Well-Known Member
I have been offered a job in a remote location back in the Great North. It pays good, I know a girl there who is all up on me and I get to do the kind of cooking I love doing. Since its remote there is no cell service and minimal if not any internet access. I am leaving my comfy beach pad for another comfy beach pad albeit much colder water. I wont be on much if at all for the next 6 months so if you have any cooking Q's direct them to my cook book thread and I will try to answer them as fast as I can. Going to take a sober brake as well but I think I need it, I have been smoking to much for too long. Now all I have to do is convince my professors to take finals early so I can be out of here in by next Friday. Going to be a stressful week but I am so excited about it Im going to be a studying machine. wish me luck and I will have pics to show upon my return.