My favorite posts

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
First off I would like to say thank you to everyone on rollitup. I just finished my first grow and I could not have done it withOUT all of you.

That being said, I am going to say that my favorite threads are the ones that make me shake my head.

The one where the girl is going to keep urine in her vagina so her boyfriend can use it to get a job at walmart.

The one that the guy is trying to grow with LED christmas lights.

The ones that have a picture of a poor little sprout that is like 5 inches long with 2 leaves.

I wish there was a thread that had links to the really stupid ones... the stupid thread link thread... is there one of those? can we start one of those??


First off I would like to say thank you to everyone on rollitup. I just finnished my first growand I could not have done it with all of you.

That being said, I am going to say that my favorite threads are the ones that make me shake my head.

The one where the girl is going to keep urine in her vagina so her boyfriend can use it to get a job at walmart.

The one that the guy is trying to grow with LED christmas lights.

The ones that have a picture of a poor little sprout that is like 5 inches long with 2 leaves.

I wish there was a thread that had links to the really stupid ones... the stupid thread link thread... is there one of those? can we start one of those??
Wait a min, somebody actually stored urin in their vagina!!!!!!!!!!!'