My failing attempt...DWC and Me...

420 Dream Team

Active Member
Well I thought I would post here to see if anyone had and advice....I am starting to think maybe I am not meant to grow lol...

1st official attempt..CFL & Bubbleponics/DWC AF Fem Short Rider & Fem Master Kush

Hi Everyone.....

This is my first official attempt. By that I mean that I am actually trying to do it the best of my knowledge and with semi limited cash flow. Have made a half assed attempt before:dunce:( random bagseed in dirt sitting under 2 flouros that happened to be hanging in basement and I wasn't the best mom to them lol) so I started to research...I have notebooks with info and notes written down even..I am trying to do this right...well atleast the best I can do....And hopefully I am sucessful...This is first journal so I am trying not to goo on and on but still giving up relevant info......

Feel free to comment or whatever....If Im rambling feel free to let me know or ask questions....Try not to bash me just rude and Im learning...But I am a fan of constructive criticizm.....:clap:

Im hoping this journal starts to flow but I feel I should give some base info on the set up.

I didnt have a logical place to set this up..I researched alot about dimensions of rooms, tents pros and cons, stealth cabs ect. I knew I wanted a room but no logical room to use.... Most tents were to expensive for the size they were.. I have space in basement but its a big room...not equipped for that kind of set up lol... So in my infinite wisdom...Im going to build a room...I should tell u im no master builder... or a builder at all for that matter...So I started to sketch out a design.. I was trying to take in consideration the dimensions..with the amount of plants I planned as well as the amount of light I had available...I decided on 5 1/2 ft tall (as tall as possible:wall:) 6ft long and a 3 ft wide. (in retrospect to big for current grow but I do have the option of using one side for flow/one for veg eventually, need to plan ahead). That gives me 18 Sqft. I knew I needed reflective walls so after more research....I found that panda film (like a thick plastic black on one side white on the other and pvc pipe...Not sturdy by no means but I didnt need the room to support anything and it was cheap...I used 1/2 inch pvc (would recommend thicker)..Tada a room is born.......

I'm using Sunleaves t5 light currently...I have more CFLs but not hooked up yet..As they get bigger I will add more..That light is 47 x 25.

I have set up 1 DWC 4 pot system
and 1 6 pot Bubbleponic sytem
both from Stealthhydro

Plan to upgrade if these work out by upgrade I mean make my own bigger ones lol.

I ordered seeds from Nirvana I got:

Auto flower feminized Short Rider
Feminized Master Kush

What has went down so far I germed 2 SR (SR) and 3 MK (Master Kush)#2 not looking so good. They got put in the system on 9/19/10 with no nutes. I feel they kinda small but hydro systems new to me so I am trying to be patient...Not one of my skills but with this you gotta be. They are on 24 light. And wow those lights get warm I am concerned because in my infinite wisdom I didnt expect that much heat to come from there..But this is a learning process.. But I cant put them too close to plants now and Im dealing with a bit of stretching..Also trying to regulate water temps with warm lights an issue. The lights in the pics are farther away than I keep them for picture purposes.

I will be flushing and adding first nutes at 25% tomorrow.

Here are some pics.. will be keeping more ontop of the pics and info now that journal started

Day 2

Day 5

Day 8
oh and my runt kush didnt make it :sad:
kush ones

Short rider

Well that is all for now...Will do beter updates as we go......

Well I know I am delayed on the updates I have ran into a whole bunch of issues. The bubbleponic system is causing me alot of problems. These have been going since 9/20/10 I expected them to be bigger....I kinda hit a wall.

I did remove the layer of styrofoam I had under the buckets.....Added an additional fan...and had an executive decision...I only have 2 babies in each system.... At this point with there size...They all got moved in to the 4 pot DWC last nite.

I changed the water for the first time last nite...That went fairly smooth... And so far the "move" has went ok....I also started them on nutes last nite....Like I dont have enough issues lol. Only 25% at this point..

My goal is to get these girls alittle bigger then they can move into there own homes..

I also have decided to do 2 Master Kush and 2 Short Rider in dirt.....Started germing today I will keep yall posted.

PIcs prior to water change and putting the girls togather


Check this A.M

Water Temp: 69'
Room Temp: 77'
Ph: 5.75
Humidity: 50%

OK....Well it has been 3 more days and I am technically on day 20 from seed. Got my water temps down the best that I can. Here are some pics. They look a little better... :sad:

Its been a couple days....... ohhhh and I am having a leaf discoloration issue oh and my dirt babies in there too

Ummmm maybe I just dont posess the ability to make things grow,,,,
What are your PPM's?

was thinkin the same thing weedler lol...

these things would help my friend
1,water (tap or ro)
2,ppm ov water
3,nutes usin

if usin ro would say get sum cal mag if usin tap water the ppms ov ur tap water might be tooo high
if u usin ro add cal mag or if u have 3 part nutes jus add abit more ov the micro nutes if usin 3 part instead ov cal mag
I have 1 suggestion..

Ditch the rockwool... Unless you're an experienced grower that stuff will give you fits... PH issues, nute lock etc etc

Dont give up just yet, just try different methods. I personally HATE rockwool.
I have 1 suggestion..

Ditch the rockwool... Unless you're an experienced grower that stuff will give you fits... PH issues, nute lock etc etc

Dont give up just yet, just try different methods. I personally HATE rockwool.

Agree with this guy... My first grow I used rapid rooter plugs very easy and 100% success try them ..
I personally use 1" rockwool with hydrotron rocks below them I have never had an issue. I see more people having issues with larger rockwool cubes. Keep it easy rapid rooters are great I've had good success with them for clones

I see problem number one being that the rockwool is not covered, ideally you want your rockwool sitting on maybe 1/2-1" of hydrotron rocks, place 1" cube in then fill rocks around cube and above it as the seedling sprouts. Rockwool holds water I do not water for like 3 days and let plant stretch slightly then place in DWC with PH'd tap water. The added stretch allows me to add rocks above rockwool cube and make a light barrier to prevent unwanted growth.
riot rooters/rapid rooters are my cup of tea:)had so many failures with rockwool. Personally I like the lucasformula which u can read up on at and I like to use GHP subculture B because it let's me use my well tap water alot longer with out getting funky water.
something you should always remember

moisture + light equals issues. Like mentioned above, if you want to use rockwool (i would advise against it), make sure the rockwool is covered so the light isn't hitting it.. Thats a biggie...
Thank you all for your help...and sorry for the delay....ppm at 900

and pics from this morning...I also added addition air stone....covered rez

Also thank u for the advice will def do away with rockwool next time

Updated pics

Rez change Day 32

time to seperate the autoflowers and the regular?
Time to top the regular ones...hhmmmmm
what to do ...what to do.....
Looks like you've pulled through just fine :) With regard to rockwool;


Had that cube just been watered, or was that a result of the bubbles? Because if the latter it appears to be far too wet. I find rockwool, unless in something like a dwc cloner etc, tends to be a pain to keep at the safe moisture elvel unless sat by it day and night.

The roots look really nice and healthy from what they did looks like :)

To help with the water temperatures, grab yourself a nice roll of aluminium tape, it will block any and all light getting into the tub, and will reflect heat off the thing keeping it cool.