My first 1000w+ Grow (LED+HPS)


The final weight is in
- 466g dry weight

What went right - Most of the plants did very well, the lighting was sufficient and the result was very dense and very potent. No spider-mites this round (which has been a problem in the past).

What went wrong - I let a few of the plants get too tall/bushy for my indoor spot. Light couldn't penetrate the lower branches and I lost a lot of weight to 'fluffy' weed at the bottom.
-Also, I grew too many different (new) strains. I found out after the grow that only half of my plants were heavy producers. I had a couple plants that I got 25-30g off of, and 4 other plants I got 45, 46, 55, and 60g in yield.

Next time - I'm going to have 2-3 strains I am very familiar with and that have consistently had good yields. I'm finally tired of trying out new strains every grow and seeing what works best. With 10x XJ-13 and 10x Blue Dream (based on yield from this grow and previous) I should be looking at between 700-900g with the same lighting.

Conclusions - LED with HPS
- It is a great alternative to HPS only if you are having heat issues. Cooling is minimal and the combo of the two types of lighting seems to really make the plants do very well. Larger plants are not advised, flower no later than when the plant reaches about 12-14". I waited till 18"-20" on a couple and they got too tall/bushy for the area, which dramatically limited the light availability for the lower portion of the plant.

13 1/2 weeks later, ChemDawg finally finishes, weighing a wopping 55g and 60g. Worth the wait this time, but I'm not sure I want to flower a 13 week plant again. I'll stick to 8-9 week plants in the future.

Nice bro~ makes me want to demand an invitation to your place~ I'll bring beer and munchies.
I loved your grow LGK. I too experimented with LEDs and had a decent harvest. I grow solely with them though, I found that the buds were fluffy and grew according to LED's shortcuts. By that, I mean that you can tell LEDs grow with light rather than power.

As for your HID, I've never grown with them before. But I was looking into buying a 1000w. Do you have any suggestions or tips for growing with them? I've got some sprouts in a veg box right now under CFLs that I was hoping to be able to transfer to a 4x4 grow tent where I'd have the 1000w, a couple LED panels, and some CFLs for side lighting. I'd love to have a harvest like yours. Keep up the good work.