My father is killin my plant :(

Ya, he was cool with at first he said, but then changed his mind and I totally blew the chance to keep growing by being an ass about it while we argued. I'd say its gonna kill my girls lol. Oh well, i rolled one up and it will be okay now :)

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
Ya, he was cool with at first he said, but then changed his mind and I totally blew the chance to keep growing by being an ass about it while we argued. I'd say its gonna kill my girls lol. Oh well, i rolled one up and it will be okay now :)
i helped him pull up three ...ha ha ha


Well-Known Member
I feel for ya man I had a similar issue. I'm doing an outdoor grow going since early may and have some nice sized plants. Showed pictures to a close family member about a month or so ago and I guess he got all excited and INSISTED a do a small indoor at his house. Well, I went and spend like $50 on seeds, and when the time came to start planting he had a change of heart and doesn't want to do it now. They had to get added to my outdoor garden. It's one of those things that seems like a good idea at first, but when they actually think about the fact that in most states they are conspiring to commit a felony, things change fast.


Well-Known Member
Ya, he was cool with at first he said, but then changed his mind and I totally blew the chance to keep growing by being an ass about it while we argued. I'd say its gonna kill my girls lol. Oh well, i rolled one up and it will be okay now :)
Apologize. ..
I still have a year left to live in his house then I'm off to college but thats a whole year away lol. After i bought a 300$ hps light he decided i had gone overboard with the whole thing and there was no going back so he demanded i tear it all down. All i need is a place to grow that he doesnt have access too, any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
your own place. man if he isnt cool with it, then dont do it. he know what will happen if it gets caught, and probably doesnt think your mature enough to do it right now. just wait a year, grow some plants that arent legal with the light, practice on those.


Well-Known Member
Don't grow in your dad's house if he isn't cool with it. You need to talk about it and make sure you get his honest answer yes or no. You don't want to be halfway through the grow and have him change his mind. You probably went too fast buying an expensive light. Try just going through a grow with minimal $ spent, learn what you're doing. You'll still have a nice harvest with fluoro tubes or whatever else you were using, just not as nice as it could be but work your way up to it.

Whatever you do just don't try to hide it somewhere from him. You'll eventually get caught and even if you don't, that's just not cool to do to somebody.