My First Aerogarden Grow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok I started my first grow With the AG....Seeds have been germinating for about 3 days.......PH is good and I started with the starting Nutes.....No more nutes until we start to flower.....Any help or suggestions would be great....I will post pics in a bit of my progress so far
My guess is you're going to lose them before they flower. I'm not really a fan of A/G's nutes for what we're growing but your plants need more than water to get through two of their three growth cycles. If you don't want to use A/G's nutes look at what's available at your local hydroponics store. Everybody has their favorite. Mine is Technaflora's recipe for success because I've had good luck with them.


Active Member
Man, i really want an aerogarden. I looked into it from the manufacturer but they were out of stock of about half of the stuff on their web page. So I'm a little hesitant to order one.


Well-Known Member
yes run a fan on your plants to strengthened the stems and branches once they appear. two weeks isn't long enough with that system. be sure you are running the lights 24/7 and do that for at least 4 weeks or you won't get much yield. we did two plants and then removed their light and replaced with a 250 hps, yielded about 1.5 oz total cured weight.
also i would use other nutrients, FF or something purely organic like blue mountain notch stuff it is.


Active Member
ok you dont need to run your aerogareden for 4 weeks 24 7. i grew a couple plants a foot tall with over 2 oz's easy on each plant! cured!! only vegger for 2 weeks then started flowering!!!! it just depends on if you know what your doing or not, what kind of aerogarden you have. plus what you give it to eat and sleep. Light is also a key factor, i added cfls to the side of my plants .had my aerogarden lights plus for flowering i brought in some hps, a 150 watt plus a 250 watt . all of these things determine how your plant will grow! what kind of ag do you have!!! hopefully its not the space saver 6 hopefully you have a veggie pro or deluxe model!! check out the link in my sig if you doubt my words!! anyways you need any info you can pm or just reply on here!


Well-Known Member
we used the pro200. it was okay, but we do much better in soil. too much effort with the aerogarden in our opinion. to each their method and whatever works. We use it now for clones and its great.