my first attempt on shrooms....


Well-Known Member
So been doing some looking around online and didnt really know where to start ..... Decided on to start simple and get a grow kit.... All in ones not available....ordered a extra large grow kit with sterilized subtrate ready for syringe...... Just wondering if y'all know of a strain that will have heavy stems and caps?? I know i has alot to do with the grow method but by chance want meat on the bones..... Got a dark fresh place picked out but is there any light necessary for fruiting ?? Well if there is any tips y'all know for a healthy crop lmk...
Yup was looking at the PE as a nice one to start.... Well what is your opinion on the size overall.... Will a stringy strain like z-strain yeild same weight overall or should PE weigh more even being hallow ?? Good point since they will be hallow either way
SWIM started his first grow box on Thursday is in a dark cabinet .... Building up condensation well so am wondering when to introduce light ?? I know 12 hours off and on may be too much ......figure give it 5 hours every other day.... Plz lmk wat yall think on the light
Yeah Swim went with b+ ........ Dont want to over do the light but to find a straight foward answer where ive looked online.... Wud 5 hours a day be fine??
Light is a primary trigger for many mushrooms, yours being one. Although fruiting can begin after only a few seconds of blue spectrum, you are best off with at least six hours a day.

Intermittent or low light levels will contribute to elongated stems, small caps and your crop will lean toward the light source.
good to know. i haven't tried cultivation of mushies yet but been wanting to. i read canndos thread on it and ill try it soon, at the moment im stuck on poppies, gonna be my girst significant harvest this year....
Thanx Canndo but think i could have used that info earlier on day 8 with no signs of white spots .....i left it in the dark a few days thinking it was for the best....guess im outta luck on this batch .....just started 3 days ago with a blue spectrum compact fluorescent....... But im thinking too late ...... What could cause just no results so i know better for next time around?? Dont want to give up ...just learning curve a assume
To initiate fruiting light is a trigger, as is a drop in temperature, and an increase in oxygen. B+ are well known to have hollow stems, and can be hit or miss with potency. The envys are stronger than most cubes, but are also finicky and you cannot make spore prints with them.
Ksss and cambos both colonize quickly, are reliable, and noob friendly.
Nope canndo i went ahead and placed what i got in the fruiting bag it came with...Yeah I can see ur right..... But when I opened the the box a blast of steam came out that normal?? The top layer is clean as the day I started but do see a whiteish block underneath........ Cool good to know I'm may be on the right track still.....,.. Thanx granola....I'm hoping pontency will be up there..,.. Cambos be next