB there was potential. You must be confused with potential energy. This is much different, potential energy does one thing... release it's energy. To dismiss this and say it is nothing is foolish bullshit. I have to go with ginjawarrior on this, you are making stuff up as you go, and you will be called out on it as you go. Do you have any references, sources where you learned you information? Unless you are a very skilled mathematician/physicist or you should be getting your info from one. These questions cannot be solve just by thinking of them.

What is unified duality? How does it create pure potential, I'm so confused.

...yeah yeah, age old texts are made up as well :) Call me out all you want. Nothing changes. How much time have you spent with any of this material?

Also, are you trying to tell me that 'scientists' are the only ones allowed to speculate now?

I have all the references to all the things I've written about here. And, I study this material with PhDs. Is that bad? Now I'm confused :lol:
...yeah yeah, age old texts are made up as well :) Call me out all you want. Nothing changes. How much time have you spent with any of this material?

Also, are you trying to tell me that 'scientists' are the only ones allowed to speculate now?

I have all the references to all the things I've written about here. And, I study this material with PhDs. Is that bad? Now I'm confused :lol:

oh go on let your reference explain what this "A place of pure potentiality is essence" means cause you dont seem to have a clue
oh go on let your reference explain what this "A place of pure potentiality is essence" means cause you dont seem to have a clue

...hmm, you're asking me about something that you think I have no clue about? What could you possibly learn then?

I'll go back again to my drivel and say there are 2 things we know of. The created, and the un-created. I'm afraid the rest is really up to you.

These are my interests, countless hours of study and writing. You want me to give that to you so you can call it BS? Why would I waste my time?

*the meaning, so far, in my life is to mesh art and science. I feel it is a purpose. No one can 'call me' on that.

GW - ever read any Sufi Metaphysics?
...yeah yeah, age old texts are made up as well :) Call me out all you want. Nothing changes. How much time have you spent with any of this material?

Also, are you trying to tell me that 'scientists' are the only ones allowed to speculate now?

I have all the references to all the things I've written about here. And, I study this material with PhDs. Is that bad? Now I'm confused :lol:

oh go on let your reference explain what this "A place of pure potentiality is essence" means cause you dont seem to have a clue

...hmm, you're asking me about something that you think I have no clue about? What could you possibly learn then?

I'll go back again to my drivel and say there are 2 things we know of. The created, and the un-created. I'm afraid the rest is really up to you.

These are my interests, countless hours of study and writing. You want me to give that to you so you can call it BS? Why would I waste my time?

*the meaning, so far, in my life is to mesh art and science. I feel it is a purpose. No one can 'call me' on that.
lol so you can back up what your saying but its just not worth your time eh?? :dunce:

and sorry sorry whats the "uncreated" i rather dislike use of word created there but am rather intrigued about the negative
lol so you can back up what your saying but its just not worth your time eh?? :dunce:

and sorry sorry whats the "uncreated" i rather dislike use of word created there but am rather intrigued about the negative, I'm wondering why you want to waste your time with me if I have no clue. I'm asking YOU what purpose would that serve. In other words, are you seriously looking for something? Or, is this more dckhead related than anything else.

"i rather dislike use of word created there but am rather intrigued about the negative" THIS is the point of what we are talking about.
Back to this poor souls conflicting and eroding religion. I too went through the same thing as you, I went to Christian church for 18 years, but from around the age of 10 I was already having my doubts. When I became old enough to understand science theories and read them on my own, I notice that they really make sense. I was being given inaccurate info from my parents about the BB and evolution, I don't think they did it on purpose but that's what the church had told them.

Now I started using my critical thinking brain to search out truths, not just about religion and such but about the universe, geology, biology, and medicine. I was just discovering science and it was exciting, for it was through science I found answers.

One thing I learn in my studies is self examination. Thinking about why I feel the way I do, act as I do, what are my biases towards the subject. Then you can truly ask, Am I doing this because it makes sense or just makes me feel better, do I agree with this because it makes sense through critical thinking or does it just make me feel good. Example, heaven, does it make sense or make me feel good or both or neither. I think once you do this your eyes will open.

I watch a lot of tv about murder investigations. Whenever they suspects are in court I think, If you or I were up there in their position, do I want the jury to come to a verdict based on emotion or science. Same with life.

Anyway that's my more than two cents.