Some people use very little nutes like the Lucas Formula which only has Floramicro and Florabloom. My res water is dark too but I add a few other nutes than just Floragrow, FLoramicro, and florabloom
lol.....hmmmmm....well my water is clear....The nutes I use look like watered down lemonade to grow watered down pink lemonade for bloom.......this is my first grow so I am not super educated on the diff nutes........
my nute mix was shit brown when i was using flora nova grow and bloom for my transition week, now just bloom nutes and some (clear) nutes so its just light shit brown now lol, roots are still white as a neo nazi tho
ok well I I have been busy the 2 kush plants in the 6 8g hole DWC........2 Short rider in the 4 hole 4g dwc...........So after some executive the massive roots that took up the small short rider tank seemed to be adding to my problem I originally was thinking nute burn but upon some further research, I am thinking it is more of an issue of the The 2 short riders moved into the 6 hole container that the kush plants were in...the runt kush moved into the 4 hole dwc by its self and the big kush moved into some half assed made extra container that I made.........This was almost 2 days ago.....I am nervous about the stress factor I should of donre it earlier but I was pretty sure if I didnt do something my efforts thus far woulda been for nothing.gonna start everyone back on nutes in the I guess I wait and see if I get hermies....or do they flourish lol..........
Not the best pics but a few from earlier..........
my ph is 5.7....The yellowing one is my autoflower I burnt up with nutes...and so true on the hydro for first time growers...I have been thru alot with them and have learned alot....
I am only using my T5 light at the moment with bloom blulbs.......My new light broke ,,,,and to boot its 20 degrees outside and my furnace broke...the plants are getting cold....