my finished setup


Well-Known Member
nice sounds good
i dont know really when i would like to get mine in flowering
in some ways i want a micro but in some ways i want a decent size too
and in some ways i dont want to let it go too long where i strt to have a prob with it
this is my baby almost 2 inches and its only been a week on sunday it will be a week old
im right now trying to train the leafs to stay up
i transplanted like the other day and i dont over water it either
but some said it could be from the fan hiting to much so now i dont have it on or i dont have it hiting it
and im training it too
hope u like what ya think about the age of that baby?



Well-Known Member
looks good, yeah a bit droopy but still green kinda looks like overwatering, u said u don't but how ofeten do u water?


Well-Known Member
na in the begining i thought so too but some one said it could of been from the fan always on hiting it
i know i didnt over water cuase i only water when everything was dry and i did the finger 1 inch or more test all the time
i used a small this plastic pot so it dryed up quick so i made sure it needed it then i watered it.but then like the day before i think yesterday i transplanted it so that could be the reason why it still looks droopy.and recently i just started training the leafs to stick up better and it looks like its working and i dont have tthe fan on and when i do i have have it hiting in place of that havin git help the stem get stronger i shack the stem with my finger some every now and again :0)


Well-Known Member
your probably over watering... how many litres or gallons is your pot???

I've got some 1 litre pots that I have to water every 3 or 4 days.....

my larger plants get watered every 4-5 days and I have two fans blowing directly onto my plants at full power... over watering and under watering look the same...

and how are you training your leafs???? my plants grew 1.5" in two days... I think that's that bad of growth with what I've given them for nutes.


Well-Known Member
sunday this will be only a week old so im not giving her any nutes till lke 3 weeks or 3 1/2
to young for nutes
i do the "c" training where i make a c in my hand and go to the leaves from the bottomand bend no really bend massage them up and its been working today is my second day of doing so i only do it when i mist them so the leafs dont breack or anything
and sence i changed the pot to a bigger one i only water now every other day


Well-Known Member
do yo mist the leafs everyday? probably while lights on right???

what kinda light you using to grow?


Well-Known Member
well i have the plant in a box i made to grow them
so when i water them i take it out the box so kinda no not misting with the lights
and im useing cfl's each 1 equevalent to 100w each
and im useing 4 of them right now in the box and im not useing the tips of the bulbs either im useing the sides of the bulbs


Well-Known Member
and ya i mist ever day now sence this gut said i should cuase i dont have great humidity


Well-Known Member
do you have a humidity gauge in there... cause if your trying to get the humidity up the best way is to put a bowl of water in there...... cause your effecting the plant... the leafs are taking in all that water everyday and then every other day your watering it..... just cause the top 1" of dirt is dry doesn't mean the bottom 5 or 6" is dry as well... I'd hold off on the misting *and your putting it back under the light wet which pretty much yes you are misting them while under lights right?*

my last grow I went overboard a bit with watering. what kinda box you growing in?? cardboard???? if it's plywood you should have not issues with the wood sucking in all your moisture


Well-Known Member
its a reg card board box a couple of them black taped up ill send some pics
and y ai have a thermometer that reads that too
and i have a cup of water in the box to and aint super much helping alot
its at30% hum right now
this is the inside what i have for lights in there
and the other one is the pic of the outside of it
i have a fan to blow in from the front and a exaust an on the top
with 4 cfl's 6500k equavelant to a 100w each



Well-Known Member
its a reg card board box a couple of them black taped up ill send some pics
and y ai have a thermometer that reads that too
and i have a cup of water in the box to and aint super much helping alot
its at30% hum right now
this is the inside what i have for lights in there
and the other one is the pic of the outside of it
i have a fan to blow in from the front and a exaust an on the top
with 4 cfl's 6500k equavelant to a 100w each
haha thats pretty fuckin sweet man, how many plant u fit in there?


Well-Known Member
well i got sumthin wierd happenin 1 of my plants is growin way faster than the other and its the plant with less light, she has 4 bulbs over her and my other has 8, iv'e already had to move my lights up for the tallest one, and ive put my shorter 1 on a few books to keep it level with the other, also started usin low doses of fert yesterday as well, every 3 days ill fert


Well-Known Member
Hey you know you should be watering with straight water every second watering instead of feeding them nutes every time....

if you nute them every time the salts will build up in your soil and you will have nute lock.....

*just from what I've read on here... I've never ever nuted twice in a row so*
even on the fox farm schedule it says every second watering....


Well-Known Member
my plants only need watering now every 4-5 days, and for this grow ima try only adding fert to the foiliage to stop so much salt from gettin into the dirt


Well-Known Member
hey i could fit a couple plants in therewhile they are still small
i aint growing a mill plants at once so it works for me i like to put one in there
but as soon as some of my seeds sprout out the soil i will be puting them in too til they wont fit anymore
plus if i have to i will make another one i just need 1 more pc fan and ill be straight.

ow ya and about the smaller one growing faster check the big ones soil for the roots
maybe u need to transplant alot of times they start geting cramped and slow down growing.just check might not be but u never know
and check the heat from the 8 bulbs over that 1 plant might be too hot for it do the hand test.
and thats not a bad way to feed just to save probs with the soil
thats good


Well-Known Member
take a look at my ladie's pubes their beautiful haha< soo soo stinky yumm:weed:

