My First Attempt. w/ Pics. Help Needed

After doing countless hours of research on how to grow. I need some expertise on if I'm setting things up correctly?

Setup so far:

1 plant. Unknown origin. Hopefully it's a female because the seed was giving to me from a friend, and he told me that I'm in for a surprise.

x5 27W/100W CFL's (5500k) [Only 2 being used.]
Custom Home w/ foil as reflective material.
x2 Weather Proof Y Splitters for the CFL's.
Decent Honeywell fan for stem strength.
1 Intel Processor Cooling Fan Not in use yet. Soon to be (Intake)
Nidec PC Cooling Fan Not in use yet. Soon to be (Exhaust)
Miracle Grow Organic Choice Soil.
Spray Bottle ;]

1. Do I need more light? Currently I'm only using 2 out of the 5 bulbs. Total of 2800 Lumens between both bulbs. Is that enough for one plant?

2. Did I choose the right soil?

3.Will the Honeywell fan do, or should I custom install the PC Fans?

4. What am I missing?

HELP!!! bongsmilie




Well-Known Member
ok at this stage cant tell the sex of the plant its just to early, secondley the plant is stretching move those lights closer to the plant to prevent this move them 2-4 inches from the plant
Ok thanks!! I forgot to mention that today is the first day it has been under lights like this. It was raised to this point by windowsill sunlight, and watering.


Well-Known Member
It all looks ok. I would add all 5 bulbs. More light can be better for your plant. The lights need to move closer to the plants to stop stretching them. That means you need to get those fans put on SOON.

I never bother with an intake fan. Passive intakes work great.
I would go for 2 exhausts, placed right up on the top of the box. This works coz hot air rises, and is extracted!

The light will be ample for the one plant.

Soil choice is good! You can always feed em along the way.

Scrap the foil, and replace it with mylar. Foil is not nearly as reflective, and gets loads of heat spots, coz of its conductivity.

My mylar is the foil giftwrap, which is made of mylar.. The NON PRINTED side is what you use as the reflector.

Good luck man!


Well-Known Member
As stated above, put all 5 lights in their for sure... They can be kept within 2-3 inches from the plant. Also, you might want to look into a scrog or low stress training method...It'll definately increase your yield. GL


Thanks guys! Also in the 4th picture I uploaded. What's wrong with the leaf?
when the leaves go brown etc.. It's the beginning of nutrient burn. It indicates that the plants have all the nutrients they can possibly use, and there's a slight excess. Back off the concentration of the nutrient solution just a touch, and the problem should disappear. also, try not to splash nutrient solutions on the leaves...
lights seem fine 6500k was your best bet but there ok keep them close to the top not to close to burn them. your plants are all skinny and spindley as there stretching for the light and you will have problems later on when the buds will be to heavy for the stem to support
Ok, to stop it from growing more height should I tie some branches down, or can I attempt to FIM the plant. That way I can have 2 plants?