My First attempt, 5 weeks in.


Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone,

this is my first attempt at growing, now there's one difference to the way iv grown mine to most of the other newbie's or certainly from what i have read/seen so far,
i got the seeds given to me and i wasn't really interested so i just threw them in some pots and gave them some water.

4 or so weeks on and this is what they look like (only took one pic but all three plants are basically the same)

i used no grow lights no nothing just sunshine coming through the window and some water and plant food. now i know there very stretched but looking at the other newbies i thought they have done quite well for basically no care.

just thought i would show you and i'l keep you updated as to how they are doing.

id love to read everyones comments so please go ahead good or bad :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
yeh i didnt think it would, if i let it grow abit more then got a light in my empty wardrope and started the 12/12 do you think it will produce anything? :?

you can already smell the plants quite strong as soon as you open the room door. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
yeh i didnt think it would, if i let it grow abit more then got a light in my empty wardrope and started the 12/12 do you think it will produce anything? :?

you can already smell the plants quite strong as soon as you open the room door. :blsmoke:
Yeah if you 12/12 it by all logic it should produce that is if it isn't a male.


Well-Known Member
well i have three so hopefully at least one will be female,

i was just unsure if it could be saved as i have abused it for so long,

my plan is to kit my wardrope out to be a grow box, the usual, lights fan flat white paint on inside etc etc.

are the pots there in big enough there around 8" diameter.

thanks for helping and sorry for the silly questions.


Well-Known Member
add fans to get stronger sterms.
put them under light bulbs at 12-12, each plant need about ~40w of LIGHTS.
use flowering CFL's

put them in bigger pots, so small pots woldnt slow down plants growing.

when its night time for them, dont seal light in grow room at all!

add BLOOMING fertilizer, about 10-50-10 will do the magic.

without all that you wont grow shit. :)


Well-Known Member
thanks numad and pookiedough for the help.

im going t get my grow room kitted out this weekend then i'l put a few pic up so you can see what its like and hopefully i can have some advice about whats right and wrong with it,

even if i got a little bit from one of them i would be happy, its my first attempt and with practice comes perfect, or so im told

:weed: thanks again


Well-Known Member
Honestly your plants dont look bad I have had plants that looked way worse than that and turned around greatly and produced. Just make sure you get them growing how you want them before you switch to 12/12 and it should work out. Good Luck.
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Well-Known Member
thanks hendry encuragment is much appreciated.

they get bigger and smellier each day that passes so hopefully when i get my grow room sorted properly they will be just fine.

hopefully they will work out, if not i have plenty more seeds

i know its kind of a hard question since you never seen them but my seeds had sort of a tiger stripe pattern on them. anyone know what they are?