My first attempt at growing

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Just look at what Tetra HyC does. He's my fucking hero. After looking at his sweet god grow I decided I would try to do what he does and learn what he knows and he uses coco and gets ridiculous results. I am a first-timer but the coco has treated me very well. I will experiment with everything else - light, nutes, ph, etc. - but they'll have to pry the coco out of my dead, lifeless hand.


Well-Known Member
yeah he is the shit man helped me out a lot and a really friendly guy that doesnt care about noobs asking noob questions he knows his shit and has it down pat deff some 1 you want in your growing corner


Well-Known Member
Hey hothouse, killer avatar man! What's going on out there, hot as shit yet? Been well over 100 out here...



Well-Known Member
used to have one.... was a drag to clear it... then we nitros powered it... it was still hard to clear it, but you didnt care as much... no one ever puked in it... we would have hurt them very_much.


Well-Known Member
you know i have seen that before ;)

what i hadnt seen before was how they got busted though... are we really surprised by:

"The men started stealing electricity from the local power lines to supply their fortress. They spliced into wires and caused power disruptions to the local area. Supervisors at the local power company were losing power somewhere and decided to look into it."

anytime an op gets busted there is only a couple reasons for it :(

now, what gets me is: how the FUCK did they build that and no one notice? :o

(soon as i answer that question....... let's just say i wont be stealing electric)


Well-Known Member
yea I wasn't to shocked when I read that... Im guessing that they had the means to build most of that themselves.. pretty fucking impressive...


Well-Known Member
that big hydrolic door and the 1000 HID lights would be a lot of stuff coming in to an empty and unlived in house :P


Well-Known Member
yea no doubt, shame they where smart enough to set that beast up but not smart enough to be able to run it without getting busted... a smaller legal herbal grow of some kind could have helped with the rational to need more power with the power company.. seems some good thought could have come up with something better than splicing and chasing a official off with a shotgun..