My Fellow Rollitup users


Well-Known Member
I have been offered a job in a remote location back in the Great North. It pays good, I know a girl there who is all up on me and I get to do the kind of cooking I love doing. Since its remote there is no cell service and minimal if not any internet access. I am leaving my comfy beach pad for another comfy beach pad albeit much colder water. I wont be on much if at all for the next 6 months so if you have any cooking Q's direct them to my cook book thread and I will try to answer them as fast as I can. Going to take a sober brake as well but I think I need it, I have been smoking to much for too long. Now all I have to do is convince my professors to take finals early so I can be out of here in by next Friday. Going to be a stressful week but I am so excited about it Im going to be a studying machine. wish me luck and I will have pics to show upon my return. bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
couldnt you get satelite internet? To be honest ive not got the faintest clue, but i would think the satelites should work, do/does gps work in the area? it bounces signals off of satelites to tell you where you are.
I've got a few hippie friends who migrated to Alaska not to long ago, it's ABSOLUTELY gorgeous up there.
Not to mention they have a medical op growing there.

On the sobriety break, is that a break from growing too?
Does being sober mean your gonna miss out on Alaskas great dank the entire 6 months? And are you done growing?

What are you pursuing in the culinary field up in Alaska? I'm in hotel and restaurant management so I'm interested what's up there.
damn that should be pretty crazy for 6 months.
Be safe and strap up because I hear them eskimo bitches get around
I was in alaska years and year ago..............I was in this bar and heard em talking about how you were messured as a man in alaska........well Im not much of a drinking person so I sipped a couple of drinks and wandered over to where some guys were talking and they said to be a man in Alaska you had to drink a quart of Whisky ....go out and sneak up on a polar bear and slap it on the ass and run like hell............then you find you a fine eskimo chick and fuck the hell out of her and I would be a man................welp I said I wanted to be a man in Alaska so I bought a quart of whisky and everyone stood around me and yelling chug chug chug........and I did.........OH FUCK never drank so much in my life.........well I was fucked up ......dont remember much about anything after the last sip.........but they tell me about 3 hours later I walked into the bar all bloody and ripped up...clothes all riped as by claws..........I was staggering on my ass drunk as a fucker......and yelled out OK WHERE THE FUCK IS THE ESKIMO CHICK AT IM SUPPOSE TO SLAP ON THE ASS............
LAMO pony. Well Im sure I could get satilite internet but it kind of takes the purpose out of the whole thing. I am going to be working as the chef for a popular fishing lodge. I have plenty of connects for weed up there but, I think I am ready to take a break and sober up a bit. The job is 60hrs a week and 6 days a week. I will have plenty of other things to do like fishing. I never hooked up with an eskimo girl but I have sucked on some eskimo titties(cold as ice lol). I got me a white girl there waiting for me. Its going to be a lot of fun I miss being in the bush. I am hopefully taking my hand cannon and my rifle so If i get bored I can go plinking or kill the first person who does not like my food.
Good Luck,

This time of year, get prepared for the mosquitoes, the size of your hand...

They like people who eat bananas, hehe ..

Insect spray, Get some Cutters, works pretty well on them, you can also get 100% Deet.

Don't forget you raincoat. :joint::peace:
Good Luck,

This time of year, get prepared for the mosquitoes, the size of your hand...

They like people who eat bananas, hehe ..

Insect spray, Get some Cutters, works pretty well on them, you can also get 100% Deet.

Don't forget you raincoat. :joint::peace:

I remember the mosquitos, I was born and raised in AK, more like small psycho blood lusting bird than anything. they are pretty bad though expecially right by the water. Snow is awesome as long as you get to go out and play with it. It will be summer thougt so no snow just lots of pretty green.
Can you see Russia from your porch?

Good luck on your new job! Going from southern cali to northern alaska is going to be a definite culture shock.. but sounds like you are prepared. Sounds kinda fun too..
We all need to go up there and visit him and watch him cook for is it hard to get Kraft Mac and Cheese to serve to your customers?
it will be hard to get anything there but I just confirmed from my new boss the lodge has satilite internet set up this year so I guess I will still be able to hit you guys up with updates. Check out this place

Yakutat Alaska, its where I can be found. Trips to the lodge start at about 2300 per person for 5days with a 2 person min. New chef in the lodge this year so the food should be much better. Excited. An yeah it is going to be a culture shock but I been in the bush before and loved it. Boss also said I can take my guns with me so YeeHaaaa its on now.
it will be hard to get anything there but I just confirmed from my new boss the lodge has satilite internet set up this year so I guess I will still be able to hit you guys up with updates. Check out this place

Yakutat Alaska, its where I can be found. Trips to the lodge start at about 2300 per person for 5days with a 2 person min. New chef in the lodge this year so the food should be much better. Excited. An yeah it is going to be a culture shock but I been in the bush before and loved it. Boss also said I can take my guns with me so YeeHaaaa its on now. will have a blast and at lest can reach out time to time to the civilized world LOL.........Good luck........will miss ya posting but do what ya can..........we wont forget you uh...uh......uh ...hmmmmm damn.......oh yea......AKGROWN........