my fellow growers


Active Member
I'm a newcomer to growing and I could use a little bit of help from others with more experience. I have the time to invest, but want to learn how to do things the right way. I would like to start off simple and have approximately $12,000 dollars to invest. My intention is to grow two different ways. I would like to try the hydro-phonic and sea of green and maybe dirt, but I am looking for feedback on which two methods would be the best to start with that will also quickly produce the most yield. I plan for the growing to occur indoors in an empty house, where the basement and attic could also be used in addition to the main open space. My expectation is to yield at least 20 lbs between the two growing methods. I could also use some recommendations as to how to set up the growing areas in order to produce the best lighting, airflow, temperature, etc. Also, I am looking for good websites that are credible, secure, inexpensive, and trustworthy to order seeds, lighting, and other materials from.


Well-Known Member
sorry i know im not really awnsering many of ur questions but u should try doing a smaller scale grow first as there is lots to learn will prob take u several harvest b4 u got it down soil is definately easier i think lot more forgiving better for a newb and read the grow guides lots of good info in them and the attitude seed bank is great delivers every time and lots of choices for reasonable prices for lighting go with htg for cheap shit, i use grow light express, and buisness htg is the shit though srry not trying to be mean not saying it cant be done the first time but from experience my first couple of grows were not very good due to experience not supplys


Active Member
thanks for the advice im thinkin about just startin off at a small scale but i also was thinking why try lil and if any thing should go wrong nock o nwould it will be the same trouble so go hard or go home feel me


Well-Known Member
get the grow bible and read. read some more. then read some more.
a good thing that helped me after i got going was a daily checklist.
with that sort of investment, i would invest first in a water cooled environment... much more energy efficient and you can have a completely sealed room with no exaust needed, which is a HUGE plus. in the newest grow bible he dioesnt talk about sealed grow rooms because it is very new innovation.
I havent dabbled myself in the LED craze, however for low cost/heat that would be the way to go. the more light the better.
im rambling, but this site is awesome... you are in the right place.
soil or hydro?
hydro is much more productive....
check out other peoples grows. one main growroom to base all others off of with that value of investment is SOG's he is the shit.



Well-Known Member
i could give more advice but dimesions are needed i disagree water cooled very scary if something fails game over seriously. 600 are the best since they are the most efficent digital are great aircooled so they can be very close without burning plants needs lots of fans to move air for cooling and fresh air some scrubb the air leds dont do they cost more and produce smaller less potent buds and if ur set on going big do soil and like its said u need to spend like 100 hours reading everything from ph , nutrients , ppm, diffent lighting all kinds of shit